Chapter 25

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It had been almost two weeks since your mission with Jesse. You had almost zero contact with him since your argument and to be honest you weren't sure if you could be without him much longer. Yes what he did was wrong but he was aloud to live his own life with whoever he wanted doing whatever he wanted. Who where you to come in and say he couldn't?
You where at the gym, training your hardest in order to stay in shape because you just weren't as motivated anymore. You had just finished wrapping your hands when you heard a commotion in the hallway. You looked up to see Hanzo enter the gym. Another person you hadn't talked to since you got back but that was not on purpose.
"Hey Hanzo" you smiled at him.
He looked stressed but never the less he still smiled back.
"Good afternoon (y/n)"
He made his way over to the treadmill while you started punching the punching bag. After a while you decided to take a break and get some water. You made your way over to the bench where all your stuff laid and sat down. Hanzo glanced over his shoulder before stopping the treadmill and walking over to sit next to you.
He seemed to have a troubled look on his face.
"Something wrong Hanzo?" You asked him
"It may not be my place but I think you should talk to Jesse" he said bluntly.
You got up for leave before he grabbed your arm.
"Just hear what I have to say" he pleaded.
"Listen, you and Jesse are my friends and I don't like seeing either of you like this"
"If you ask me this doesn't seem to be effecting Jesse at all" you rolled your eyes.
His face went dark.
"(Y/n), Jesse comes back from the bar totally wasted every night just rambling about how much he loves you and how bad he feels that he screwed up. If you ask me he really didn't do anything wrong. We love who we love and we can't help it, so please let him love you. Or you can sit here a pretend to train all day when your really thinking about him"
(Soo damn Hanzo just went off)
You where shocked; you honestly didn't expect any of that to come from Hanzo.
You gulped.
"Forgive me (y/n) that was not my place"
There was a brief silence.
"No, thank you I'm glad you said that. I think it's what I've been needing to hear"
The first part got you though.
"Has he really been coming back drunk every night?" You winced at the thought.
Hanzo nodded his head.
You felt horrible.
"Why hasn't he tried to talk to me?"
"He just figured you needed your space" Hanzo looked down.
You needed to apologize, you needed him and he needed you.
"Hanzo I got to go, thank you" you rushed out of the gym and sprinted your way to jesses room.
Passing several different overwatch agents on the way there they all said 'hi' but you didn't care as you ran past them.
You just needed to see Jesse.
You almost ran into his door as you stopped and hastily pulled out the key to his room. You had a spar from when you kinda lived with him.
Turning the knob you opened the door. It was dark, the air was stale and the room itself was dusty. You walked in as your foot hit something, looking down you noticed it was a empty bottle of whisky and looked further on there where more empty bottles of whisky. Making your way further into the room you noticed his bed hadn't been made and his curtain where closed.
He really was miserable.
You looked around some more for were he might be in his room but he wasn't there. You where about to walk out when Jesse walked in with a questioning look. He was tense but seemed to relax when he saw you. He had bags under his eyes and his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in forever.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here"
There was an always slinger between the two of you.
"I-I came to..... I came to apologize to you" you looked up at him.
He honestly seemed shocked.
"No (y/n) I'm the one who's supposed to be apologizin" he walked closer and closer to you.
"No let me finish! Look Jesse what happened between you and Ashe is in the past and I really had not right to get mad about that but when you said you were done with my bullshit that really hurt"
"What are you talking about?"
"A-Ashe said when you had just ran away and you met up with her that she asked you why you ran away and you said it was because you where done with my bullshit" you almost started crying while saying the last part.
"I never said that"
You looked up at him with hope in your eyes.
"Does that even sound like me?"
You shook you head.
"I-I just wasn't sure" you said
"(Y/n), to hell with Ashe and whatever she said. I love you and I need you. This kinda stuff really isn't all that easy for me to say ya know?" He stretched the back of his neck.
You closed the space between you kissing him.
"Jesse I love you too and I'm sorry I got so mad it just caught me off guard"
"Don't mention it darlin" he said before kissing you again.
You pulled away from the sweet kiss and place your forehead on his. You never realized how tired you where. You where sure Jesse felt the same way too as he wasn't saying anything or maybe he was just trying to savor the moment you weren't sure.
"It was too long apart" you whispered
He kissed you forehead. You looked at you right in the eyes before caressing your face with both hands.
"(Y/n) I need to talk to you about something serious".

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