17: Progress

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The Dynamic Duo went back to school like nothing happened but Jaune entered the Principal's Office was greeted by

Nezu: ahhh Mr. Arc, it's nice of you to join us.

Mr. Uraraka: uh Mister Nezu, who is this?

Nezu: you're employer.

Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka: WHAAAAAT!!!?

Nezu just smiles and drinks his tea

Jaune: ( the principal reminds me of the head master, bunch of trolls.)

Nezu: please sit.

He took his sit in front of the contractors

Jaune: let me be frank, what I'm asking you to build is strictly confidential. All schematics oversight goes through me, any information is not to leave the site ever.

Mr Uraraka: we understand. But can I ask you a question?

Jaune: shoot.

Mr Uraraka: why us?

Jaune: why not? I've checked your history, your work ethic, your values and your motivations.

I found you are good for me to work with, and besides how can we All rise when only those at the top get opportunities.

Mrs Uraraka: and you're giving us a chance just because of that?

Jaune: everyone deserves a chance.

Do you know I'm Quirkless?

The two looked at him in surprise as that trait was rare

Jaune: I am not given many chances. I was lucky enough to have good people giving me a chance.

So I made a promise to help the next person.

And I believe that's you.

The two were touched at his generosity

Mr Uraraka: thank you Mr. Arc. Thank you.

Jaune: don't mention it.

Mrs: we will do our best Mr. Arc.

Jaune: just call me Jaune. Mr. Arc makes me feel old.

They all laughed at that and then discussed the plans as Jaune's Laboratory on Campus is secondary as U.A's Arc Reactor is the main job

So Nezu finalized their contract as they signed and sealed the deal

The Uraraka family will be well taken care of for the foreseeable future

Jaune thanked Nezu as he returned to his class

He was welcomed with an explosion in which he jumped out of the way

Power Loader: MEI!!!!!!!!!

Jaune: well seems like nothing changed.

He entered the room to find the other students peaking our of their make shift cover

Jaune: alright, what did I miss?

Power Loader: the usual.

Jaune: Mei blowing shit up, of course.

Mei: Oi!

He just walks past her and brings out a new Mk II suit since the last one was absolutely scrapped, the Mk III is still being fabricated with Gold Titanium but it will take a lot of time, he just hopes it can reach the Sports Festival as Power Loader announces it

The rest of the support course either wanted to join or ignored it, they have their own priorities

S Student 1: hey Arc-san, are you gonna join the Sports Festival?

Jaune: of course, someone has to show those uppity Pro Heroes they're not the only ones who can save the day.

S Student 2: awesome! You have our support!

Jaune: pun intended?

S Student 2: pun intended.

Jaune: Bro.

He gave him a fist bump

The rest of the Support class gave him a good luck to represent them

Mei: hey I'm joining too!

S Student 3: uh oh it's gonna be a battlefield with her explosions.

Jaune: are you sure your Quirk isn't explosion based?

Mei: hey! I'll show you! My Babies will steal the show.

Power Loader: you riled her up on purpose huh.

Jaune: I want to see what she can do, and she does her best when she is challenged.

Power Loader: you'd make a good teacher.

Jaune: maybe in another life.


Tony: what is it boss?

Jaune: pull up the schematics for the next project.

Tony: here ya go chief Project Mobile Armor as you asked for.

Jaune: it would be difficult for the Trade off but nothing comes freely without a price.

Then everything proceeds as usual as Jaune prepares for the Festival

One Day Jaune went to go fetch Izuku from class only to be blocked by a mass of students

Jaune: excuse me....coming through....please don't block the halls...

As he struggles to pass the crowd

Meanwhile Class 1-A

Bakugo: make way you Extras!

Tetsu-Tetsu: Hey! Who you calling Extras!

Katsuki: let me say this just once I'M gonna win the Festival so you Extras should get out of my way!

lida: Bakugo-san! You can't just make people angry like that!

Kirishima: why do you have to make us the bad guys here and just leave!

Izuku: that's Katsuki for you.

Katsuki: doesn't matter, all I have to do is win, that's all that matters. I'll be the next No. 1 Hero.

Jaune: and what happens when you Lose?

He quickly turned to see one of the constant thorn on his side

Then someone else came up beside him

Shinso: the Festival is a proving ground for any potential Heroes, someone from General Studies could get into the Hero Course.

Watch your back Class 1-A, you might get the rug pulled right under you.

Jaune: look out for the Support Course as well, we're not just "the Help" everyone makes it out to be.

Katsuki: tch!

He shoves his way through the crowd as the others just glared at him

Jaune: he sure does love to make an ass out of himself.

Izuku: nah, by pushing himself in a corner makes him just more vicious.

Shinso: is he rabid?

Izuku: uhh....

Jaune: Izuku, this is Shinso Hitoshi, Shinso this is my little brother Izuku Midoriya.

Shinso: your brother?

Jaune: I'm adopted.

Shinso: oh.... so well that was my declaration.

Jaune: and mine as well, so look out Hero Course, you're not the only ones who can be heroes! Come Izuku, let's go home.

Izuku: I'll call my friends.

He asked Uraraka and lida to join them

Jaune: you can come too Shinso, we'll give you a lift.

Shinso: sure, thanks.

They waited outside the school until a car came to pick them up

The Dekiru and Jaune Squad: Whooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Shinso: your rich?

Jaune: I only got it recently, come on. Let's go.

The students all hopped in amazed

Jarvis: where to sir?

Jaune: so where do you guys live?

The others gave him their address and the Driver complied as he finds a path

Uraraka: I never knew your family is loaded Dekiru.

Izuku: we originally didn't, we were just middle class until Jaune-san got into the energy business and got the eyes of a very wealthy company.

They all looked to Jaune

Jaune: I am the only name in the Clean Energy department.

Shinso: damn. You are one massive egg head to get that kind of attention.

lida: you are such a good example for entrepreneurship minus the swearing.

To pass the time they shared their stories

lida revealed his family lineage which Izuku admired for a family of Heroes

Uraraka and Shinso were impressed

Izuku share his dream along with Jaune's and they were saddened by their beginning but amazed by their determination

Shinso shared his hardships because of his quirk which Izuku dispelled that his quirk is cool

lida was disgusted by the treatment towards his quirk

Uraraka remarked that he could be over powered

Much to Shinso's skepticism

The Uraraka and her goal if earning

lida questioned her reasons as Izuku was mildly surprised and Shinso couldn't judge because he knew no one has that right

She shared her motivations and lida was amazed that she wanted to be there for her family

Izuku was amazed by her inspirations in heroes ad Shinso nods in approval

Jaune: well you don't have to worry about your parents Uraraka-san.

Uraraka: what do you mean?

Jaune: I hired your family construction firm for my future projects.

You'll be set for life.

Uraraka was floored by that

Jaune: you should focus in your dreams of making people feel safe and smiling.

Uraraka was flabbergasted by that and thanked him profusely

The day went on as the rest were dropped off by their homes and Izuku and Jaune finally got back from school

The Festival nears

Chapter End

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