Chapter 1: The Hotel Cortez

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Stepping into the Hotel Cortez was not only like opening a timecapsule but also becoming part of it.
The 1920s astethic was everything.

"Wow." I muttered as I let the room's vibe take hold of me.
I scanned the lobby for a check-in desk and surely found one, not too far away.

"Hi." I said quietly. Not sure if I was interrupting the occupying Lady's break or something.

She had a pair of pretty glasses on her round face and looked up at me. It took a while for her to actually reply, but I was in no rush, so I was happy to wait.

"Hey there. Can I help you?" Her tone was rough, like she had been through a lot.

I figured she did not like her job that much and tried to be as friendly as possible.
"I wanted to ask if you had a room for me? I would like to stay three weeks." I asked very politely.

"You didn't book one?" She asked and looked down at her dinosaur of a computer.

"No. Sorry, I was in a hurry." I said with a shy smile.

"That's okay." She sighed. "Looks like you're lucky." She said with a surprised look. It's almost like she didn't think there was a room left.

"How much?" I asked while digging in my purse, trying to find my wallet.

"847." She said plainly.

"Guess the atmosphere wants to get paid, too." I laughed lightly and gave her my card.

"Here you go." She said, handing me the key to my room.

"Thank you." I said and took the key from her.

When I stepped into the elevator, I further examined the really fancy-looking key. Such a unique design, intricate, yet not delicate.

"Room 63." I mutter to myself as I inspected it further. Soon enough the elevator dinged and I steppd out into the hallway. It looked a bit more rundown than I had anticipated, but I had seen way worse.

It didn't take long to find my assigned room, I dragged my belongings behind me and closed the door.

The colors were a bit... well, unexpected. To say the least. I decided to call it a day after I unpacked most of my stuff.

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