Ray of Hope

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Toshinori stood there, a Grin on his face.

The Albion seemed to hesitate for some reason, as if he could feel his presence which could scare a Lion with a simple stare

"Thank you for breaking me out of my shell young man; Now allow me to finish this for you." His booming confidence could be heard from the way he stood, the way he talked.

"This isn't good.. My body isn't use to this-?! I haven't used this power in so long and without the sun I feel as if my muscles are ready to burst..!"

"Are you sure you can win? We have to think about avoiding any more damages to the things around us." He slowly regenerated his wounds, being able to regain his footing.

"That'll be alright. His frame is so big it'll be hard to miss anything else!" He laughed

The Albion roared in rage, pointing it's canons down at the two as the holes lit with fire.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." He quickly jumped up to the thing to see it face to face. "Hasn't anyone taught you any MANNERS!"

He raised his voice and delivered a hard SMACK to the left side of Albion's face; Tumbling across the road. Knocking out buildings from it's mass.

Toshinori landed on the ground, looking on at the destruction that it left in its wake with confidence.. Suddenly though blood spewed out of his arm as he coughed a bit.

"Tch..!? It seems I am only good for one more attack.." The Albion slowly got up, roaring as it started throwing a temper tantrum as it rapidly attacked everything with its Giant fist.

"Watch out?!"

Toshinori raised his right hand, raising a finger as a minuscule sphere emitted from his finger.

"If I have one more attack in me, I better make good use of it." The Sphere got bigger, emitting a flaming hot light similar to the sun at the crack of dawn.

"Let's see if you can possibly survive an attack like this."


He swung his finger forward, the Sun charging at the Giant Creature.

It crisped most that it touched before slamming into the massive creature causing it to roar out in pain as the Sun forced it to travel back even further.

All before setting off like a fiery Bomb that burned everything around it and turn into Ash.

Izuku walked out to see all the Destruction he had created.

"Hey, You did it! You killed the Albion!" He grinned, the Albion was seemingly defeated and killed. The smoke covering the Albion

"As much as I appreciate it, I don't think this battle is over."

Giant sounds could be heard as the Albion stood up from the rubble, now with a new Giant and burnt hole in it's stomach.

"It's still alive?!"

It raised it's fist in fury as it went to slam down on the two of them.

"CRAP-?!" The boy grabbed Toshinori by the arm and jumped away hoping to avoid it.

The Albion's fist made contact with the ground, causing a shockwave that sent the two spinning out "ACK-!?"

They landed face first on the street, Izuku turning back and getting up ready to fight.

"Cmon Toshinori! We can beat this thing together!" He turned to him, however his heart sank when he saw he was still on the ground. Now back to his skinnier and smaller self.

"He must've used up all his strength in that last attack cause the sun isn't out-!?"

He put Toshi on his back, getting in a battle stance. "Looks like i'm on my own again-!!"

"Midoriya!" A voice called out as Izuku looked up

"Hawks!" The man held out a Sword, however it wasn't just any sword.

His eyes widened as he was able to tell what it was

"Sacred Treasure! Lostvayne!"

"How did he even get it?!" Meliodas questioned before Izuku came to the quick conclusion. "Midnight must've given it to him-!"

"Take this-!!" He threw the sword down, as it spun mid-air. Ingraining itself into the concrete.

"It's so close! I just need to get to it!?" He turned as Toshinori was still knocked unconscious and needed to be evacuated immediately.

"I can't leave him here!!"

The Albion once again raised its foot to stomp on them like bugs

"TCH-?!" He grabbed All Might and jumped away to dodge the attack.


Dust once again enveloped the street as Izuku covered his eyes to not get blinded "Dammit-?!"

He felt his hand out to hopefully grab Lostvayne

"It's gotta be in the smoke somewhere!?" He grabbed something, opening his eyes to see it was a simple sharp rock "That's not what I need!" Throwing it away.

If he wanted any chance at getting it, he had to ensure All Might's safety. Turning his head to the air "HAWKS!!" He spun around and threw the Skinny man towards him "TAKE HIM TO SAFETY!"

Thankfully he caught him, getting sent back a bit due to the force "I can't just leave ya here!"

"Yes, you can! Now get out of here!"

He grimaced, flying off with Toshinori

"Hope you know what you're doing kid..?!"

The Boy sighed of relief, as he turned back to the Albion and then looked at Lostvayne

"I can kill it as long as I get Lostvayne! No matter what it takes!"

He got in a sprint stance, inhaling as he looked at the Albion which simply stared back.

He took a deep breath, before sprinting across the street as fast as he could as the Canons grew from the Albions face once again. Shooting down at him.

He narrowly dodged the first one, nearly tripping before getting it together "I can't fold here! Not when i'm so close!?"

It continued to shoot rapidly down at him making holes in the street from each shot but Izuku noticed something, the Albion kept shooting in a pattern.

Right, Middle, Left.

"I have to do this! I gotta beat this thing!"

He started to speak out loud, as his body simply adapted to the pattern

"Right!" He dodged to the left, ending up in the middle

"Middle! He dodged to the left, ending up to the right

"Left!" He dodged back to the middle

"Right! Middle! Left!" The same pattern was repeated, as he advanced closer. His body naturally adapting to the pattern of the mindless beast.

"I gotta do this!" He made it to Lostvayne, wasting no time in grabbing it from the ground, The Albion charging an attack that WOULD kill him if he was too slow.

"For Everyone! For Native! And.. FOR IIDA!!" He roared taking the Sword out of the stone

"RAAAAAAAH!!" The Beast Roared as it unleashed the last fiery canon at the boy. Seemingly disintegrating the boy to nothing.

"NO!! KID!?" The bird man called out in despair, thinking the child had just been disintegrated.

The Albion started to smile, as it had just eliminated a big threat to it's well being.

"Sacred Treasure: Lostvayne."

To be continued...

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