Riele's POV
Today at set wasn't like any other day it was more quite and dull
Ella was shooting her movie Mothers Day, Jace was shooting Rufus, Cooper was sick, and Dan was filming Game Shakers today so there's no filming for us today
Right now it's only me, Sean and the teacher in the room on set where we do our school work
I'm doing some math problems on my laptop and listen to the song Cheerleader by Pentatonix, but I was mostly listening to the song then doing the work. Ninth grade work isn't easy
I felt someone shaking my shoulders I look up and saw Sean moving his mouth but no words
I removed my EarPod from my ears "What?"
"We're done for the day with school work." He repeated again since I didn't hear the first time
"Oh." I said putting my laptop and EarPods away and walking out the door
"Wait Riele." Sean stopped me walking up to me
"Yeah?" I ask turning around to him
"Um.... You know what never mind I'll ask you later." He mumbled looking down
"You sure?"
"Yeah." He smiled at me
I smiled back to him and walked back to my dressing room shutting the door to see Ella sitting on my couch using her phone
"What the heck Ella you scared me." I snap breathing heavily walking to her
"Sorry." She laughs getting up "I'm having a 20 minute break from filming Mothers Day so I stopped to get us Starbucks." She said handing me a caramel frappuccino
"Aw thanks." I smiled taking a sip from it
"No problem." She said taking a sip from her "Wanna go to the Game Shakers to watch them film since we're not doing anything today." She said putting her phone inside her back pocket
"Sure." I said grabbing my phone
We walked on the Game Shakers set to find just Thomas and Benjamin talking to each other
We walk up to them "Hey where's Cree?" I ask
"What about me why don't you wanna hang out with me to." Thomas smirked
"I never said that."
Benjamin rolled his eyes "She's inside her dressing."
"What were you guys talking about you seemed very confused?" Ella ask taking another sip of her Starbucks
"Which girl is the hottest her at nickelodeon." Thomas stated
Ella looked at them weirdly
"You guys shouldn't even be guessing, I mean it's obvious." I snap taking a sip of my Starbucks "It's me."
Benjamin started clapping "Omg yes it obvious."
"Yeah how could we be so stupid." Thomas scoff
"Jace is one lucky guy." Benjamin laughs
"He is though." I agreed walking to Cree's dressing room with Ella
I knocked on her door and Cree answered it opening the door for us letting us in "Hey Cr-" I stopped when I saw Maddie in the room
The last time I talked to Maddie was at Ella's Fourth of July party and many of you know what happened at that party
She saw me and quickly got up "Um well Cree it was nice talking to you I gotta go." She get to the door but I stop her
"Maddie can I talk to you."
She look at me and sigh "Sure."
"In private." I looked at Cree and Ella placing my Starbucks on her counter
"Ha I'm sorry this is my dressing." Cree stats sitting on her couch on the other side of the room
Ella sat next to her "Me and Cree have something special to talk about."
I rolled my eye and them and looked at Maddie again "I would really like to know why you hate me so much."
"I don't." She mumbles looking at her shoes
I gave her a serious look "Maddie."
She looks up and sighs pushing her glasses back "Your perfect gosh." She mumbled making not easy to hear her
"I said your too perfect and I hate that." She mumbled a little louder
"Well I cant argue about that- but why does it make you hate me?"
"Cause your getting all the boys.... I liked Thomas so much trying to get him to like me back and then you popped in and you didn't even try and he automatically liked you, and Jace I wanted to ask him out but then you guys started dating out of now where."
I was actually speechless cause I have no idea what to say to that "Will-" She cut me off
"Why am I even hating on you. All guys like you cause your beautiful they'll like a girl like me." She mumble looking at the floor
"What are you talking about your pretty and guy would be lucky often to date you." I stated
"What about Thomas?"
"Who cares about Thomas if doesn't like you, go get some other guy you liked- expect for Jace cause he's mind." I laugh
"I'm sorry I was a bitch to you." She apologized
"No problem the past is the past." I smile
"Finally you two made up now, I can't take this selfie I've been waiting for." Ella said walking up to us with Cree
"Yes." She says taking her phone out so we can't take the selfie
"Dang I look good." Cree states
We all roll our eyes at her
Now I'm inside my dressing room reviewing my lines for the episode Henry and The Woodpeckers, Ella already left for Mothers Day, and it's just me
Sean's POV
Ok Sean you can do this
I huff and knocked on the door and finally opened after 3 seconds
"Hey Sean." Riele smiled letting me in
I took another breath "So Riele I was wondering if you would like to get some Starbucks, I mean it would be nice cause you and me haven't exactly hanged out like with each other by ourselves and you know wouldn't it be nice two friends getting Starbucks hanging out doing other stuff friends do, what do friends even though, omg how can I be an amazing friend when I don't know how to be a friend. Wait I'm friends with Jace your boyfriend, your lover, your everything I hope this doesn't affect anything though."
She looked at me weirdly "What?"
"Do you wanna get Starbucks with me, it's not a date cause of course your dating psh you me just best friend cause best friend get st-" She cut me off
"Yes Sean we'll get Starbucks calm down, you don't need to speak gibberish with me." She laughs
"Sorry." I laugh looking down
"But can we get something else, Ella came and gave me a large caramel frappuccino."
"Sure how about IN-N-OUT burgers." I suggest
"That sounds good."
"So I'll see you in my dressing room in 10?" I asked
"See you there." She smiled at me before I left her dressing
It didn't go as I hoped it did but I did it
Riele's POV
It's been 5 minutes since Sean came in so I better start getting ready
I honestly have know idea why he's been acting strange lately. Every time he's with me and Jace or just me
I was plugging my phone in the charger when I felt a pair of arms warp around my waist making jump
"WHAT THE HECK JACE!" I gasp breathing heavily
"Sorry." He laughs
"This isn't funny, I don't like surprises. I mean remember what happened last week."
I was on set using my phone when someone came and covered my eyes
Without even thinking I elbowed their guts little to know that it was Jace
And let's just say for the next 3 hours there was ice, ice, ice, and groaning in pain
"Geez your no fun." Jace smirks handing me a box with dunkin donuts donut holes (those things are lit af 😏)
"Aww you got me donuts." I smiled opening the box
"Ain't I best the best boyfriend ever." He smirks sitting down
I looked at him "Sure."
"Was that a sarcastic 'sure' or a 'sure' like definitely?"
"You tell me." I smirk popping a donut hole in my mouth
He rolled his eyes taking out his phone "Did you see the periscope me and David yesterday."
I flopped on the couch next to Jace eating another donut "No I have the app I just haven't used it yet."
He gets out the app and goes on snapchat "What have you been been doing on set today?"
"Nothing beside school work and reviewing lines." I said grabbing my script
"You should do a periscope." Jace suggest
"Why?" I ask flipping through pages of the script
"Cause you haven't done one and don't you wanna get use to the app."
"I guess." I said grabbing my phone and unlocking it
"My hair looks to much of a mess." He says putting his hoodie up
"You should tell everyone where doing a periscope."
"I should just say it with a picture of blackness." He laughs taking a super close pictures of his knee so the picture turned out black and he wrote: come watch Riele's periscope in 5 👻
"I feel like this is going to be weird." I said opening the app
"Socially awkward." Jace laughs taking a selfie with me
"How the freak do you even start this?"
Jace sigh taking my phone out of my hands "Ok what do you want this periscope to be called?"
"I don't know."
"Um lets just put random letters." He said putting 'kjsbdkywv'
"Ok I'm starting this." I said hitting the button
Riele: ok so there's about 100 people so, wait no 87 wait now 93. Why are people leaving then coming back *laughs*
Jace: people don't like you
Riele: *shots Jace a death stare* people love me the heck, there's 500 people on here right now
Jace: all these questions are asking if you and I are dating *smirks at Riele*
Riele: *looks at Jace* I don't know
Jace: I mean we really didn't post a pictures on our page and caption when we started dating *says sarcastically*
Riele: *looks at Jace* you sound so stupid *laughs*
Jace: *rolls his eyes* yeah me and Riele are dating
Riele: well we actually we started dating before that but we didn't tell you guys *smirks putting her face on my palm of my hand*
Jace: cause were savage like that *smirks before going back to his phone*
Riele: you guys should ask us questions cause Jace has to go back to Rufus set to finish in like 5 minutes
Jace: look at this picture a fan posted
Riele: people are asking if your talking about me *smirks at Jace*
Jace: well yeah but nobody knew we were dating at the time
Riele: aw a boy wrote about me in a magazine *smiles*
Jace: people are asking me if I'm annoying to *looks at Riele*
Riele: do you want to lie to them or tell them the truth
Jace: *gives Riele a death stare*
Riele: *laughs at him* um sometimes he gets on my nerves cause he can get annoying but other times he's sweet and funny
Jace: aw I am funny
Riele: *rolls her eyes* someone ask do we have anything fetus pictures from season 1
Jace: I'm I still have this picture from when we start season 1
Riele: throwback to when Jace voice sounded like a mouse *laughs*
Jace: that's not true
Riele: well if you compare you voice now with the first episode of season 1 you can tell it changed a lot
Jace: remember this picture when Dan first got snapchat
Riele: oh yeah I remember that we were just walking after Dan stopped us just to take a picture
5 minutes later after answering a lot of questions
Riele: ok we're gonna end this periscope soon because Jace has to go back to Rufus set to finsh filming and thanks for 2,000 people
Jace: yeah and I'm gonna be late
Riele: first I'm gonna take a screenshot of this
Jace: hey my eyes were close
Riele: oops *smirks* anyways thanks for watching and we gotta go bye
End Of Periscope
"Well I gotta go back to set now." Jace say hugging me
I hugged him back "Have fun."
Then we let go and exit my dressing room
"Well I guess I should watch some Netflix since I have nothing to do." I sigh to myself unlocking my phone and going to Netflix
Sean's POV
I just finish watching Riele's periscope and I was quiet pissed
She said she'll meet me in 10 butes it been 25 minutes and she still not here
Well I'm gonna do something I'm gonna regret
I walk to Riele's dressing room and knocked on her door "Come in." She said inside
I opened her door and walked inside "How was your periscope with Jace."
"Oh good- oh it's you Sean." She smiles at me looking up from her phone
"So I guess you didn't have anything else to do but make a periscope with Jace." I stated showing a little bit of anger
"Well no- oh gosh you and me were supposed to get In-N-Out burgers." She finally realized
"Well yeah."
"Sorry Sean, Jace came over and wanted to do a periscope and I lost track of time." She states
I roll me eyes "Whatever."
"Sean I really didn't mean to."
"Gosh I don't know why I even bother trying."
"What?" She ask me confused
"I like you Riele." I blurted out
"Well I like you t-"
I cut her off "Not in a friend way more then that. Ever since we started season 1 I had a crush on but I've been to scared to tell you cause I thought you don't like guys like me. And the w-worse p-p-part is-" I stop and think about what I was about to say
"And when ever I'm around you I just wanna grab your face and kiss you."
Riele looked shocked at me backing away
"But you dating Jace makes it harder." Those were my last words before I left Riele's dressing room
Oh my gosh
What did I just do?
2378 words!
I really didn't want this to be long but eh 😂
Ok I got a story time 😕 literally
So one day I was on We Heart It aka this app
So I forgot what I was doing on there but somehow I ended up at on 'relationship goals' and 'couple goals' and shit like that I don't have 😐
And I was probably looking at like 500 pictures and crying about how I'm single 😊
But I stop scrolling when I saw this
And I just stopped and wonder: why is there a jacebela picture in couple goals 🤔
So I clicked on it and it was true
😂😂😂😂😂😂hahah (the reason they have 'me' between them is because I guess the person that posted this wants to be like them)
I just started laughing 😂😂 but that's my opinion
I mean what do you think of that
Ok I'm gonna go cause it 3 in the morning but I'm not tried
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