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Husk: Oh, you mean like when it suddenly transformed into a perfect 1-1 replica of Niffty out of nowhere?

*Vaggie gave a little huff and nodded in agreement with Husk's words, but then Charlie stared at the pup with a fascinated look, before she began to ask very interestedly and excitedly*

Charlie: Uh, um, so, um, like, Jackie! How did the pup actually change into Niffty before? Can he do it with anyone? Like, what's the limits for the pup when transforming? Does the pup have to know the person personally or have to see a person before transforming into them?

*Jackie turned her attention to Charlie with a smile

Jackie: I think it should just see him first, dear~

*Everyone listened to Jackie's words intently after she said that, and Charlie seemed to have her eyes slightly widened in excited surprise and a wide smile at Jackie's words*

Charlie: O-Oh! R-Really!? R-Really, s-so the puppy is capable of turning into any person it sees! That is both fascinating and amazing!

*She says very excitedly*

Charlie: I-I wonder if that means that this pup can even turn into me!

Jackie: Of course!~

*Jackie motions for je to turn into Charlie*

*Everyone stared with wide grins and excited looks, Charlie had her mouth open, Angel's mouth was slightly open, Husk had his ears up, and Vaggie even began to smile a little, while Je suddenly changed his form into perfect 1-1 replica of Charlie, complete with her hair and clothes*

Charlie: O-Oh! My Gosh! E-Everyone, look! It really is me!

*Jackie notices a slight blush on Vaggie and smiles brightly*

Jackie: It seems like there's someone shy here~..or is there some connection?~

*Everyone's attention turned towards Vaggie after Jackie's comment, and they all gained looks of surprised realization as they looked at Vaggie's now bright-red face. Charlie gave Vaggie an amused look, Angel's eyes widened, Husk simply smirked, while a wide, enthusiastic smile began to appear on Alastor's face*

*Jackie tilts her head slightly with a smile*

Jackie: Are you her girlfriend?~ Oh, how cute~

*Before Vaggie could even say anything, Husk said to her with an amused and slightly mocking smile*

Husk: Girlfriend is a nice way of putting it, Vaggie. You and Charlie are practically married, you know?~

*He said with a chuckle*

Husk: Heh, Charlie has you wrapped around her finger, don't you, wifey~?

*He says with a teasing tone, and Vaggie simply lets out a groan, blushing even more*

*Jackie laughs at Husker's comment and at vaggie's expression*

*Husk smirks wider, then says with a cheeky and teasing tone*

Husk: Heh~ Charlie is pretty lucky to have such a loyal, obedient, faithful, loving, protective, and absolutely adorable wife, don't you think, wifey~?~

*Charlie then starts giggling as she sees Vaggie's expression becoming increasingly flustered and her face increasingly red*

*Jackie continues laughing as she speaks*

Jackie: The cat's right~

*Husk gained an even wider smirk at Jackie's comment, while Angel had a wide grin on his face, Charlie just kept giggling in a bit of a mocking way, and Alastor spoke with a wide, enthusiastic smile on his face while gesturing at Husk*

Alastor: Oh, this cat is very spot on indeed!~ Heh, you are a very lucky gal indeed, Charlie!

*Alastor says with a bit of a chuckle*

Alastor: Just look at that absolutely adorable Vaggie of yours!~

*Jackie looks at Husker and leans towards him slightly with a smile*

Jackie: Speaking of the cat~..what is your name?~ Miss Charlie has not told me your name yet~

*Everyone's attention turned towards Husk slightly when Jackie said that, but Husk just let out a huff and said with his usual grumpy tone*

Husk: It's H-Husk, my name is Husk. That's all. Just 'Husk'.

*He says with a bit of an annoyed grumble before he lets out a very tiny yawn*

Jackie: Well, my dear Husk~ Oh, I think there's something missing~.. Wait~..

*A bottle of wine appears in her hands and then hands it to him with a smile*

Jackie: Like this~

*Husk gave a surprised look as a bottle of wine magically appears in Jackie's hand and is handed to him by her, and his expression instantly brightens up and becomes more enthusiastic as he looks at the wine*

Husk: Ooh! Heh heh Niiiicccce~ This is the stuff!~ Heh, thanks, miss~

*He says with a grin as he began to open the bottle and drank some of the wine*

*Jackie folds her arms behind her back with a smile*

Jackie: You're welcome~

*Husk gave Jackie a grateful smile as he drinks the wine, and he lets out a small satisfied sigh and says*

Husk: This stuff is great, you know? Really good stuff here~ Hm~

*Angel watched Husk drink the wine and said*

Angel: Heh~ You really like ya booze, don't ya, buddy?~ You got a bit of a 'drinking habit', eh? Heh~

*Jackie smiled wickedly as she enjoyed teasing Angel*

Jackie: He definitely likes wine more than you, doesn't that, Husk?~

*Angel gave a slightly shocked and offended look after Jackie said that, while Husk said to Jackie with a chuckle as he continued to drink his wine from the bottle*

Husk: Heh, true, I love booze more than everything. I don't think anything will be more than booze in my eyes~ Heh, definitely more than 'mister spider over there'. Heh.

*Husk says as he points an finger at Angel while giving a teasing grin at Angel*

*Jackie giggles with amusement*

*Angel rolls his eyes slightly after being teased by Husk, while Husk gives Angel a mocking and cheeky smile and says with teasing tone to Angel*

Husk: Whaaaaat's the matter, 'mister spider'~? You upset that I'll always love my booze more than you?~

*Angel gives a slightly annoyed huff and says*

Angel: Oh, shut up, you furball!

*He says as he crosses his arms in annoyance*

Jackie: Now, would everyone please get out of my room?~

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