coffee date + rainy night

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The rain pattered gently against the windows, creating a soothing rhythm that filled the room with a sense of calm. Jenna and you lay curled up in bed, the warmth of the blankets and each other’s presence creating a perfect cocoon against the cool, rainy night outside.

You both had spent the evening watching movies and chatting, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm light over the room. Jenna’s head rested on your shoulder, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on your arm as you both listened to the rain.

“This is so nice,” Jenna murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s been a long week. I love nights like this.”

You smiled, running your fingers through her hair. “Me too. It’s perfect.”

After a moment of comfortable silence, Jenna’s eyes brightened with an idea. “How about we have a little coffee date right here? It’s been ages since we’ve done that.”

You raised an eyebrow, amused. “A coffee date in bed?”

“Exactly,” Jenna said, grinning. “Let’s make it special. I’ll go make us some coffee, and we can enjoy it while we snuggle.”

You nodded enthusiastically, and Jenna slipped out of bed, pulling on a cozy robe before heading to the kitchen. The sound of the coffee machine soon joined the gentle patter of the rain, adding a comforting aroma to the mix.

When Jenna returned with two steaming mugs of coffee, she settled back into bed beside you, handing you one of the mugs. You both took a moment to savor the warmth of the coffee and the closeness of each other.

As you sipped your drinks, you chatted about everything and nothing, the rain providing a soothing backdrop to your conversation. Jenna’s laughter filled the room, and you felt a deep sense of contentment as you watched the rain trickle down the windowpane.

The night stretched on, filled with the simple pleasure of good company and the gentle sound of rain. As the coffee cups emptied and the warmth of the beverages faded, you both nestled closer, savoring the intimate, rainy-night coffee date that felt like the perfect end to a cozy evening.

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