thought of the day: one cannot consider the fate of a single man, nor ten, nor a hundred, nor a thousand. billions will live or die by our actions here and we have not the luxury to count the cost. - inquisitor Kryptmann
location: forever fall forest
Pov: Jaune
we were in forever fall to get some tree sap it would be a simple quick task my team had collected more than was needed, so i went to the place were i killed that Ursa years ago, to see Jane throw a jar of tree sap at Cardin. he picked her up and tried to hit her only for a blinding light to engulf the two when the light faded i could see Cardin clutching his hand while Jane seemed unharmed.
then the rest of team CRDL started to beat Jane up i waited since i told myself to only step in if Janes aura was about to break. then finally came the Ursa, most of team CRDL fled with their tails between their legs, Cardin tried to hit the Ursa only for it to sweep away his weapon and throw him to the ground. Jane went to stand between the Ursa and Cardin before the Ursa could attack Cardin again. Jane went to strike the Ursa but was pushed back, then she went to try an all or nothing attack to decapitate the Ursa, but she forgot to raise her shield, it ended with the Ursa decapitated but Janes aura depleted and bleeding slightly, i went to see how bad her injuries were but while I walked up to them i saw a handful of beowolfs looking from the bushes, so i took out Oblidim Morte and fired at the beowolfs at one of the higher energy stances. when i killed two, the other three came out trying to charge Cardin and Jane ignoring me. i was able to kill two quickly, but the last one was about to kill Jane only to be shot by a pulse rifle. i turned to were the shot came from to see team GLKM along with Pyrrha, Ruby and Weiss. i continued walking towards Cardin and Jane the rest walking towards them aswell. when i was with them i could see that Cardin at best only had some bruises that his aura was starting to heal, while Jane was bleeding heavily.
Jaune: Jane let me see your injuries i can patch them up.
she let me see her injuries, while i took out my field dressing kit.
Jaune: this will sting a bit.
i started cleaning the wounds revealing three claw marks on her side that would probably leave a scar and then bandaged her up.
Jaune: when were at Beacon you should head to the infirmary.
Jane: alright.
Ruby: Jane are you alright what happened.
Jaune: she should be fine, as for what happened Cardin got covered in tree sap which attracted an Ursa, Jane killed it but her aura got depleted. and the rest you would probably know already.
Weiss: if you saw it happen why didn't you help?
Jaune: i had faith that she could kill the Ursa on her own, and when the beowolfs came i did help.
Maenae: and this has nothing to do with your past?
Jaune: no it hasn't.
location: Jaunes dreams
pov Jaune
???: centurion Arc!
i started to focus and saw that i was inside a command tent, in the middle of a briefing i would assume since i saw most of our regiments centurions.
Jaune: yes sir.
lord commander Anderson: you need to focus especially when the Astartes are about to join us.
Jaune: my apologies sir.
the lord commander sighed as the entrance to the command tent opened to reveal four Astartes two wore armour covered in bones and skulls and coloured similar to our armour, and the other two wore armour in a steel blue colour with a wolf symbol marking one shoulder.
lord commander Anderson: hail lords Astartes.
every mortal: hail.
i started to recognise one of the Astartes as chaplain Onac but the other three were still a mystery. the two steel blue coloured Astartes removed their helmets showing their faces, one had long black flowing hair surrounding a bland face, the other had only hair on the sides of his head wich connected towards a long ginger beard, his face seemed older than the other and had more scars than his partner.
older Astartes: greetings guardsmen, i am sergeant Hafrsson and this is brother Koigrimsson, we are here to aid you in this battle.
then the Astartes armoured like chaplain Onac spoke.
bone Astartes: i am veteran Jedth and with me is chaplain Onac we will aid you in taking the enemies position.
lord commander Anderson: chaplain Onac it will be our honour to fight with you and your angels again. but if i may ask how many Astartes are there of both your chapters?
chaplain Onac: it is an honour to fight alongside your regiment again you outperformed the estimate against that hive city, as for your question our chapter has brought 10 Astartes including us and the wolves only brought a squad of five.
veteran Jedth: i have a question this fort. it was defended by PDF who stayed loyal is that correct?
lord commander Anderson: yes while more than half of the planet decided to aid these Xenos this fort was held by loyal men. but i do not see how that is of any relevance.
veteran Jedth: what would be the estimated martyrdom rate?
logistical officer: fifty to sixty, my lord.
brother Koigrimsson: then why haven't you attacked yet.
chaplain Onac: because the soldier talks in percentages, fifty-thousand to sixty-thousand, is that correct?
logistical officer: yes my lord.
sergeant Hafrsson: i was told that this would be their least defended point. is my intel incorrect?
lord commander Anderson: no my lord this is their least fortified position, unlike other fortresses or trench networks this one is only fortified by traitor PDF and militias. making it their weakest point.
veteran Jedth: my Astartes could perform a ritual.
this created curious glances from the two wolves as the lord commander was weighing the options.
sergeant Hafrsson: what ritual, what are you talking about?
veteran Jedth: my troops can form a summoning group and then effectively raise the dead to aid us, but because we would need to concentrate on it we cant fight.
lord commander: this could work i may have a plan already.
sergeant Hafrsson: WHAT! you are seriously beliving in this and even if it's true you would allow them to perform these Maleficarum!
chaplain Onac pointed a plasma pistol at the sergeants head.
chaplain Onac: calm your self sergeant before i will! and don't talk to us like we are committing a heretical act.
brother Koigrimsson: as expected of the Inquisitions Eyes, secrets and thinking there above their kin.
veteran Jedth got close to brother Koigrimsson so that he could look straight into his eyes.
veteran Jedth: don't think you are our kin cur, we are the Emperors Eyes and we will make sure that he knows all.
lord commander Anderson: ENOUGH! stand down we all serve the emperor here. the Emperor's Eyes will perform the ritual, the wolves will support our forces going in after us, 1st centurion Arc your company will attack them head-on you will be supported by praetorians, 2nd and 3rd centurions Muller and Tavish your companies will act as reserves and only come in when the 1st gives the order, as for the rest you will stay here and prepare if this attack fails then we can expect a counterattack we will give these Xenolovers not a single inch of ground understood.
everyone: understood sir.
a few hours went by i was making sure that my troops were ready when i was approached by the captain of the praetorians. she was a woman with black hair and amber eyes, her uniform was covered by a purple cape, she carried a round shield with a gap in it and a hotshot a more powerful version of a standard lasgun
captain Fall: centurion Arc are your troops ready?
Jaune: yes captain Fall we are all set just waiting for the green light to attack, are yours ready?
captain Fall: my praetorians are always eager to kill the emperor's enemies.
i saw her praetorians join my company standing ready to charge the enemy. when the lord commander came in over the vox.
lord commander Anderson: under no circumstance most the Xeno be trusted, for it will lie, it will cheat and it will do anything to undermine the efforts of those, who in truth, are it's superior. so was it said by the emperor himself in the lectitio divinitatus. some of the people on this world thought that they could break this rule, and in turn betray the emperor and his imperium by working with these vile Xenos. these alien savages must be taught to kneel when in the presence of their betters! those who stand with these Xenos will befall the same fate as them and will burn in hell while we will continue our journey in the emperors light! for emperor!
guardsmen: AUH!
most guardsmen equipped their bayonets on their weapons.
lord commander Anderson: for imperium!
guardsmen: AUH!
they readied themselves for the sprint towards the enemy fortress.
lord commander Anderson: for Kerkrader!
guardsmen: AUH!
we started sprinting towards the fortress for some reason the enemy didn't fire at us, only when we got within the last hundred meters. but it seemed like they were fighting somthing inside while trying to keep us out.
Jaune: heavy weapons i wanted that gate destroyed yesterday, get to it!
as i said that five men, two with plasma guns, two with rockets and one with a melta opened fire on the gate, three salvos of all five were necessary to destroy the gate.
Jaune: captain Fall the honour is yours.
captain Fall: we hoped you would say that, charge men!
the praetorians charged following their captain with me and my men following behind, when we were inside the fortress we saw multiple enemies running from what best could be seen as zombies. they were ashen grey with bright red eyes and covered in green flames, the zombies shot or stabbed the enemies that were running from them, some enemies tried to escape the fortress and ran straight towards us and were gunned down. when i walked past these zombies with my men i could hear them muttering things which put me and my men at unease
zombie1: emperor, please protect me. emperor, please protect me. emperor, please protect me.
zombie2: please no, have mercy. please no, have mercy. please no, have mercy.
zombie3: kill these traitors men! kill these traitors men! kill these traitors men!
and so it went on each zombie asking for mercy, salvations or damming the ones who killed them. we went through the place and killed them all. I went to secure the armoury with a squad when i heard somthing a sort of ringing sound and everything started to get vague.
that's when i woke up to my alarm.
when i looked around i saw the commissar and Jacki start to wake up while Erika was wide awake reading a book. and jäger (the kreigshund) was sitting on the ground next to her.
commissar Valentinian: Erika report.
this was usual since we all could sleep like bricks and Erika wanted to stay in her usual routine so she wouldn't sleep much. she closed her book before she responded and i could see part of the title, ninjas of...
Erika: team RWBY had an argument which resulted in Blake fleeing. for the rest, it was a quiet night and nothing else happening, herr.
Jacki: new book? you normally read a book about history.
Erika: i have read it through multiple times and the history here is uninteresting. and professor Goodwitch and her holiness recommended me to read books dealing with emotions, which lead to me borrowing a book from Blake.
Jaune: why did Blake flee as you put it?
Erika: Blake and Weiss were arguing about abbhumans which led to the white fang, blake then mentioned somthing along the line of '' maybe we are just tired of being pushed around'' and then fled. Ruby also asked if we could help with finding her.
Jaune: we will help them then.
location: Vale
pov Jaune
we have searched two days already even with Jäger and the Xenos we can't seem to find her, or that is what we thought, Jäger lead us and team GLKM to the docks were we saw white fang fighting Blake and someone else. so we went to attack the white fang i saw Grasu find a sniper position before opening fire his shots killing the Faunus in two shots, the commissar stayed back to alert team RWBY of Blakes location, Letosha used her power armour as a battering ram against some poor Faunus before opening up with her bolter, the two Eldar both charged using their melee weapons to kill any who tried to fight them, Jacki and Erika formed a two-man firing squad while Erika let loose on Jäger who in turn started to rip apart any Faunus unlucky enough. i don't think the white fang had expected us to kill since some of them froze or tried to flee instead of fighting, Blake and the guy that helped her froze up aswell Roman seeing this tried to attack Blake while she was frozen. so i took action and shot him twice with the laspistol on my sword, the first missed and the second hit him on the shoulder it may not have done much but at least made him focus on me instead of them.
he then went to strike me with his cane only for me to activate my sword and cut it in half, i then went for a strike he managed to dodge it, i was suddenly struck by somthing hard enough to destroy my aura in one hit, Roman took this opportunity to flee, when i looked for who shot me i could see that all the white fang had fled or were killed while my team and team GLKM were in cover with Blake and the other guy while shooting at what looked like cultists, but they shouldn't be here i thought. i was cut out of my thoughts by an enemy running towards me while screaming.
cultist: skulls for the skull throne!
i dodged his attack and followed up with a stab towards his neck letting him spill his own blood for his cursed god. i joined the rest in cover and helped to fight them off, the enemy decided to leave their cover to charge us only for them to be cut down by our guns. the police arrived not soon after we were asked some questions before we were free to go, while Blake waited for the rest of her team, my team and team GLKM discussed what happened.
Jacki: it seems that heretics have found a way to Remnant, let's hope that's all of them.
Jaune: i don't think so this seemed more like a scouting force, we need to prepare if there are any more it could lead to problems.
Letosha: commander your from this place how bad would they be?
Jaune: you saw what our weapons did to their aura and you know that heretics will use the same weapons like us, Remnant also goes by the idea of taking prisoners that won't work with heretics.
commissar Valentinian: now how will we prepare for this?
Maenae: informing Ozpin will be our first step.
Kelmere: maybe he will warn the other kingdoms and in turn, they will raise an armed force.
Jaune: commissar, Ozpin gave me an offer of training some Atleasian soldiers, with this threat it will be beneficial to have more guardsmen, will you help me with their training.
commissar Valentinian: of course sir.
Grasu: so you will be going to Atlas i presume, what will happen to your team.
Jaune: the group we will be training will come with the students to the Vytel festival, so they will be trained here, as, for the team, I and the commissar will only be exempted for combat class and strategy class we still have to follow the rest of the classes. and we will partake in any mission that Erika and Jacki take simply as that.
Jacki: farseer could you feel if there are any psychic imbalances or somthing?
Maenae: no not unless they are close to Vale. but maybe i may get a vision during meditation.
we went to inform Ozpin and make any preparations we could.
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