Chapter 18:Third Year

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The foursome then dragged Violet, who was bullying her brain to turn a frog into a goblet, out of the girls' dormitory where they were meeting, and all hurried to find Sissy and Frank. They found them sitting on opposite sides of the common room, studying for exams, and they begged them to assent to their plan. Sissy, being the sweet and kind girl she was, agreed heartily to contain the "Figg and Black" couple again, but Frank had rebelled. He had said something about being an Auror when he graduated out of Hogwarts, and needed top grades every year, so he had no time for "wishy-washy nonsense". Lily, Jennifer, and Violet had begged him with tear-filled eyes and James and Remus made him unlimited promises and deals. Finally, Frank assented, feeling slightly warm that the five would do anything to make their two friends happy again.

"So I have to be Sirius' girlfriend?" asked Sissy, rather nervously. "But—I don't think he even knows my name!"

"Well..." Lily looked warmly at the frightened second year. "Don't worry, we won't let Bella kill you, but..."

"Sirius will date any girl at this point, don't worry," assured James, smiling.

"What about me?" demanded Frank. "This is so stupid, I can't believe you dragged me into this, James."

"Oh, please, Frank, you know how your daddy told you to look out for little Jamsie before my first day at Hogwarts." He pouted.

Frank sighed. "Oh, very well, but what should I do? I don't like the looks of that Arabella Figg, she's far too giggly and frivolous for me."

"Frank, you don't have to date her for real, it's part of our plan," said Lily, sighing. "Can't you agree to anything we tell you? Besides, Bella's not giggly; she's a clever and sweet girl. She just turned bad because of a certain someone named Sirius Black."

"Fine," said Frank helplessly. "I won't complain again. But what is it that I have to do?"

"Seduce Arabella, and dump her, the same time Sissy dumps Sirius." Both jaws dropped, looking shocked at the very idea of "seducing" and "dumping".

"You have to be kidding me!" cried Frank.

"Isn't dumping someone too mean?" asked Sissy timidly.

"Don't worry, we won't get mad," said James brightly. Lily slapped him on the arm.

"Guys, I know it's a bit too much, but it won't be real. Sirius and Arabella lo—er—like each other too much, so they won't get heartbroken. Now, if this plan backfires like last time"—Lily glared at James—"you will be personally injured and tortured for the rest of your life, Potter."

James winced. This better work or my life will be ruined, he thought gloomily. See Sirius – see how much I do for you?

"So...Arabella," said Frank, his voice shaking. "Would you like to maybe go out with me for some time?" After many hours of practice, the five third years had made the stiff and rule-abiding fourth year a slick and social one.

"Er—sure," replied Arabella doubtfully. She was surprised at the change that overcame Frank Longbottom, since he was usually more strict than even the prefects who patrolled the school to scold any rule-breakers...namely, the Marauders.

"Great!" exclaimed Frank, maybe a bit too over-enthusiastically. "How about tonight? Meet me at the portrait hole at seven o'clock."

"Sure," said Arabella, biting her lip. Frank grinned and left to study again, glad that it didn't take much effort at all.

Meanwhile, Sissy was smiling a bit too much at Sirius, who grinned back, rather hesitantly.

"S-so, y-you want t-to g-go t-to—" she stuttered, but Sirius kindly finished her sentence for her.

"To maybe have a study session together?"

"Y-yeah, t-that."


"Great..." Sissy trailed off, a bit embarrassed at how terrible it went. Oh well, at least a third of the mission was accomplished. Then she had to spend more time with Sirius and—dump him. Sissy gulped at the latter.

" did it go?" asked Jennifer excitedly, as Sissy and Frank went to their meeting spot again.

"Awful," replied Sissy, at the same time Frank said, "Great!"

The five of them raised their eyebrows questioningly and were about to say something, but Arabella and Sirius stormed into the common room, screaming at each other.

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