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CHECK OUT MY NEW AUGUST ALSINA STORY: Save me (summary in the mm)

It's getting really good🐸☕️


Jacob POV

I was sleeping really good when I felt Yn wrap her leg around me.

She always did that in the middle of the night and whenever she did it was because she was horny, but didn't want to wake me up.

Too late for that.

I decided to mess with her, so I pretended to be sleep a little while longer, and her lips made their way to my neck.

I gritted my teeth as she swirled her tongue in tiny circles on my neck.

I shuffled a little.

"Baby" she whispered


"Wake up"

She rolled over on top of me planting kisses everywhere.

I grabbed her hips as she began rocking on me.

"Woah, what you doing babygirl?" I smirked a little because I just wanted to hear her say it.

"I want you" she moaned out as my hands made their way to her soaked panties.

"Oh yeah?" I played with her running my fingertip in a circle on her spot.

"Yeahhhh" she said out of breathe.

"How much?" I slid a finger in.

"Oh god Jacob...." She moaned and began bringing against my finger.

I stopped and slightly pushed her to lay on her back. I pulled her panties down and opened her legs a little, now face level with her wet folds.

Yn was the impatient type when it came to sex. She wasn't really into foreplay, she liked getting right to the point, so tonight I was gonna have some fun with her.

I ran my tongue up up slit once causing her back to arch immediately.

"Ahhh" she closed her eyes shut and gripped the sheets.

"Jacob..." She said in a serious tone and she sat up on her elbows, giving me a look.

I looked at her with an evil but seductive grin. "What?" I laughed

She rose an eyebrow "you know what I want"

She watched every move I made as my tongue entered her. She sucked in a breathe and began grinding her hips violently.

I finished tasting her and rose up, positioning myself at her entrance.

I decided that I was gonna play with her a little, and make her beg for it.

I tapped myself against her core twice causing her to whine, before I slid only the tip in.

Her breathing increased and her eyes opened as she stared at me. "Jacob don't tease" she said squirming around. She tried to reach down and slide me inside of her, but I smacked her hand and shook my head.

"NOPE, be patient ma" I said as I smirked at her. I slowly slid the tip in and out. She pushed her hips forward quickly, trying to take in more of me. I held her hips down and shook my head again.

"Yn, this won't be that hard if you follow instructions" I said as i kissed her neck.

"But b-baby, I want it s-so baddd" she whined as she circled her lips.

"And you will get it." I leaned down and kissed her ear. "You just gotta be patient."

I played with her clit and blowed on it, causing her to wince. I tapped my tip against it, watching it become swollen.


I slid the tip in.

"Yes Yn?" I slowly gave her 2 more inches, before sliding back out. I looked her in the eyes and they looks watery. This girl was about to cry, that's how bad she wanted the dick. I chucked to myself but kept a straight face.

"What do you want me to do Yn?" I slid back inside her, this time giving her one more inch then I did the last time. I slid back out and massaged her left breast.

"I want you to put it in! Please baby put it back in!" She arched her back and groaned from me sliding back in once again. I but my lip as she tightened her walls around me.

"Like this?" I sped up my shirt strokes, still not giving her all of me.

"More!" She grabbed a pillow and squeezed it.

I slid back out, making her scoff.

"You know what nigga, fuck you! We've been siting her for 10 minutes doing nothing because you wanna play games! If you don't wanna fuck me just say so damnit! I don't ha-" she was cut off my me ramming all of my shit into her.

I gritted my teeth from how wet she was. "What was that Yn? Say it again baby" she quickly shook her head and opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"Apologize" I said, slowing down then speeding up again.

She shook her head no. I laughed, this girl never learns.

I turned her over on all fours and smacked her ass hard.

"ahhhh!" She screamed.

I rammed back into her. "Apologize to me Yn." I said again. Slowing down then speeding up my strokes.

"No! Shit....I'm sorry! I'm so sorry baby I'll never get loud again." She threw her head down on the bed as she screamed.

"Jacob...I can't" she whispered.

"Let it go Yn" at the same timeee released, she turned over and I layed next to her.

"You need to fix that mouth of yours little girl"

She bit her lip and blushed.



I'll be updating way more now because Tommorow is the last day of school. But I'll be paying a little more attention to my August Alsina story. I really hope you guys check it out. I'm still taking requests by the way. Just comment or inbox me.

Be blessed,


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