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Auradon had no homophobics. Jay and Carlos were quite happy with that because they were both gay. Both knew that the other one was gay but they didn't know that the other was secretly crushing on the other. Diego De Vil and Jade both knew that Jay and Carlos liked each other. Jay and Carlos were extremely close to them and Jade just so happened to be engaged to Diego. They were getting married soon.

Jay and Carlos were watching 2017 Beauty And The Beast for, like, the billionth time that year. The Tale As Old As Time scene was approaching.

"Are you excited for the wedding tomorrow?" Jay asked Carlos.

"Sort of. It's almost surreal. I'm so happy for Diego and Jade."

"Do you even know how to slow dance?"


"Come on. Let's practice." Jay grabbed Carlos' wrists and they walked to the middle of the room. Jay paused the movie. "So, follow my lead."

"Y-Yes, Jay." Carlos stammered. Jay held up his hand with while his other hand grabbed Carlos' waist. Carlos held Jay's hand and he placed his hand on Jay's shoulder. Jay played Tale As Old As Time and he did the dance scene with Carlos. Carlos felt amazing, knowing that his crush was teaching him to dance. Carlos soon got  the hang of the whole dancing thing and he smiled at Jay. The scene ended and the two boys leaned in for a kiss. There was a knock on their door. Jay answered it.

"Hey, guys." Evie smiled.

"What up?" Jay smiled.

"Just coming to let you know that I'm singing Tale As Old As Time tomorrow at the wedding." Evie left.

At the wedding.

It was time for the dance between Diego and Jade. Mal was singing Can You Feel The Love Tonight? from The Lion King. Everyone clapped for her as Evie replaced her spot. Tale As Old As Time started playing from the band.

"So, do you want to dance or not?" Jay asked Carlos. Carlos just shrugged. "It'll be fun, puppy." Jay peck kissed Carlos on his forehead.

"Ok." Carlos walked onto the dance floor with Jay and they did the slow dance they practiced the night before as Evie started singing. Mal and Evie smiled at them.

"This is fun." Jay spun Carlos.

"Yeah." Carlos' heart skipped a beat as Jay dipped him. Their lips made contact for second then they carried on dancing. "Jay, I love you." Carlos blushed.

"I love you too, puppy." Jay brought Carlos away from the dance floor as Evie nailed the last note. The two boys leant up against the wall. Jay suddenly pinned Carlos against the wall. Carlos whimpered at the sudden violence but he brushed it off as Jay's lips attacked his. Carlos pulled Jay towards him and he grinded his body on his. Jay licked Carlos' lips as if to ask for an invitation. Carlos allowed it and he moaned as he felt Jay's tongue on his. Jay was moving his arms all around Carlos' body. So did Carlos. Jay peck kissed Carlos' lips as they parted.

"Jay, will you be my boyfriend?" Carlos asked.

"Yes." Jay hugged him.

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