Hello there! It's been like... Uh... A year? Maybe two? Anyways I used to have a longer chapter but my phone crashed. Lmao.
I'm here to apologize for being gone so long (ahahaaaa like every other author). I disappeared because I switched accounts without warning. For that I'm sorry. I've been trying to recover this account for months noe though and only 2 days ago was I able to actually get it back. Long story short, I was to lazy to sort my library so I dropped the account.
Anyway, now that I'm here. WHY DOES THIS STILL GET TRACTION WHAT THE FUCK???? Its like, old. And bad. Why does it still have a shit ton of views and comments? I'm afraid of yall. You horny bastards. >:(
I read all your comments btw. And I must say... I have no clue as to how to feel. Whether I should be flattered, uncomfortable, or disgusted in a sense. It doesn't matter. I'm more flattered than anything btw, thank you. Really. I'm probably gonna rewrite this book though! And take requests probably, though I hold the right to refuse any. It's nice being back in this account. Have a good day/evening/night! And remember, stay hydrated!
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