Ch.7 "I Might've Killed My Boyfriend"

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We all looked at Y/n as soon as she said that.

"You...want to train? With us? Now?" I asked. Since when was she even interested in things like this?

"Yeah." She looked like she didn't know why we were all surprised. "I just want to see if I'm okay at self-defense. That's all."

Oh, okay...understandable.

"All right. I'll spar with you after the break."

A smile covered her face, and it was the cutest thing ever.

She started chatting with Nya after that.

~Y/n's POV~

"Oh yeah, what about your brother and Jane? How are they?" Nya asked.

"They're already on their way to the airport for their honeymoon."

I'll miss them.

Damn, why do I feel so out of breath? What's wrong?

Oh wait, I forgot to return Jane's earrings to her. My earrings at the wedding were borrowed from Jane. Damn it...I forgot to give them back.

Meh, it doesn't matter. I'll give them to her when they return.

Why am I remembering this now anyway?

I returned my mind to the conversation I was having with Nya and Jay while continuing to drink my smoothie. My hands were slightly shaking but I didn't know why. I almost spilled my drink so I slowly put it down on a nearby table.

Jay mentioned a comic he read and Lloyd joined the conversation as soon as he heard its name.

"But that's next month! I can't wait that long," Lloyd complained about the release date of the next comic volume.

Master Wu walked in. "What are you talking about?" He saw me. "Oh, hello Y/n. How are you?"

They all gave him a look.

I stuck my tongue out at them.

I can't seem to help that I'm Master Wu's favorite.

"What?" he asked, confused. "If you all want me to say hello then say it first, or did the cat get your tongues?"

Lloyd sighed.

I almost laughed.

Master Wu left to the other room.

Lloyd looked at me. "Come on. Let's test your skills."

I stood and we walked to the empty space in middle of the mech garage. I was breathing harder but I tried to hide it. It was probably a false alarm or something.

The others got ready to watch. "Kill it, Y/n!" Zane yelled. The others gave him a confused look. "Did I use it incorrectly?" he innocently asked.

"Focus here, S/n," Lloyd grabbed my attention.

Okay...prepare yourself, Y/n. This is a skilled ninja in front of you. It might not be easy to defeat him.

I took a deep breath and hoped for the best.


I might've killed my boyfriend.

All I could remember was that he charged at me and I dodged, then directed a big hit to his chest.

I might have killed him with that, because he lied on the ground motionless.

"Lloyd, can you hear me?" Kai asked, sitting next to him on the ground trying to wake him up.

Lloyd didn't respond.

I finally started to get worried and rushed to his side.

"Lloyd! Please wake up!" I called. Lloyd blinked a couple of times in response then opened his eyes.

"Damn, sweetheart. I told you to defend yourself, not knock me dead."


"Kai, perhaps he needs a knock to the head, he's not in his right mind."

"At your service." Kai prepared a fist.

"Wait no! I'm fine!" Lloyd shouted and sat up, well, he tried and I helped him up.

"Sorry...did I hurt you too much?" I asked.

He gave me the 'seriously?' look.

Oh no, Y/n. Of course you didn't hurt him that bad. He just wanted to lie on the floor and have an existential crisis like the one you had before you brought the smoothies. You didn't hurt him at all.

Kai asked as both him and I helped Lloyd to stand up and sit on the nearby couch, "No seriously, dude. Are you okay? Or should we take you to the hospital?"

"I'm fine. It just hurt a lot because I already had a wound there."

My eyes widened when he said that. Then I remembered one of the wounds he had on his chest that I saw when I accidentally walked in on him changing the other day. I hit the spot exactly on the wound.

Okay, I know I should be compassionate...but I must say that I hit the bullseye.

Lloyd looked up at me from where he sat on the couch. "No seriously, don't worry. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry. I forgot about your wounds."

"It's okay." He closed his eyes and said with a chuckle, "At least now I can rest well knowing that if anybody tried to hurt you, you'd just send them directly to hell."

The others laughed.

I didn't.

Why didn't I?

Sometimes I feel like I don't feel the right emotions at the right time.

Must be the meds...or the lack of meds...WAIT I FORGOT TO TAKE MY MEDICATION TODAY!

I ran to my bag and got out my medication. I was right. I forgot to take it today. That explains my being out of breath and the shakiness of my hands.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Nya asked and came up to me.

"Yeah yeah. I just forgot to take my meds."

I got a glass of water and took my medication.

How did I even forget it?

It's Francis's fault.

I spent the rest of the day with the ninjas. I studied a bit there as well, asking Zane for help whenever I needed it because...well, he's a robot -I found out the hard way...when I accidentally tased him with the new taser they got, he malfunctioned and I was so confused, as if humans wouldn't malfunction after getting electrocuted- and because he's smart in general.

At the end of the day, Lloyd came up to me as I sat on the Destiny's Bounty dock, leaning my back against the stairs and had my laptop on my lap as I wrote an essay.

Cole was packing some stuff to take home, Zane was doing the dishes after we just had dinner, Nya and Jay already left -they had a date at the arcade-, and Kai was posting selfies on Instagram.

Lloyd sat next to me. "Is studying going well?"

"Not at all. I can't remember shit from my lecture today."

Master Wu jump-scared me yelling from the inside of the ship, "Y/n! Language!"

Lloyd just laughed at that.

I gave him a glare, but he somehow took it as permission to lay his head on my shoulder and take a look at my essay.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. "About the whole Francis situation. Did he show up yet?"

I thought and thought before I answered. "Yeah, he did, unfortunately."

Lloyd looked up at me with his eyes wide open then sat up straight, taking his head off of my shoulder and looking me right in the eyes. "Are you serious?"

I nodded. "I wish I wasn't."

"Did he do anything to you? Where did he show up? What happened?"

"One by one, Cindergreen."

"Okay." He sat ready to listen.

I told him everything that happened. He already knew about the notification and what Francis wrote on his account. Also, I told him about the reason I wanted to train for.

"I don't want to be as weak as I was three years ago...I don't want to give him a chance to hurt me again."

"He won't. I won't let him."

I gave him a smile. "Thanks, Cindergreen."

He returned the smile, but with one a thousand times brighter.

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