7: What it Takes to be a Hero?

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Izuku and Jaune were now at U.A's Entrance until a familiar loose dog shoves them away

Katsuki: out of my way nerds!

Jaune: well it seems he still have that stick up his ass.

Izuku: Jaune-san let's go we're gonna be late!

He tried to walk but ended up tripping himself

Izuku: ( or I'm just gonna die! )

He stopped mid air as Jaune looked towards someone who touched him it was a small girl with brown hair

Ochaco: sorry I used my quirk on you. But I thought it would be bad luck if you fall on your first day.

She noticed the time and went ahead and wished the green broccoli boy good luck

Jaune waved his hand in front of Izuku as he was staring into space

Izuku: ( a girl just talked to me. )

He was then slapped

Jaune: earth to Izuku come in Izuku the moon landing was ages ago.

Izuku: sorry! It's the first time a girl spoke to me.

Jaune: tip of advice about girls, don't be a simp.

Izuku: okay.

Then the two head towards the auditorium

Present Mic was explaining the Test and it's Rules until someone who thought he knew better

Ilda: sir you have said that there were 4 enemies that we have to face but the pamphlet only shows 3. A reputable school like U.A shouldn't make such mistakes.

And you two!

He points towards Jaune who was in deep thought and Izuku fidgeting and mumbling

lida: you both aren't paying attention! Between him mumbling and you staring off into space. I don't know what you're doing here but if you aren't even serious then you should just leave!

The Huntsman gave him a glare

Jaune: we are listening unlike you. He's mumbling because he's nervous, I'm thinking of what to do about the test.

Don't assume things by simple appearance because it can be deceiving.

Now let me return the favor, Present Mic was about to Elaborate before you rudely interrupted him.

Let him Finish before the Spiked Dildo falls out of your ass.

The kids who heard the insult were laughing at the robotic boy as he was shamed and sat down

Present Mic explained the Tests and gave the students the written exam

Funny enough Jaune finished the Written Exam in just 18 minutes and left many were shocked at how fast he was

This was the man who learned multiple languages in 3 weeks

The act caused the U.A staff to check the background on the boy

All Might was their and vouched for the boy

After waiting for the rest to finish Jaune was setting up his gear gauntlets, boots and a chest piece

The observers were puzzled by this as All Might enters the room

Midnight: what is that kid doing?

All Might: preparing his tools for the Test.

Vlad: tools?

Power Loader: is it to supplement his quirk?

All Might: the boy has No Quirk.

Midnight: what!? That's dangerous! Why would U.A let....

Then another voice came in

Nezu: the law against Quirkless People being barred from enrolling to academies like ours have been repealed months ago.

And besides this boy has caught my attention.

Vlad: what is it?

Nezu: the boy just recently went through an acceleration exam, he was certified and validated to be highly intelligent. Breaking the exam and school's records.

Aizawa: do we have a background on the kid?

Nezu: nothing......it seems he recently came to this country.....oh All Might.

All Might: yes?

Nezu: you're friends Detective Tsukauchi was the one to process the boy's credentials.

All Might: I will speak to him to make the confirmation.

Midnight: it seems the others have finally finished their tests.

They can see Present Mic announcing on a rooftop

Present Mic: alright listeners Listen up! When the test starts anything goes go wild! You need more than 50 points to pass this test!

Everyone murmured and chatted with each other waiting for a signal

Jaune walked towards the gate fully fitted with scrap iron

Many were jeering at his rusty and janky equipment

Applicant 1: what is he wearing?

Applicant 2: are we allowed to use tools?

Applicant 3: must be for his quirk, I saw a guy with a gawdy belt enter the other buses.

Applicant 4: what a pile off junk.

When the doors opened Jaune charges in

Applicant 1: hey they didn't start the test yet you idiot!!!!

Present Mic: what are you doing Listeners! There's no Go Signals in real life follow that kid! He's got the right idea!

Jaune was dismantling then opposition as he smashed the 1-3 pointers with ease varying his attacks as he was unsure how long the makeshift gauntlets would last

The rest of the students caught up and it became a battlefield

One 3 pointer was sneaking up behind Jaune as someone jumped in the machine and was keeping it at bay

It was Shinso

Jaune swept the legs of the robot causing it to fall over itself as Shinso double stomped its head

Jaune: thanks.

Shinso: you're welcome.

Jaune noticed the bruises on his fists

Jaune: martial arts.

Shinso: pointless if your enemies are made of steel.

Jaune melted off a stop sign and gave it to Shinso

Shinso: my turn to say thanks.

A group of robots was coming at them until a huge goop of slime melted them down

And a new contender was on the field

Mina: don't mind if I cut in.

Shinso: neat trick.

Mina: well good luck to you two, and my name is Mina if we become classmates by the way.

Meanwhile Spectators Room:

Midnight: it seems we have a good crop today.

Vlad: yeah that one with the exploding quirk just took down a Lot of bots.

Power Loader: he's more focused on taking down enemies though.

Aizawa: fighting criminals isn't the only part of the job.

Nexus: that boy is the most interesting one among them.

Midnight: the Quirkless kid? Yeah he doesn't just destroy the bots he even helped out a fellow competitor.

All Might: yes, but the true test have yet to be made. They still don't know what does it take to be a Hero.

He pressed a button

Back to the test site

Then they felt rumbling as they looked up to see the last robot on the list

Shinso: that's a Zero Pointer!?

Mina: why does that thing have zero value!?

Jaune: the point is it's a force of nature. There are things we can't Stop, but we can minimize the damage. Evacuation of civilians is also part of a Hero's duty.

Let's help the rest flee without causing an incident.

The two nods until the Giant destroyed a nearby roof causing debris to fall on a group of applicants

Mina rushed over to help get the debris off the trapped kids

Jaune and Shinso tried to stall for time as Jaune launched Repulsor Blasts at its face while Shinso was throwing rocks at it to get it's attention

Some students got out but with the rate it was going it will reach them in no time

Jaune took off the gauntlets and rewired all output to the chest reactor

Jaune: Mina! Shinso! Take cover!

Mina: what are you...

Shinso: just do it!

Jaune: here comes the Big One!

The huge beam hits the Zero Pointer in the face completely destroying it

Everyone was shocked to see the amount of power that Jaune shown

He rushed to remove the chest RT- Repulsor Transmitter as it was over heated

Spectators Room:

All Might: to face adversity with everything you got, that's what it takes.

He looks to another screen and saw Izuku destroying a Zero Pointer as well but he broke 3 limbs in the process

Nezu smiled reading over Jaune's test results

Aizawa: so did the boy cheat?

Nezu: No. He's got a Perfect Score. He even aced the Essay.

Midnight: no one got the answer even completely right.

Nezu: what does it take to be a Hero?

The Boy's answer:

Do the Right thing and to keep moving Forward facing any challenge.

Chapter End

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