Francis opened his eyes after what seemed like eternity.
The last thing he remembered was getting thrown into the ocean after Octoshar was bombed. He wasn't as close to the explosion but it was big enough to throw him off of the dock he was standing on.
Now that he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar room. His wounds have been taken care of and bandaged and he had none of his weapons in sight.
The door opened. A familiar face walked in.
"Rumi? How did I get here?" he asked the princess.
"I sent guards after you. What were you thinking by joining Garmadon? You got me worried."
Well, that's cute. She never worried about him their whole lives, so why now?
"I didn't know it would end up like this," he said. "That Y/n and her green boyfriend got in the way."
Harumi seemed equally disgusted when he mentioned the Green Ninja. She never liked him. She always thought he was weak and couldn't defeat Garmadon. Her parents died during one of the attacks because he wasn't quick enough to save them. That happened around three years ago, Harumi was thirteen and was later adopted by the emperor and empress.
"Don't even mention him. I hate that guy."
Francis knew that, but he had fun teasing her every now and then.
"So you were worried about me?" he asked with a sly smile.
"Shut up, you know what I meant."
"Okay, whatever you say."
They talked for a bit, Francis explaining why he joined Garmadon and Harumi going over her old plan of revenging her parents by defeating Garmadon, and told Francis how she already had a small group of people who were on board with the plan.
"Wait, really?" he asked. "How did you tell them?"
"I have other friends. You didn't expect to be my only friend now, did you?"
True, he didn't know she had other friends aside form him. But the word friend still hurt him a bit, being in the friendzone wasn't exactly what he wanted.
"But when did you even make friends? You're always busy with your princess duties, you barely have time for me, let alone making other friends."
She sighed and walked out.
Yeah, just like that, the conversation ended whenever she wanted it to end.
Francis decided to take some rest and lied on the bed, hoping nothing bad would happen.
I lied on my bed staring at the ceiling.
I felt nothing, I wanted nothing, I thought of nothing, and I did nothing.
My medications made me numb enough to not leave enough of a path for negative thought to form, but it also meant my positive ones were also nowhere to be found.
This specific medication's effect would last a couple of hours. And I already had enough to worry about.
But staring at the ceiling it is. I couldn't gather enough willpower to get up to go check on Francis or text Lloyd or do anything at all. I needed to consult my doctor about how this medication was failing me.
I'll do it later, I thought and kept my eyes open staring at the ceiling above me.
I didn't like the color of the ceiling, I might repaint it and draw something on it if I had the energy.
Then I remembered...I had an appointment with my doctor today.
I got up and checked the time, I had enough time to get ready.
I got dressed and took my handbag and left the house, hoping the next time I come home I'd be feeling better.
~Time Skip, brought to you by Y/n listening to sad songs and crying in her room at three in the morning~
"So? How are you feeling?"
I didn't know how to answer him.
"I don't know."
"You don't know? Okay, then I'll ask you a couple of things instead."
"How was your mood the past month?"
"Awful. The guy who tortured me and gave me these scars-" I pointed at the scar near my right eye and at my arm, he knew I had a disfigured arm, "-is back."
"Why don't you report him to the police then?"
I gave him a 'seriously?' look. "I'm dating the Green Ninja, you think I didn't think of that? Police can do nothing to him because he's pretending to have amnesia!"
Then I went about and explained some stuff, answered more of the doctor's questions and he changed the doses that I had to take, he said he couldn't change the medication because it was working, but in a small amount. So yeah, I have double the doses now.
When I left the place, I called Lloyd.
"Hey," he said. "How are you now, S/n?" S/n has been the nickname Lloyd called me by for a long time now.
"You don't sound fine."
"Francis doesn't have amnesia," I blurted out as I walked on the sidewalk.
There was a pause on the line, then I heard a "I knew it. Guys, I won the bet, now pay up."
I facepalmed.
They paid him or whatever. I spoke, "So you're not worried?"
"I am. Sorry. Did he do anything? How did you find out?"
I told him how. Then I said, "Also, I held him hostage and he spilled the princess's plans."
"Wait what? What plans?"
"Francis is working with the princess. Be careful of her, she's dangerous."
"Are you sure? Because we already met her. She's no more dangerous than a regular fangirl."
"Lloyd, I'm serious. Francis is going to help me spoil her plans of bringing your father back to rule Ninjago."
I could imagine his jaw dropping. "And I thought she was a fan of mine...damn it."
"You have enough fans. Too many fans."
"Also, don't get close to Francis, ever."
"I'm holding him hostage. It's fine."
"You may think he's on your side now but the moment you let your guard down he's gonna mess things up again."
"I know, thanks for worrying."
"I'm serious."
You're Sirius Black?
Too lame, Y/n, I know.
"I know, green bean, I know."
He chuckled. "What's that? What happened to 'Cindergreen'?"
"I have a million nicknames for you."
"Like what?"
"Green vegetable, green bean, cinnamon roll, small bean, green hoodie guy, Cindergre-"
"Wait wait wait. Green hoodie guy? That sounds like I'm trying to rob you and you're giving a description of me to the police!" he couldn't help but laugh, I did too.
"Let me finish! Cindergreen, pillow mint, Mr. green ninja, mask boy, green-eyed blondie, and many more I can't remember."
"Wow, haven't heard half of them before."
"Amy is the only one who knows them...or knew them, other than me."
"Damn, you have no nickname that makes me look cool?"
"No, I'll make you some cool names when you stop acting cute."
He gave me a sad "Okay" which was in fact very cute.
"Okay, bye," I said.
"Bye-bye, love ya." He hung up.
For some reason, he reminded me of Garmadon when he said that.
Not that I 'loved' Garmadon though.
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