Chapter 23

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Aye this is my lucky number!
Also enjoy the shit that about to go down;)

"What do you mean history lesson?" Your eyes narrowed as you looked at her.
The robot holding you finally stopped squeezing you as it held you above the ground in its death grip.
"Oh he didn't tell ya?" She sneered before slowly walking in your direction.
She came face to face with you before stopping. She raised her hand and grabbed you chin.
"Haven't you always wondered why he ran away?" She smirked
"Of course he told me, deadlock threatened to kill his parents and I if he didn't go with them" you glared at her.
What was she trying to say?
She was chuckling but not long before her chuckle turned into a laugh.
"Is that really what he told you?!"
You scrunched your eyebrows together.
"What do you m-"
"You want to really know why he ran away?! He ran away because he was sick of your bullshit! He came to me before he left and a week later I ran away too. But I betcha didn't notice cause you where to sad over Jesse runnin away"
You heart stopped.
Tears pricked your eyes, could he really have thought that? Said that?
That didn't sound like the Jesse you knew.
"Your lying" you spat in her face.
She grunted a slashed a face across your face.
"I'm afraid not dear, you see him and I got closer until eventually we shared some memorable nights together. Later on he went on a mission and got caught and then he joined overwatch"
Her story made sense in the timeline in your head but Jesse didn't seem like the kind of man to fall of this bitch. You refused to think that he would even consider it.
"You psycho bitch, you really think I'd believe that he slept with you?" You questioned
"Of course, why don't you ask him yourself"
Turning the corner were two men holding a struggling Jesse.
"What took you so long?" She snapped at them.
"Sorry ma'am, he seemed to be a lot more trouble then we originally thought" the man had sweat dripping down his face as he answered her.
"Let me go ya bastards!" Jesse shifted to try to get out of their grasps.
"Let him go"
"Ma'am are you s-"
"Are you questioning my decisions?" Ashe said raising her tone of voice.
"N-no ma'am"
The two men scurried off before Ashe could unleash whatever she was thinking of.
Jesse ran at Ashe, she stood there and simply point a handgun at you. Jesse stopped dead in his tracks, his expression mortified.
"Know know cowboy, I think (y/n) has a question to ask you" she smiled
You looked right into his eyes as he looked right at yours. You held each others gaze before you looked down at the ground. You felt foolish for even thinking it but you knew you needed too.
"Jesse.....did you ever...."
"Speak!" Ashe yelled at you
"Did you ever sleep with Ashe!" You slammed your eyes shut as you blurted it out.
His expression looked hurt but not the kind of hurt you thought. He looked sorry for you. His gaze also went down to the ground as his brown bangs covered his eyes.
You couldn't believe it.
"Well isn't that answer enough?" Ashe laughed out.
Ashe had bullied you since before you knew how to talk while Jesse had always been your biggest supporter. Only for you to realize he actually despised you and had the hots for Ashe!
As she laughed out she pulled the trigger releasing a loud boom before a metal bullet came hurdling towards you. Luckily you had activated you power just in time for you to manipulate it. The bullet missing the side of your head by only a couple centimeters.
Only then after hearing the boom did jesses head spring up, his look horrified before realizing what you had done. It looked as if he was relieved. Not that you cared.
Wait.....the robot! A surge of anger flew through you as you tried connecting your power and channeling it to one spot. You touched the robots arm and activated you power. It dropped you on the ground as you quickly got up. You turned around before grabbing this knife from your boot and stabbing the robot in the head. By this time Jesse already had a gun pointed onto ashes head. She seemed disgusted by the sight of him but frankly you couldn't say you were very fond of him either at the moment.
You grabbed ashes handgun from the ground and brushed it off. You held it up only to hold her any other gun to her head.
"Ashe we are taking your into custody for the crimes of gang violence and the use of illegal dynamite" you stated.
You called Athena to come pick you up as you gathered some of the other gang members. Several members threatened to kill you but you paid no mind as you looked at the person across from you. Honestly you had been avoiding him, not wanting to hear what he has to say after what Ashe explained. The ship was able to land close to the town this time since everyone already knew you where hear at this point. You placed the criminals in their cells on the ship before glaring over at Jesse who was standing next to you.
"We are going to have a chat when we are done" you snarled.

Okay okay shit just went down! I bet you hate me know! Being like why did Jesse do that! I thought this was a good story! Don't worry it is and it goes with the sorry so chill out just a tad. Also I have to apologize because I am so tried that I'm like falling asleep while I'm writing this so I am truly sorry for any mistakes in grammar that I might have made.

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