Dear Readers:
I'm sorry that this isn't an update like you all want, and I apologize that I've been so inactive. When I first wrote this book, I never expected people to actually like it, or for it to get so many views and people saving them. I'm genuinely surprised that the book hasn't died yet, considering how bad these chapters are. At first, I was planning on rewriting the other chapters, however... I'm just not... feeling it? You see, when I first wrote this, I was heavily interacting with the series, I was in love with it basically. However, That's no longer the case. I've long since lost interest in the series and in writing erotic scenes unless required to in a story. I like building up to it. Not to mention, I've taken a bit of an interest in writing more... mature/triggering topics. In shorter words, horror, twisted romance, gore. I don't see the point of continuing a book where everything will feel forced and you, my dear readers, will not enjoy. I appreciate all the support you have given me and this book, and I will not be deleting it in case any of you would like to go down the memory lane road and read back on this, but I will be discontinuing this book. That or eventually, if I even feel the need to come back to it, then a very indefinite hiatus. I doubt there will be any more updates, but I can't rule out the possibility of someday getting back on this show and deciding to write a new chapter on it.
That was all I needed to say, thank you for reading or simply skimming through this dumb post. I just felt it wasn't necessary to continuously disappear without an explanation. I love you all, take good care.
-Sincerely, your Author
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