JASPER HALE is one big JERK! Or is he? -2-

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I traveled to Forks, Washington with Annie and Dan. They weren’t going to the wedding and had left me early this morning to go hunting. Sometimes I really hated being left behind... especially when I had a lot on my mind. 

My dress was green with gold fabric that wrapped around my waist and bust. The forest green complemented my tanned skin. I let my golden hair fall in soft curls around my face. I lined my blue eyes with a dark green eyeliner with some light gold eyeshadows blended in. 

I decided to wear gold-colored heels since I am only five feet tall. I took my only golden colored purse with me and I stuffed my sketch book and pencils in it incase Bella enrages me at her wedding or reception party.  

Then, I took my silver car to the house following the directions Edward’s mother, Esme mailed. The house was huge and looked like it was styled in the early 1900s. It was a three story white home with a porch that wrapped around the first floor. 

Some people were entering the house now. I got out of the car and entered the house as well. I froze taking note of some of the guests. They looked like Annie and Dan... the chalky complexion, golden eyes, perfect features. Was Bella marrying a vampire? What had Annie said about the groom’s last name?

“Cecily!” I hear Renee say before I am embraced by her. 

I make a weak attempt to hug her back, but I can’t say I’m exactly thrilled to see her. She releases me and smiles, “I haven’t seen you since you were seven you look lovely.”

“As do you,” I try to be charismatic, it usually doesn’t fail me. 

She smiles, it works, “Thank you. Bella is upstairs, I’ll take you to her.”

“I can do it!” A tiny woman with short spiky, raven hair offers before I can protest. She looks like she’s a vampire too. What has Bella gotten herself into? 

“Okay, Alice, I’ll be down here if you guys need me,” Renee says before walking away to greet other guests.

“I’m Alice,” The woman beams. 

“Cecily,” I give a small smile, her good mood is slightly contagious. 

“So you’re Bella’s cousin?”

“Yeah,” I sigh. 

“Is that a bad thing?” She asks studying me with her golden eyes. Golden? Is she really like Annie and Dan? 

“She and I don’t get along, but Renee is some sort of genius and decided to invite me anyway.”

“Why don’t you get along?”

I shrug, “She always blames me for her problems. She sets me off into a fit of rage every time I see her now.”


“I mean she might be different now, but just not to me - she’ll always be the same to me.”

“Do you still want to see her?”

“If I don’t get out some anger now I might ruin the ceremony,” I tell her reluctantly. 

Her eyes widen slightly, “She’s in here... I’m assuming I shouldn’t leave you two alone.”

I nod.

“Emmett!” She calls.

A tall burly man walks away from a stunning tall blond woman. Are they all vampires? He has curly dark hair and the same golden eyes as Alice. “What?”

“This is Cecily, Bella’s cousin. If they are left alone it’ll ruin this wedding and I want you to watch them while I’m getting ready. If you allow this wedding to be ruined I’ll tell everyone about how you and Rosalie did-”

“So, Cecil, I’m Emmett-” He interrupts Alice. 

“Cecily,” I tell him.

“Are you sure-”

“I’ll beat you up if I can’t control my rage caused from Bella,” I warn.

“I’d like to see you try, small fry,” He challenges. 

“Just go, Rosalie and I have to get ready,” Alice orders before walking off with the blond. 

“Let’s go, maybe there will be a cat fight,” He grins. 

I hit him, but hurt my hand, “Ouch! You remind me of my friends, Annie and Dan.”

“How?” He asks.

“I get hurt when I hit you,” I frown.

“Maybe you are just weak,” He laughed. 

“Remember what I said,” I warn before we enter the room. 

Sh is sitting in front of the full-length mirror examining her wedding gown. She turns and the smile is literally wiped off her face when she registers who I am. “Cecily,” She says flatly. 

“Good to see you as well, Isabella,” I tell her. 

“Bella,” She corrects as she always does when I call her by her full name. “Why are you here?”

“Your lovely mother invited me to your wedding.” 

“You should just leave,” She tells me. 

“If you want to kick me out, be my guest. Have fun with your vampire,” I tell before heading for the door. 

I heard Bella cough/choke for a moment before saying, “What?” 

Emmett is blocking the door, the only exit. 

I am forced to face Bella; her doe like eyes are as big as saucers. “Vampires? Why would you think...”

“Isabella, you don’t have to hid it, but I think I should be going.”

“Tell us,” Emmett pipes up. 

I start to get mad,  I don’t want to tell them about Annie and Dan. Bella will get them to go against me just like my parents, “Just let me leave, I really don’t-”

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