Riele's POV
"Riele you make me the happiest man would you give me the pleasure of marring me" Jace ask getting down on one knee showing me a big diamond expensive ring
"Yess" I scream hugging Jace placing kisses all over his face
"I also have something else to tell you" I smile
"What" he ask
"I'm pregnant and its your baby" I squeal
"Omg that's amazing" he smile
"I know it's gonna be a mini you or me running around"
"I hope it's has your beautiful eyes" he smiles
"I hope it has your amazing smile" I smile
"This is going to be amazing"
"I know I'm so lucky to marry the love of my life" I blush
"And I'm lucky to marry this beautiful woman that makes me laugh everyday" he smirks
"I love you"
"I love you to" he says kissing my cheeks
"But quick question Riele" Jace ask
"What is it" I said
"Where's my phone!" He yells
"What?" I questioned
Back to reality
"RIELE WHERES MY PHONE" Reiya yelled shaking me on my bed
"I DONT KNOW" I get up screaming at her
"DOING WHAT?" I questioned her
"MOMMMM" she yells finally leaving my room
Great now I'm to awake to go back to that dream
Also when did I ever start having dreams about Jace...
Then my phone start ringing on my vanity so I go to check it out and it shows that Ella wants to FaceTime
FaceTime Conversation
Riele: sup Ella
Ella: whoa what is that (she laughs pointing to my hair)
Riele: I just woke up leave me alone
Ella: you just woke up you know that party starts at 1 o'clock and its 12:43
Riele: so I still got time to get ready
Ella: Riele it's take you like 15 minutes to brush your teeth cause your so tried every morning (smirks)
Riele: will you cant blame me I'm not a morning person
Ella: oh and don't forget to look good Jace is gonna be there
Riele: Jace is always at parties with me why is it this time you want me to look good for Jace
Ella: because you know bikinis (laughs)
Riele: (rolls eyes) you are the most disturbing 10 year old ever
Ella: just look sexy for Jace (smirks)
Riele: Ella where is your mother
Ella: at work
Riele: well you need some help
Ella: this what happens when you drink a large Starbucks at 5 in the morning (laughs)
Riele: (laughs) whatever bye Ella
Ella: look sexy-
Riele: byyyeeee
End of FaceTime conversation
After I hung up I opened on of my drawers to get a brush when I find Reiya phone
Oh yeah I remember yesterday I took her phone while she was taking a shower cause I was bored so I went on her Instagram
"Reiya look what I found!" I chuckle knowing she gonna kill me later
-----At Ella's House-----
Right now I'm walking to Ella door wearing a blue two piece bikini with flowers all over it with shorts and a white lose tank top. Also some navy blue flip flops and my hair is in two cornrows
And I have to say I look goood
I'm looking good for myself not for Jace by the way
Also if your wondering the bikini in wearing is not a tight small one it's a regular one I'm not no slut here
I ring on the door bell and Ella opens the door
"Hey Riele" Ella smiled letting me in
"Sup Ella" I smiled back walking in her house
"Where everyone else" I ask her
"There in the living room and also watch out" she smiles
Then two hands come from behind me and poke me on my hips making me drop me phone
"EKK JACE WHAT THE HECK" I scream picking up my phone and sigh in relief that it wasn't cracked
"What is ekk" he laughs
"Shut up your lucky my phone didn't break" I gave him a death stare
"What was Riele gonna do about it" he smirks walking up to me
"Something very painful" I said backing away
"Ok" he smirks taking my phone and putting it in his back pocket
"Jace give me my phone your getting on my nerves" I said putting my hand out
"Aren't you gonna hurt me" he smirks
Then I take his phone out of his other hand and start walking away
"You don't know the passcode so you can't do nothing on it" he smirks
Then I unlock his phone "Really Jace 2222 is the best you can do" I laugh at him
"Ok Riele give me my phone back" he says walking up to me
"I want my phone first" I said backing away
"Fine here" he gives me my phone back
"Here" I gave him a death stare and handed him his phone
"Ughh if you two are done flirting with each other we would like to get this pool party started" Sean said breaking the silence
We both rolled our eyes at him "We weren't flirting" we both said at the same time
Then we both gave each other death stares
"Ok ok whatever lets get this party started" Maddie said running towards the pool
"Hey Riele and Jace can I take a selfie with both of you real quick" Cree sister Jayce asked
"Sure" we said at the same time again
"Ok you gotta stop doing that" we said again
Then we took the picture with Jayce where she smiled I did a emoji face like "π" and Jace did a smirk face
"Thank you" Jayce said running off to the pool
"Imma go charge my phone in the kitchen real quick" Jace said leaving the room
Then I took of my shorts and tank top and sat on one of the pool chair and start going on Instagram
"Riele your not going in the pool" Ella asked me
"I am just not now" I said putting my sunglasses on and going back to my phone
"Suit yourself" she smiles jumping in the pool making a big splash all over me
"ELLA!" I scream
"Sorry" she laughs swimming away
Then Jace came out without a shirt on and just his swim trunks
Ugh I hate how his 6-pack is so sexy
Then plays Jumpman by Drake started playing on the speakers
And that song is currently Jace favorite right now so he starts singing it by that I mean screaming the lyrics out
"WHOA THIS IS MY SONG" he screams
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CALL I HIT MY DANCE LIKE USHER" he yells doing some kind of stupid dance moves
To be honest this is really funny
I shot a video of him singing and post it on Instagram with the caption: singing?? π€ @jacenorman7
Then Jace take by phone away and puts it on the table next to me
"What the?"
"Riele go into the pool have some fun" Jace said
"I will not now" I said
"Riele" Jace gave me a death stare
"No" I said
"Fine then can we take a selfie" he said pulling me to the pool
"Why so close to the pool" I ask
"Cause it has better lighting"
"Are you gonna push me into the pool" I ask him
"No I swear on my dogs grave" he told me
Right when he's take his phone out to take the picture he pushes me into the pool
"JACE WHAT THE" I scream
"Hahah I don't even have a dog" he laughs straight in my face
I'm getting tried of this boy
Then I grab his leg to make him fall in the pool to
"RIELE THAT WASN'T FUNNY" he screams at me wiping his face
"That was to me" I splash with a big wave
He get out of the pool "I'm done with you" he puts back on his Canada sweater
"Where are you going" I laugh at him
"To Sean and Ella brother on the other side of the house" he said then left
"Have fun" I yell at him then swam to Ella
Jace's POV
I walked to the other side of the house were Sean, Julian, Gabriel, Zac, Brandon, and Cameron were making fire works and doing so cool editing stuff with there phones and cameras
Cause Ella's brothers Julian and Gabriel (there twins) are photographers so ever photo they take looks cool
"Sup guys" I said shaking there hands then hugging them (you know that thing that guys do where they first do some hand shake with one hand then they hug with the other πidk)
"Sup" everyone said
"You know it's crazy I didn't even know that there was a party at my house until 15 minutes ago" Julian laughed
"I know Ella tells us nothing" Gabriel laughed to
"At least your lucky your older sister lives with you" Sean said
"That's true" I agreed
"Sean have you seen your sister Instagram" Zac asked
"No she blocked me on there" he said
"Why did she block you" Brandon laughed
"I don't know probably cause she post inappropriate stuff with her boyfriend but I still see on other people page" Sean said
"So Jace what was the pool sence over there with you and Riele" Cameron asked wiggling his eyebrows
"Ooooo tell us everything" they all gathered around me
"Guys chill that was nothing" I said annoyed
"So when you were checking out Riele-
I stopped Cameron "If you don't shut the fuck up I will burn you with one of the fireworks" I said pissed
"Damnnnn" everyone back away
"Chill man" he said backing away from me
"Oh by the way you gotta teach me how to sing like you" Zac said showing me the video Riele posted on Instagram
"Bruh I look good there" I laughed
"Jace check this out" Julian said standing on a tall green trash can then doing a flip off of it
"Let me do that to" Gabriel said doing the same thing
"Guys check this out" Brandon said from the roof
"What the" I said looking up
"Here I come" then he does a flip and lands perfectly on his feet
My mouth is open wide of how he just did that and didn't hurt himself
"Jace you should do one" Julian said
"Ok just be prepared to watch my head fall off then shattered into a million pieces" I said sarcastically
"Ok I'm prepared" they all said with a smile
I gave them all a death stare
"Oh yeah remember that time Riele had a crush on me" Julian said
"What!" I said pissed
"Ooo Jace is jealous" Brandon smirks sitting down
"Yeah Jace you never knew that" Sean said
"You knew this to!" I scream at Sean
"Yeah everyone knew about this" Gabriel said
"When did this happen" I ask them
"In the the beginning middle of Henry danger season 1" Sean said
"Yeah she like him for almost a year" Gabriel said
"A YEAR??!?" I scream
"Just kidding dude only a week" he laughs
"Yeah and the last day she liked me was the day I found out" Julian said
"Did you like her back" I ask him
"Yeah I mean why not she hot and sexy" he smirks
Now my face is fully red with anger and jealousy
"Bro Jace is red like a tomato" Cameron laughed
"You jelly or nah" Zac said
"Kidding bro I only liked her as a friend" he said laughing
"And you know what's super funny about this" Sean started dying with laughter
"What?" I ask him
"This is all fake!" He starts dying with laughter
"Riele never liked me bro" Julian laughed
"Jace was so jealous" everyone started laughing
"Haha so funny" I said laughing sarcastically
"I hate all you guys" I laugh
Riele's POV
It's been 4 hours it's 6:10 and thus party ends at 11:30 so we got exactly 5 hours and sometimes minutes left
"Amazing math" Cree smirks going back to her phone
"Oh I thought I was doing it in my head" I laugh
I look over her shoulder and she was texting Thomas about hanging out sometimes
"Ooo you and Thomas are cute" I smirk
"Nosey much" she laughs turning off her phone
"But it's true. Do you have a crush on him?" I smirk at her
"Maybe I don't know" she blushes
"Awwww that's so cute" I squeal
"You and Jace-
I stop her by shoving chips up her mouth
"Don't finish that sentence" I snap
"Whgfshy ddohh thwhvdknat" she chokes on the chips
"Speck English" I laugh
I look over and saw Maddie giving me a death stare for the 50 time today
What's up with her?
She finish eating the chips then spoke again "WHAT WAS THAT FOR! she screams
"I don't know" I smirk
She gave me a death stare then push me into the pool
"WHAT THE HECK CREE!" I screamed at her
"Now that's something to smirk about" she laughs leaving
"RIELE YOU RETARD" I heard someone scream
Oh who ever this bitch is about to get slapped
I turned around to see Maddie standing in front of me
"Excuse me" I snapped getting out of the pool
"What's going on here" Ella yells trying stop us
Was that a compliment or.......
Then out of now where Maddie gets a bowl of dip ands pours it on my head
"YOU FREAK!" I yelled at her then grabbing the punch bowl then dumping it on here head
Now me and Maddie are throwing cake everywhere at each other making a mess everywhere
Then when we were throwing cake we accidentally miss each other and they ended up hitting Cree and Ella in the face
"Oh it on" Ella and Cree screamed now throwing chips at us
Then out of nowhere the boys come in to the food fight and start fighting
Now there's cake all over the pool,punch all over our body's, and we got way more food on the floor and roof instead of our mouths
I guess we were to loud having that food fight we didn't even notice Ella parents coming towards us
I guess Julian wasn't looking where he was going cause he poured another punch bowl on them
We all stopped what we were doing and looked at them shocked
"Uh-oh" Julian muttered backing
"WHATS GOING ON" they both yelled
Then there was complete silence with all of use knowing where gonna get in trouble later
Mrs and Mr. Anderson called our parents to take us back home so the party basically ended 5 hours early. My mom picked me up and told me after I took a shower she wanted to have a talk with me, but I know these 'talks' usually end up talking for about 1/2 about stuff I don't even know about and every sentence has to end with me saying 'ok'. So I really wasn't looking forward to this talk.
After I finish taking a shower which was hard cause I had to remove all the sticky punch and chips in my hair I walked to my bed and pretend I forgot about the talk but me being stupid I bumped my toe on the edge of the bed
And that hurt
"OWWWW" I yelled loudly I was going to cuss at first but then I realize I'll just be in more trouble with my mom
"Riele?" My mom asked walking into my room
Way to go on being quite Riele
"Riele what was that fight that you and Maddie had that caused this whole trouble" she asked me
"Technically I didn't do anything she started it" I said
"Really Riele?" My mom asked me again
"I swear I was just minding my own business when Maddie had to come being a bit-
"Riele" my mom looked me straight in the eye stopping me from that word
"Sorry she is one though" I look down
"Whatever continue"
"Then she started making a big deal how about me how I'm all this and that which I'm not so I was defending myself like you tell me to" I told her
"Then out of nowhere she grabs a bowl of dip and dumps it on my head and we started having a food fight but I don't know why everyone else join" I said
"Will Riele to me it seemed like you didn't do anything besides defending yourself" my mom chuckled a little
"Thank you. What's so funny'' I ask her
"It's just...... just that Maddie told her parents something way different that makes you seem bad but I believe you" my mom laughs
"Ughh that bit-
My mom looked me in the eye telling me to stop that sentence
"Ok I won't say it even though it's true" I sigh
"Ugh I just can't believe that my baby riri is turning 14 in 4 days" my mom said hugging me
"Ughh mom stop please don't make it seem depressing" I groan
"It's just your my baby and soon you'll be off to college and married and have kids with Jace and-
"Did you say Jace?" I ask her
"Don't worry about that honey your growing-
"Do you really think I'm going to have a future with Jace" I ask her again
"I'm mean I would like that but it doesn't matter"
I just roll me eyes at her "whatever I don't wanna have thus conversation right now"
"Ok try and get some sleep" she smiled walking out of my room
Then I jump on my phone and saw that I was invited to a group message with Jace, Sean, Ella, and Cree
~~Text Conversation~~
Jace: that was some party wasn't it π
Cree: no kidding π Riele what happened there?
Ella: yeah what did happen it was one second you were yelling at each other then the next thing there's food everywhere π
Riele: idk she was being a bitch and she started that whole fight π also Jace and Sean where did you and everyone came from
Sean: we heard the yelling from all the way on the other side of the house π
Jace: yeah so we joined we didn't know it was a food fight
Cree: then what do you call it when people use food to fight? π€
Ella: fr π€
Sean: bruh π
Jace:will Cree I knew that it was a food fight but I thought it was planned for the party I didn't know Riele and Maddie were fight or I would have never join in
Sean: bro stop lying
Jace: who am I kidding I was gonna join no matter what π
Ella: will now thanks to this me and brothers have to clean the pool tomorrow π
Cree: eww there's soggy chips and sandwiches everywhere in that pool
Ella: I know kill me rn ππ«
Sean: my parents didn't do anything
Jace: same
Cree: sameππ»
Riele: will I had a talk it seemed like Maddie told her parents and made me seem like the bad guy ππ½
Cree: at least you don't work with here I swear if she starts acting up on me imma cut that weave off her head ππ»
Ella: I'll bring the scissors βοΈ
Riele: and I'll smack those glasses off her face ππΌ
Sean: geez you guys need to chill π
Jace: I just realize how sweet Dan is I mean we were suppose to start
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