Chapter Twenty: Bloody

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Today, Enzo's job in the Glade will be chosen. Over the past two weeks, I've seen him less and less, he's been trying really hard in all of his trials, and I'm so proud. In the little chats we do have, I can tell he's taking a liking to Newt, mentioning him in almost every conversation.

I sit up in my hammock, surprisingly awake despite the painfully, unreasonably early time, and stretch my arms out as wide as possible. Chuck comes sprinting into them, and I fall backwards as we collide. "Ah-" I yelp, landing in a pile on the floor. "Oh, good morning Chucky, you're up early." I rub my eyes, he's never up in time for breakfast, let alone an hour before.

I stand up and begin wiping the dirt off me, feeling something across the back of my pants. "Chuck, do I have dirt on my ass?" I ask him, twisting my head around my body in an attempt to see. His mouth drops wide and tears emerge from his eyes.

"Oh my god! Y/n! You're bleeding! What happened? Are you okay?" He repeats frantically, moving closer to me to try and figure out how I'm bleeding. I stare at him, extremely confused. "Bleeding?" I ask him and he nods violently, fear stuck in his eyes.

I drop my gaze to where he's looking and release a loud "ohhhh".

My period.

I'd honestly forgotten about that. I can just about remember being on my last day when I first came to the Glade, so I probably didn't worry about it too much. I'm snapped back from my notion as I feel Chuck start clinging to my leg, tears running down his face.

"Y/n, you're gonna die! W-we gotta take you to the med jacks", he sputters, yanking me by my hand. "No, no, no, no-" I protest, not wanting them to get involved with his. "Chuck, NO!" I yank my hand away and he shoves my chest lightly. "Y/n! You're gonna die, come on!" He screams, wiping away his fresh tears.

I start chuckling at him, and he stares at me in disbelief. "Chuck, I'm not going to die. Yes, I am bleeding, but not in that way. Can you just go and get Gally please?" I ask him, covering my mouth from my giggles as he nods sharply and runs off. I position myself against the med jack hut, shielding the back of my pants from everyone.

"Y/n, what happened? Chuck told me you're bleeding, are you okay?" Gally asks desperately, cupping my face to check me for injuries. I remove his hands and laugh at him. "I'm fine Gal, I just need your help." He nods obediently, waiting patiently for my orders.

"Y'know how every month, girls get their, uhm, 'ladies days'?" I ask awkwardly, using exaggerated quotation marks. I'm met with a deep look of pure confusion and drop my face into my hands. "Their what?" He asks, and I groan. "Oh, come on, you know" I say, urging him with my hands but he just shakes his head and frustration boils within me.

I keep attempting to send him hints, but he just cannot seem to get them.

"My period you jacked dickhead!" I scream at him, before covering my mouth with my hand. That same hand soon moves to the back of my neck, rubbing it with embarrassment. "Erm, sorry, that was mean." I whisper, but Gally just laughs. "All good n/n, what do you need?" He asks, tucking a small strand of hair behind my ear.

"On the top shelf in the med-jack hut", I begin, jabbing my thumb to the shack behind us, "there's a small pack. Can you grab me one of the tampons please?" I find it hard to look at him as I ask, overly self-conscious about the whole situation. He simply nods and runs inside, and I tap my foot against the floor, praying that he's quick.

He appears from the door, my small pouch tucked in his arms. I cough slightly on my laughter as he looks from side to side, obviously not wanting anyone to see him carrying a period pack. "Here you go sailor", he says, passing me the pack as I thank him, turn, and sprint to the bathrooms. As I run, I call behind me, "Get Newt to shift his ass to the showers ASAP!", and I hear him begin jogging to the trackhoes.

I slam the door to the showers behind me, instantly turning on the water and scrubbing myself down, knowing Newt wouldn't take long. "Y/n?" He calls from outside. "In here Newt, did you bring me some clothes?" I ask him, and he passes them through the small gap beneath the stall door. "Thank you! And be careful with these, they're a little, uh, bloody." I warn him as I pass my previous outfit back out to him.

I finish my shower, get changed and 'prepare myself', before leaving the stall. Newt is trying his hardest not to touch my clothes after I told him why they were bloody, and it was hysterical. As I grabbed them from his arms, I contemplated throwing something in his face, but then I thought that was a bit too far and he'd probably consider it a hate crime.

I slung it straight into the wash tub, scrubbing my pants endlessly so that Chuck wouldn't have to. I couldn't do that to him, no matter how hilarious it would be.

I sigh, wiping my soggy hands on my fresh jeans, walking over to the kitchen to help the other cooks prepare breakfast.

"Y/n! Where have you been?" Fry asks, waving his finger in my face as I begin chopping. "I had an emergency", I say, giggling at his antics. "Oh really? What kind of emergency?" He persists, squinting his eyes with suspicion. "My period", I reply bluntly, and they all stop what they're doing.

"Oh." Fry says, dropping his hands to his side. Before I can even start laughing at their faces, Frypan starts fussing over me, asking if I need some time off or a hot water bottle or anything and I have to cover my mouth so as not to laugh too hard. "Fry, I'll be fine, let's just get cooking", I say, patting him on the back as I turn back to my work.

The boys file into their line on schedule, still rubbing their eyes and yawning with pieces of hair sticking out at odds and ends.

I decide to give Jack a break, resuming my standard position at the serving base. I keep the flow of the line steady, just passing the boys their food and saying good morning, rarely stopping to chat.

Hank walks up, right in front of Gally, and begins talking to me. "Morning y/n, how's your greenie going?" He asks as I pass his bowl into his hands. "He's going great! Today his job gets chosen though so I bet he's nervous as shit", I reply, looking over to Lorenzo and the others at our table. "He'll be fine, especially with a mentor like you." He winks at me and I laugh, snapping my view back to him.

"Keep walking shuck-face, I want my food." Gally barks from behind, causing Hank to say a quick goodbye and scurry off to the builders. Gally grabs my face, pulling me into a passionate kiss, harder than usual. I pull away after a few seconds, holding his bowl in my hands. "Uhm Gally... this is your food", I say, pointing to the bowl. He laughs, pecking me on the cheek before taking it from my hands and moving over to his table, Hank's eyes flicking between us as I chuckle to myself.

Once the line disintegrates, I collect my own bowl, skipping over to my table, the scent of our tomato soup lingering in my nose. "Y/n! You're alive!" Chuck screams, throwing his arms around me as I desperately try not to spill my soup. Mike had served him when I was helping Fry fix the handle of his pan, so he probably thought I was dead.

"Yes Chuck, I lived", I sigh, acting as though I had been through some life-threatening, traumatic experience. "Uh, what's going on?" Newt asks, wondering why I was apparently alive as though something might have changed that. "As you know Newticus, I got my period, Chuck thought I was dying", I say, laughing as I take a few sips of my soup. The rest of the boys erupt into laughter, patting each other to calm down.

"What?" Chuck says, his puppy eyes returning, he obviously didn't get what we were talking about. "What's a period?" He continues, causing the boys laughter to grow. I ruffle his hair before placing my bowl down, getting myself mentally prepared to have this conversation with him.

"Right, well, uhm, you know how girls can have babies?" I ask him, trying to use my hands to help my awkward explanation. "Yes..." he says, nodding his head slowly, fear and discomfort lining his chocolate eyes. The rest of the boys sit beside us silently and I shoot them pleading glares for not helping, instead, they all just cover their mouths and giggle quietly together.

"Every month, girls get their period, which pretty much just means we bleed in order to be able to have kids. It usually lasts 5-7 days." I state quickly, trying to move on from the conversation. "Does it hurt?" He asks, and the rest of the boys stop laughing, as if they wanted to know the answer as well. "Fuck yes. Imagine getting kicked in the balls repeatedly." I laugh at their faces as they scrunch up, picturing the scene I just painted in their minds.

I watch as Chuck stares blankly at his tomato soup, obviously scarred from what we just talked about. I'd already finished mine, and it was delicious. So, I did what Minho does to me, and snatched it from him, chugging a few gulps before handing it back to him and wiping my mouth. He shifts it back across the table and I grin, finishing it off. "Thanks Chuckles." I say, ruffling his hair as he continues to stare blankly at the table. I didn't mean to traumatise him, but it's important knowledge, and the kid is just too squeamish.

I pat his head once again, returning to the kitchen to assist Frypan in the drawling activity of dishwashing. It's quite fun now that we have an operating radio, all of us quietly humming along to whatever song was playing. After its arrival, we soon realised that each station plays the same 50 songs on repeat, and we've grown quite accustomed to them. Thankfully, they're all legendary, none of them being ones that you could easily get sick of.

At lunch, I sit with the cooks again, as Jack was dissing my awesome knife-throwing skills. "Y/n, I've seen your skills, and they're great, they just aren't good enough to hit that patch of ivy." He states, shrugging. I scoff and my gaze returns to the twists of jade he was referring to. It hung effortlessly over the far north wall, cascading down it, just out of reach.

I admit, it would be extremely difficult to hit something on the wall, especially something at that angle, but his dismissive perspective of my ability gave me a firm sense of encouragement. 

"Come on then you prick." I say, spinning a knife in my hand and strutting out of the kitchen. I can hear Fry chuckle behind me, and feel Jacks eyes roll as he follows me close behind. We gather a few looks from the other Gladers, but I brush past, my view plastered on the emerald leaves that draped as my target.

"Right." I say, peering up at the wall as I release a deep breath.

Come on y/n, you can do this.

I shake my arms, cracking my neck as I ready the knife in my hand. Jack stands behind me, arms crossed over his chest, watching me with his eyebrow raised in challenge. Since my first attempt at throwing knives, I had done a lot of practice. I spend every free minute I have throwing them at my favourite tree that I enjoy beating up. I'd had almost a month of constant practice; he had only seen me after one day.

I lifted my left arm out in front of me, positioning it to mark my eyeline and the centre of my throw. I shift my weight backward, reeling the knife behind me before releasing it. It slices through the air, landing just below the ivy, before detaching from the wall. I can hear Jack behind me laughing softly. "No worries y/n, it's hard, don't beat yourself up about it."

I can feel the anger seethe inside me. He doesn't think I can do it. Of course he doesn't. I hear him begin to turn around, probably to return to the kitchen. Grabbing his arm, I spin him back to the wall, my rage turning into desperation as I decided to have one last try at this seemingly impossible task.

This time, I don't hold my arm up, and I plant my feet to strengthen my centre of gravity. I take a deep breath, not allowing my eyes to leave my target spot. In a quick flick, the knife has left my hand, and I close my eyes, not wanting to see the outcome.

"Holy shuck n/n", Jack exclaims, resting his hand on my shoulder. The look on his face prompts me to peer upwards, and my mouth drops. There, in the heart of the ivy, was my knife, embedded deeply into the cracking wall. I shake myself from my trance, drowning in pride. "Told you fuckface. Don't doubt me again." I told him, smiling as I pat his shoulder and strut back towards the kitchen, leaving him to marvel at my work.

Fry and I cannot shut up about my little performance, especially since Jack's mouth still hasn't closed, and my knife still hasn't fallen. We even take a small field trip to go check it out, tightly wedged inside the concrete, causing Fry to absolute piss himself with laughter at how cool I am.

We all return to the kitchen, the boys treating me with a new level of respect and gratification. None of them really thought I could do it, even if they insisted that they believed in me.

Just as we've returned to cooking, Frypan's hands shoot to his face, holding them in horror. "Oh shuck!" He screams, and we all look at him in concern. "Chuck stole the honey again!" He continues, going to grab his frying pan but I grab his arm. "I'll find him, calm down Fry, it'll be fine." I reassure him, laughing at how riled up he was. He nods and I shoot out of the kitchen, running aimlessly around the Glade in search for Chuck. Panic began to grow within me- without the honey, our celebratory potatoes would be a far cry from the special meal that Enzo deserves tonight.

I sprint through each corner of the Glade, scanning familiar faces under the setting sun. Each negative shake of a head sent my heart plummeting further. I reach the gardens, calling out Chuck's name with increasing urgency. I catch a glimpse of something brown flickering behind a stake of tomatoes, so I swing my head around the wooden frame calling out, "Chuck!". Unfortunately, I was met with Newt's confused, frowning face. "Oh", I sighed, disheartened, as I leant against the stake.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Newt stands up, resting himself on his large hoe-type contraption. "It's Chuck", I begin, regaining my breath, "He's stolen the honey, and Fry's gone full griever". Newt chuckled, wiping his brow and tapping his chin thoughtfully. "He's probably not far, have you tried places no one really goes to?"

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in my head. The bloodhouse. Of course he would be there, how did I not think of that earlier? He knows how much I hate going inside, it's the perfect place to hide away. "Thank you so much Newt, you beautiful British idiot", I say, kissing him on the cheek before sprinting away, straight for the bloodhouse.

I stop outside, taking an extremely deep breath in, preparing myself for what I was about to walk into. I hold my nose and step inside, using every small part of strength in my body not to look at Winston's special stump. "You little shit", I spit as I spy Chuck sitting in the chicken pen, one hand holding the honey bottle while the other remains fist-deep inside his mouth.

I snatch the bottle from his hands, turning and speed-walking out of the bloodhouse, ignoring Chuck's pleas. "Y/n, please! Frypan will kill me!" He begs, trying his best to keep up with me as my view stays frozen ahead. "Well, you should've thought of that before you stole our honey you silly buggar." I finally reply, trying with full effort not to laugh, just as I slip into the kitchen and Chuck runs with everything he's got. I place what's left on the counter for Fry, who grabs his pan and runs outside, knowing he has a chance to catch Chuck. The rest of us finish preparing the meal for everyone else.


At dinner, I hastily sit myself down at our table, eager to chat with Lorenzo before his big night. Thankfully, he was the only person there. "Enzo, how're you feeling?" I ask him, resting my grubby elbows on the table with my chin in my hands. "Pretty nervous..." He replies, eyes glued to the small lines on the wood as he traces them with his finger. "Don't be, I'm sure everyone's gonna ask for you, you did much better than I did at almost everything." I pat his arm, reassuring him that he doesn't need to worry.

"Thanks n/n", He smiles, placing his hand on mine.

"Hey, Enzo?" I ask him, peering at him with curiosity. "Yeah?" He asks, eyes meeting mine. "You know how you're gay," I began, leaning over to him to speak in a hushed tone. He nods his head slowly, trying to decipher where this conversation is going. "Well, does anyone else know?" I continue, returning to my spot on the opposite side of the table. "No, but I'm not against telling people, it just hasn't come up." I smile, glad that I was the first person he told.

Before we can continue our conversation, we're rudely interrupted by the others walking in, Minho giving me a hard slap on my back. "Ouch! Minho, I swear to God if you do that one more time I'm going to cut your hair unevenly in your sleep." I threaten him, staring him down intensely. His eyes flood with panic, shaking his head profusely as he runs his fingers through his 'perfect' hair. I know it was his favourite part about himself, from the hour he spends every single morning teasing it.

"Come on y/n, not his hair!" Newt joins, throwing the back of his hand to his face dramatically. "That's his pride and joy!" Chuck continues, pouting slightly. "You might as well just deform his child." Enzo mutters, just loud enough for us to hear. Minho shoves them all lightly, flicking Lorenzo on his cheek as we all burst into laughter.

A tinge of anxiety fogs over our small group once everyone's finished eating, and the keepers all prepare themselves for the meeting. I hold Enzo's arm supportively, noticing his brows furrowing as he watches them all enter the hut. "Come on, you can help me wash up." I pull him along as he groans, obviously not looking forward to our little job.

Somehow, as we're scrubbing dishes, we break into a water fight that by some means leads to us pretending to be in the army, using our fingers as guns and staying pressed up against walls around the kitchen.

I'm hiding behind a fortress of pots and pans, listening attentively as I hear Enzo's light footsteps tread across the floor. As he gets closer, I roll along the floor, catching him by surprise. I stand up and sprint away, out of the kitchen and on my way to the homestead. 

I press my back hard against the side of the building, sneaking quick glances across the Glade to spy Lorenzo crouching slightly, walking over to the homestead with his finger gun outstretched.

He gets closer, and closer to the side of the homestead I'm on, so I carefully jog to the other side. My head wraps around the wall, and I can just make out by his creeping shadow that he's checking the position I was just in.

I tread lightly, trying to make as minimal sound as possible, judging his movements from his shadow. We must look like total idiots, but we don't care, this is fun.

I peer around the corner, and see his back facing me, slowly walking towards the backside of the building. I shove his back, hard, and he lands on the floor. I spin him over and position myself over his chest, holding my finger gun to his head.

"Bye bye" I say to him in a sing song tone, producing a small wave and a sweet smile before 'pulling the trigger' and making a loud 'BANG' noise. He fakes dead for a few seconds before I pat his chest. "Damn it, I was so close" He whinges as I get off him, offering him my hand to help him

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