Chapter 11

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You held out your hand for him to take. He chuckled and got up from his spot at the bar.
"Hanzo I'll see ya later" he gestured a goodbye before turning to you as you pulled him onto the dance floor.
You where about to jam out when the lights went low and a slow song came on. (I chose 'lay by your side' by Sam smith, but you can do whatever)
Jesse face went from smiling to serious as he grabbed onto your waist and guided you around the floor. For a spilt second you had forgotten there where other people in the room, just the two of you. You looked him in the eyes, he seemed so sure of himself. You smiled as he spun you around for the last part of the song and brought you close. You blushed at his actions and tried to back away but he grip held you. His eyes told stories that couldn't bear words
The song ended and everyone clapped, he finally let go of you and you smiled at him.
"You not to bad at dancing" you smirked
"Nah I just came across a good partner is all" he nodded.
Suddenly you where grabbed from behind by none other then Lena.
"Hello love! I need to talk to ya" her voice was suggestive and you knew this would happen.
She led you over to a group of the girls including a drunk Angela who apparently hadn't left.
Lena looked around before finally facing you and smiling.
"Sooo have you kissed?" She asked excitedly
"Kissed who?" You asked
"Duh, Jesse of course it pretty obvious you two are a thing" diva added in
"W-what! I don't like him!" You blushed
"Uh huh"
Angela pipped in "have you guys had sex yet?"
Followed with pharah "how big is he?"
All the girls where bombarding you with questions that you didn't want to even begin to answer.
"Okay okay enough! Listen, it's not like that!" You struggled to say
"Yeah okay like we are supposed to believe that, he's in love with the thought of you, I mean honestly. It doesn't take a genius" Ana said
You sighed, this was joy getting through to them. You didn't really like him like that did you? Then why did you kiss him? Why did you feel butterflies everyone he was around?
You had zoned out and not even noticed that the girls had shut up, you wondered why looking behind you only to find Jesse standing there as if he was about to tap your shoulder. He looked down at you
"(Y/n), I was just coming over to ask you if you wanted a drink" he smiled innocently
You could hear the girls in the background whistling and clapping.
"Uh sure" he grabbed your hand leading you towards where Hanzo was sitting. You looked back at Angela who winked at you before shaking your head.
You, Jesse and Hanzo had had several more drinks before you started to feel a bit tipsy while Jesse was still going strong.
Jesse noticed your words started to slur together slightly and cut you off.
"I can take her to her room" Hanzo said getting up from his stool but a hand stopped him.
"Nah don't trouble yourself, I was leaving anyway" Jesse smiled smoking his cigar.
We said our goodbyes before Jesse took your hand and started leading you towards your room.
He took your keys that he had in his pocket since your dress didn't have any and unlocked the door.  You walked in first before plopping on your bed.
"Come on let's get you to bed darlin" he said while taking off your shoes.
"Mmmm~ okie" you giggled.
You rolled over so that your dress hiked up showing him just a small bit of your underwear. You saw him gulp which made you giggle more.
"You have no idea what the girls w-what the girl told me tonight" you words didn't seem right but you went with it.
He raised an eyebrow in interest.
"God there funny...okay so first they a-asked in we kissed.........then t-they asked I-if if we had done it but then the funnier part was when t-they asked how big you are" you busted out in a giggle fit.
You where really drunk at this point.
"I don't know how big you areeeeeeee.....I meann your taller then mmeeee so" you trailed off.
Jesses face was bright red as you told him all this information. Obviously your drunk self was not getting what the girls had been implying.
"Sweet heart I think you need to sleep" he said caressing your cheek.
"You knknow what???"
"I don't think I've everrrrrr told anyone thiiiiiis before......promise you w-won't tell jessse?"
"Okay" he chuckled looking at you
"I thinkkkk I l-love him buttt i can't t-tell himmmm yet"
"And why would that be?"
"Becausssssse he might leave me again" your eyes began to water as your drunk self thought of him leaving you.
"Hey Shhhh shhh it okay, look I'm sure he won't leave you. I think he loved you too" Jesse said while grabbing your hand.
"Yyyyou sure?"
Jesse had never loved you lord then in this moment but he couldn't act on his feelings. You where drunk and he would be taking advantage of you. Instead he picked you up and tucked you in the blankets of your bed before taking undoing a few buttons and loosening his tie. He went and sat on your chair before slowing dosing off while looking at you.

Okay you guys! That are almost together and I love it!! I really like them together and I wish it would just happen but things must go on!! Also I apologize for not updating sooner, I was really tired and fell asleep while writing this! Sorry guys! And don't forget I love you so much as you are worth it! Also this chapter was kind of short I apologize.

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