Chapter 20

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Oml guys we finally hit twenty chapters! Are you guys still enjoying the story? Your opinion is very important to me so please share! Also I'm a idiot and put 'sweat' instead of 'sweet' in the last chapter. I apologize the only time I can write these are later at night before I go to sleep so I'm sorry if anything is wrong with them.
Last chapter-
If you didn't read last chapter basically the found Ashe and she brought up (y/n) abusive parents which made her mentally unstable.

Jesse had carried your now sleeping figure to the inn. He had gotten a room and placed you down on the bed. This was your first mission with just the two of you together and look how it had turned out already. You where mentally unstable and unable to focus. He thought about just calling off the mission and having someone else come do it but he knew that would raise to much suspicion and you wouldn't like that. He gently took your shoes off and placed them on the ground before undoing your ashy clothing from your body. He grabbed a warm rag and cleaned off your face. He figured that you could do the rest once you woke. He sat down in the chair next to bed. Sighing before he took off his hat and tossed it somewhere in the room.
Jesse just sat there looking at your sleeping figure. He knew he should have killed your parents the second they ever laid a hand on you but he didn't. He new it was happening but yet he did nothing as you showed up time and time again to his house with a fresh set of bruises and cuts. He hated himself for that.
You shuffled in bed causing him to come back from zoning out. He sighed once more before looking back at you one last time before getting in the shower. He left the bathroom door open so he could hear if you got up. However you didn't move.
Once out of the shower he put on his underwear and climbed into bed with you. He made sure to keep his distance just in case. He didn't know what to expect with you like this. He placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder before rubbing it and rolling over to go to sleep.

You had shuffled around enough in bed that you had woken yourself up. You tried to sleep again but no sleep came. You tossed and turned but you just couldn't seem to make it happen. You glanced over to the sleeping body next to you. Something about him seemed familiar. You grew hot as you thought of him. You found yourself on top of him. You straddled his waist while tears poured down your face. Your silent cried had woken him up once he felt the wetness on his chest. He opened his eyes and looked worried.
"Hey (y/n)? What is it?" He asked almost as a whisper.
You just cried harder before pulling at the rim of his boxers.
"(Y/n), what are you doing hon?" He questioned
"M-make love to m-me, I n-need you" you cried out as your laid yourself on his chest and sobbed some more.
"Hey hey hey shhh" he stroked the back of you hair with his metal hand while the other held your waist.
"(Y/n)" he lifted your face so that you where facing him.
"(Y/n) look at me" both on his hands grabbed either side of your face.
"(Y/n), your not in your right mind"
"But I w-want y-you! I need y-you! Just love me d-dammit!" You yelled out as fresh tears fell down you already stained face.
You where an absolute mess.
You grabbed at his boxers again while trying to undo your bra. Jesse hands grabbed a hold of your arms. You pulled away and started hitting his chest. You cried harder and harder as he let you take your anger and frustration and confusion out on him. Eventually he grabbed both of you arms once again and wrapped them around your body.
"Sh sh....(y/n), it's okay I'm right here" you where facing away from his chest at this point as he held you down.
You just kept on crying and crying, the tears never seemed to end. Every strike that your parents had ever landed on you was happening over and over in your head driving you insane.
"Jesse, Jesse, Jesse......I love y-you.... don't leave me please!"
"It's okay (y/n) I won't, I won't leave you no matter what" he whispered into your ear before kissing your temple.
You trembled in his arms and cried some more before finally the tears stopped. You had no more tears left to cry.
(Ooo Arianna grande)
Your struggle had died down and jesses grip had loosened around you after you stopped thrashing around. You took a few minutes to catch your breathe. You tried to think of anything else besides your parents. Instead you  thought about Jesse. How he would bandage you up every time you would visit. How his mom would cook you guys dinner every night.
The way his dad had always treated you like his own daughter. They where better parents to you then your biological abusers.  As you relaxed in his arms Jesse noticed.
"(Y/n)?" He asked hoping for an answer.
"Jesse?" You questioned back
"You should get some sleep doll" you could hear the relief in his voice.
"Don't worry I'll be right here all night" he whispered before you slowly fell asleep in his arms. 
You knew this wasn't going to be an easy mission but you where going to take down Ashe if was the last thing you ever did.

I practically fell asleep while writing this so I apologize if the grammar sucks. Also I realize there really isn't a lot of lemons and smut in this book so I'll make sure to add some more of that when possible.👍🏻

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