23: Prelude

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Jaune was walking through the hallway until he bumped into someone

It was Momo Yaoyorozu

Jaune: sorry about that, what's the rush?

Momo: I was gonna make uniforms for the girls.

Jaune: what uniforms?

Momo: I was told that the girls should be wearing Cheerleading uniforms during the half time.

Jaune: what hair brained retard said that?

Momo: Mineta.

Jaune pulls out his scroll and checked the Class 1-A roster and found the person

Jaune: this moron? He's designated dangerous towards females due to all the reports of harassment filed.

He's playing you for a sucker.

Momo: oh!.....

She remembered what kind of guy he is as a scary aura permeate on her person

Momo: thank you for the warning.

Jaune: little tip of advice, spend time on learning your next match. Rather than doing the whims of an idiot.

Momo: I'll do just that thank you.

She vows and leaves to prepare for her match

After Izuku's battle the rest followed suit where other contestants were easily outmatched due to their quirks

They never practiced to fight without them and find a different way to win

One instance was a poor french boy who was rendered useless with the loss of his support gear a Belt melted by a familiar pink girl's acid

Mina Ashido proceeds to the next round

Although not a loss but a draw Two similar quirks clashed and it took so long to end due to either one not proficient in any form of professional martial arts or combat techniques

Kirishima and Tetsu-tetsu falls to a draw

Another battle Is underway

Jaune joins the spectators as Izuku found his way there and was just mumbling again

Until Jaune puts a hand on his shoulder

Jaune: what did I say about mumbling?

Izuku: sorry, but I'm taking notes on the fight.

He looks down to see Yaoyorozu on the field and she was facing Tokoyami

She didn't waste any of her lipids for the uniforms and she was alert

Midnight: ready? Go!

She created a shield for defense but Dark Shadow was on her instantly

As he claws at her shield she held her ground but physically she is out matched so she fought smart

She created a taser and retaliated once she was hit once again

Dark Shadow recoiled and backed off and Momo noticed something, he shrunk a bit

Momo: ( he shrunk? Duh! He is a Shadow. But with it being Day, he wouldn't be full powered. Let's try something....)

She readied something behind her as she charges Tokoyami

Tokoyami: going for a full charge? Foolish.

He summons Dark Shadow but when Momo pulled something from behind her Tokoyami reared back Dark Shadow only for Momo to reveal her hand

It was a flashlight

She shined it on Dark Shadow causing him to recoil again

Momo: ( it worked! Now for the finisher when he's wide open!)

She continued her charge as Tokoyami crossed his arms for a block

But she jumped high above him as she was in mid air she tore the shoulders of her shirt and six poles began forming out of them

Once the object was completed it was 6 flashbangs without the safety pins, as it leaves her body the connecting buckle fell off and lands at his feet

Exploding with multiple flashes and loud noises disoriented him long enough for Momo to create another taser and shock his main body

And she proceeds to pin him down

Midnight: and Momo Yaoyorozu takes the win!!!

Izuku: a quirk that can make anything....the application is limitless...

Jaune: interesting.....but everything has its limits.

Midnight: next match Jaune Arc Vs Denki Kaminari!

Jaune: well first time fighting someone from Class 1-A.

Kaminari was there near them

Kirishima: good luck bro, I'll have to do my follow up match after.

Kaminari gulped knowing what Jaune might be packing

After a few moments of preparation

Kaminari was just standing there until Jaune walked out with nothing but his chest plate and gloves

Kaminari: what no suit?

He asked in the form of bravado

Jaune: do you know how difficult it is to assemble a single suit? I might be lucky if it's ready before the finals.

Kaminari: oh.

Midnight: alright enough chit chat! Are both participants ready?

Jaune opened fire with his repulsors as Kaminari scrambled to avoid them

He tried melee only to be painfully matched with metal as he went in for a punch only to be met with an armored one

Causing him to grasp it in pain

Kaminari: ow! ow! ow!

Jaune: not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Kaminari: I didn't want to hurt you.

Jaune: why? Because I'm Quirkless?

Kaminari: no. My quirk is dangerous.

Jaune: I'm pretty dangerous myself.

Kaminari: don't say I didn't warn you.

Let's go! 1 million volts!!!!!!

Jaune crosses his arms as he was hit with a massive wave of electricity

Good thing the clothing and the insulation underneath the armor kept him safe as the metal draw all of the electricity into itself

As he grunted from the shock

Tony: well that's new...

Jaune: what?

Tony: power is at 400% capacity.

Jaune: well how about that?

As he blew Kaminari away out of bounds

Midnight: Kaminari is out of bounds! Jaune Arc Wins!!!!!

The people cheered for the underdog

Present Mic: man for a man without a quirk, he sure do pack a punch.

Aizawa: he is not just a man. He's a man on a mission.

Once that was done the matches continues as Kirishima won his rematch through arm wrestling

Mina lost against the speedy lida

Ibara lost against Mei's babies

And finally to end the first rounds

Bakugo vs Ochaco

She was readying herself in the prep room until she had a visitor

Izuku wanted to help her by sharing his notes on Bakugou only for her to reject it

She wanted to win this on her own

Ochaco: thank you for the thought Dekiru, but....I want to win this on my own. I want to be a Hero in my own way.

Izuku couldn't help but smile and worry as she leaves with a fist pump

Jaune was there in the corner

Jaune: you really tried to give her tips?

Izuku: she's my very first friend after ...

Jaune: I know.

Izuku: but Katsuki is dangerous.

Jaune: she'll do fine. Just have faith.

Izuku just stamp down his worry and followed Jaune to the stands

The final battle will be explosive

Chapter End

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