CHAPTER 5: Night terrors

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I dowend my drink and coughed.

"Okay. I guess that's a no to dirty harry. Don't worry I don't like that either." Liz said with a light chuckle. "If you want my advice, stay as far away from that man as you possibly can. Even if you have to cut your stay short." She whispered as she leaned forward, so that Sally couldn't hear what she was saying.

I shot her a confused look but nodded. "Maybe we could hang out some time. Are you always here?" I asked and she smiled.

"No, mostly late in the evening 'till morning. Sometimes I work the check in, or just hang out with Iris." Liz said.

We said our goodbyes as I went back on my quest to find some food. The air was hot, even though it was already late in the evening. The cars drove by fast and the air smelled disgusting. It took a bit before I found something that didn't cost half a house and still looked decent. I took my time, wandering the streets back to the hotel and greeted Iris on my way back to my room. She glanced up from her magazine, ever so slightly. But I think she appreciated my small hello.

I arrived at my room's door and stepped inside. Something felt off. But I couldn't place what it was, so I decided to try and ignore it. I got ready for bed and read a bit in one of my books bedore drifting off to sleep.

I awoke in a cold sweat. The room was dark and it felt as if someone was there with me. I stayed quiet and tried to scan the room for anyone lurking in the shadows. But it was just too dark. I slwoly reached under my pillow and took out the knife I had hidden there, just in case something would happen. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning.

"Sally?" I asked quietly when I thought I had seen her.

"You won't leave me. Will you?" She said and her voice sounded like she had been crying for a long while. "I'm sorry. I really am. But he needs someone. I don't want it to be me." She said.

My head spun. I felt dizzy and I heard some weird noises creeping in on me. I took a fighting stance and looked around. Before me stood some sort of abomination. Then there was another strike of lightning. The thing moved in a fast and absolutly disgusting way. It was pale and it frightened me more than anything else ever had.

"Don't come any closer!" I yelled and pointd the knife towards it. I couldn't see it anymore. the lightning had stopped and there was a knock on my door. I ran to turn on the light and lookd around the room. There was no one there.

Another knock. I slowly made my way over to the door and peered through the peephole. It was my neighbor, mr. March.

I placed the knife in the nearby closet and opened the door.

"Are you alright my dear?" Mr. March said, with a worried expression.

"I am so sorry Mr. March! I didn't mean to wake you." I said and lookd back into my room.

"You did not. And please, you may call me James." He said with a soft smile.

"I must have had a nightmare. A terrible one." I said and sighed. "That's what it must have been. A nightmare." I said.

"Well are you okay now?" He asked calmly. His accent was soothing and I felt relaxed.

"Yes. Thank you." I said and blinked slowly. I felt so tired all of a sudden.

"Well, then I should let you rest. Don't hesitate to inform me if you are in need of anything. Wether it be help or comfort. Goodnight Y/N." He said and bowed.

"Thank you. And goodnight to you too, James." I said with a small smile and closed the door when he turned to leave.

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