[12] New Technique

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Its been days ever since the sports festival and the dinner with Ochaco's parents. Izuku went back to work at Pizza Hut and was working hard as usual while Ochaco went back to school. Once she entered the classroom, she was bombarded with questions from her classmates asking if she's ok or congratulating her for becoming 2nd. As she went to her seat, she looked across the room to see Izumi and Bakugo giving her a cold stare.

"I'm gonna have to be more cautious around those two" she mentally said.

As Mr. Aizawa came in, he spoke to them about how they will be interning with pro heroes. When lunchtime came around, he showed them the offers from highest to lowest. Everyone was not surprised because Izumi got the highest. They were surprised that Ochaco got the 2nd highest.

"Wow, Ochaco. I guess that fight against Bakugo really made you stand out" Tsu said.

"SHUT UP YOU DAMN FROG! I WAS JUST CAUGHT OFF GUARD!" Bakugo said from across the room.

"Bet he's still upset because he lost to a girl" Kaminari whispered to Jirou.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Bakugo said as he chased Kaminari out of the room.

Ochaco took the sheet of offers and went through it. 

"What kind of agency should I join? Man, if Izuku had an agency of his own, I would definitely have joined" she said to herself. But before she could decide, Midnight came in and helped everyone choose hero names. Izumi chose to go by Green Might while Uraraka chose Uravity.

(Crappy name I know, I'm truly not the best at naming)

In the city...
Currently, Izuku was making a delivery on his skateboard while talking to Ochaco through his earpiece.

"Internship?" he asked.

"Yh but I got so many offers, I don't know what to pick. So I'm asking for your opinion" Ochaco said on the phone.

As Izuku handed the pizza to the customer and received the money, he stopped to think.

"I know, why not try the Gunhead Agency? I heard he's an excellent fighter and is specially trained in weapon holding," Izuku said as he rode his skateboard back to the restaurant.

"Yh, I think that's a good idea. Thanks, Izu," she said as she made a kiss sound to the phone. As Izuku hung up, he looked at his hands. 

"I wonder if there's more to this power than I even know. Maybe I should do my own internship," he said to himself. As he returned to the restaurant, he performed his normal duties. While mopping the floors, he overheard the news report on the TV talking about the hero Ingenium. He heard that he was critically injured by the hero killer.

"The Hero Killer huh?" Izuku said while mopping. "If I didn't know any better, his brother is in the same class as Ochaco"

Izuku's eyes widened

As Izuku went down to his lair, he continued to wonder if he has used his powers to their full potential, so he made a call.

"Hello?" the person on the phone said.

"Hey Master Splinter," Izuku said.

"Oh Izuku, it's good to hear from you again. How've you been? Have you been keeping up with your training?" Splinter said on the phone.

"Yup. By the way, I wanted to ask you something?" said Izuku.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to know, is there a way to improve Hamato Ninpō inside me?" he asked.

There was a long silence on the other side.

"I'm sorry Izuku. Remember the Hamato Ninpō inside you is only shared portions from the turtles. It's not really something you can improve," Splinter said.

"Oh, ok. I understand," Izuku said sadly as he was about to hang up.

"But...." Splinter said catching Izuku's attention.

"That doesn't stop you from making your own," he said.

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked both confused and surprised.

"You would have to be here in person to find out. When you have the time come down to New York," said Splinter.

Izuku thought for a moment before answering.

"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can," he said before hanging up.

The Next Day...
Izuku was currently at the train station waiting for the train to take him to the airport. He already told Max and Ochaco that he would be taking a trip to New York for some training. Although he had to try to shake off Ochaco since she constantly begged to go with him. While waiting, he heard voices next to him. He turned and noticed the students in Class 1A with the pro hero Eraser Head.

"Shoot," he said as he moved to hide behind a wall. He listened to where he heard how each of the students will behave at their internships. One by one as everyone boarded he noticed Ochaco heading into one of the trains. What caught him by surprise was when she looked through the window and blew a kiss directly at him as the train left.

"I feel like, I taught her too well" he whispered himself before boarding the train to the airport. Doing the same thing he did when he left New York, he snuck onto a plane that was set to fly to New York.

A few hours later...
Inside an underground dojo, Splinter was currently meditating. Without opening his eye, he caught a shuriken that was suddenly thrown at him.

"Your stealth skills have improved Izuku," Splinter said turning around to face him.

"Where are my turtle bros?" Izuku asked.

"They're busy patrolling the city above," Splinter said

Izuku walked up to Splinter and went to his knees.

"I have returned in order to become a better ninja master. How do I create my own Nino?" Izuku said bowing with respect.

"Raise your head Izuku, because your lesson begins...NOW!" Splinter said as he attacked Izuku with his cane. Once Izuku dodged out of the way, he threw away his bag and summoned a bo-staff. As they sparred with each other, Splinter kept catching Izuku off guard and getting rid of his weapons causing him to fight hand-to-hand due to the lack of Ninpo energy from making so many weapons.

1 hour later...

Izuku was currently on the ground breathing hard after a hardcore training session. 

"Well, what have you learned?" Splinter said dusting off his robe.

"That getting my ass beaten by you hurts more than villains?" Izuku said trying to get up.

"No, but your right about getting your butt kicked by me," said Splinter. 

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal the turtle brothers.

"HEY, IT'S IZUKU!" Mikey said dogpiling his human brother.

"What are you doing here dude?" Leo asked.

"Just here to improve my skills," Izuku said while still pinned by Mikey.

"Mikey get off him. Base on those bruises, it's obvious Dad was training him," Donnie said leaning on his bo staff. He quickly got off him and apologized.

"We'll continue this tomorrow. Think about the lesson on your own time, meanwhile, the boys to make us some grub," Splinter said leaving the area.

"AWWW YEAH!!!! WE'RE THROWING A WELCOME HOME PIZZA PARTY!!!!!" Mikey yelled as he and other turtles headed to the kitchen. Izuku looked at his hand and clenched it.

"I gotta find a way to create my own ninpo," he whispered to himself before leaving to join the others.

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Back in Japan, Izumi was sent to Grand Torino where she learned Full Cowling while Ochaco joined Gunheads Agency. He overall impressed on how Ochaco is already good at evading. Although it was thanks to the ninja sensing Izuku taught her.

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During the time Izuku spent in New York, he's been honing his original skills by training with the turtles. Thanks to Leo, he was able to create portals at a further distance. Now he doesn't have to sneak onto a plane to go to a different country when he can just portal back home. With Ralph, he can now create over 100 holographic clones.

Currently, Izuku was laying on his hammock playing thinking about how to make his out Jutsu while everyone else slept. Then suddenly a thought came into his mind. He activated Flame Jutsu, summoned his Nunchuks, and started spinning it.

"My weapons are made out of Hamoto energy. But what if instead of forming a weapon, I just release the energy," he said before looking at a punching bag. He hopped off his hammock and walk towards it. Izuku closed his eyes, concentrated his energy directly on the palm of his right hand. 

"Instead of weapon shape, what if I make it into ball shape" he mentally said as the energy swirled up into a ball.

Once he felt the energy, instead of forming a weapon, he formed it into the shape of a ball. Because of the loud sounds, he was making, the turtles and Master Splinter came to the room tired.

"What's the ruckus?" Donnie said rubbing his eyes only to open them wide at the sight of Izuku and what he was holding in his hand.

 Izuku opened his eyes showing it change shape and color. It wasn't blue, nor red, nor purple, nor orange. It was green.

"He's done it," Splinter said seeing his pupil.

Izuku then slapped his right hand on the punching bag causing it to destroy upon impact. He looked at the destroyed bag and marveled at his work.

"No freaking way," he said as he looked at his hands to see it slightly sore. "I guess this is the drawback"

He then felt arms wrap around his neck. He turned to see Mikey looking at him with stars in his eyes.

"DUDE! THAT WAS SO RADICAL!!!!" he said in excitement.

"Yh, dude. What do you call that Jutsu?" Leo asked.

"Well, definitely not Smash-Jutsu cause that's already taken," Ralph said with his arms crossed.

Izuku looked at his hand, clenched it, and smiled.

"I'll call this.....................the Rasengan"

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