Chapter 9: The USJ Incident

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Chapter 9: The USJ Incident

Chapter 9

For some reason, Aizawa gathered everyone outside of the school building, along with Kyōsaku. Nevertheless, everyone is happy to be back in their Hero Costumes, except maybe Bakugou, who had his gauntlets taken away until further notice due to the stunt he pulled during sparring.

"Today's class will be taking place off campus at the USJ. All Might was supposed to be here as a trial run to see how his teaching skills are so far, but unfortunately Nedzu decided to postpone it, and I have elected to replace him with Kyōsaku," Aizawa explains. Kyōsaku simply stands there silently with a slight nod, and now that Izuku looks at him he realizes he kind of remind him of Todoroki, what with their general facial structure and lack of social skills. The class grumbles a bit about not having All Might again, but they still get on the bus. Izuku snags a seat with Yanagi on his right, Tokoyami on his left, and Momo and Itsuka sit across from them, and they all soon join the conversation the rest of their class is having.

"Hey, Himura-Senpai, what's your quirk?" Tsuyu asked the older student, who was sitting a couple seats away, slightly hunched over. Kyōsaku looked up with his usual indifferent face.

"Oh, I make a mist that I can freeze and turn into ice within a 10m radius. I can go further, but it puts a bit of a strain on me," Kyōsaku explained simply. Now that Izuku heard him talk, he realized he even sounded similar to Todoroki, even if he hadn't heard his classmate speak that much.

"Himura-Senpai, are you related to Todoroki-Kun by any chance? You just have a lot of similarities," Izuku asked.

"Yeah! I was thinking that as well!" Mina added.

"Perhaps they are long lost family members who are just now meeting again due to fate," Yanagi suggested.

"Why am I feeling Déjà vu right now?" Momo muttered to herself.

"Oh, well, we are cousins through his mother," Kyōsaku explained, as if that was not a big deal at all. However, it was a big deal, and everyone listening lost their collective shits.

"Wait, so you're related to ENDEAVOUR?!" Kaminari asked.

"That's so cool!" Sero added.

However, as everyone began talking about how cool it was that Kyōsaku was supposedly related to Endeavour (which he wasn't; did they not hear him say 'through his mother'?), Izuku noticed that Todoroki looked...uncomfortable from the Endeavour praise. At least, he thought he looked uncomfortable. He was shifting in his seat, and actively looking anywhere but at Kyōsaku. Izuku decided maybe Todoroki would rather people didn't mention his father and thought of a way to switch the subject.

"Hey, Kyōsaku, seeing as Koryu does a Work Study, I'm assuming you do one as well?" Izuku asked. The people around showed confusion as to what that was, barring a few; they must not have read the UA Website where they literally mention these.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I do one as well. I learn a lot, and the Hero I work with is super experienced, and even if our quirks are polar opposites, he still has a lot of helpful advice," Kyōsaku explained.

"And who is the Hero in charge of you?" Izuku asked. Kyōsaku seemed to swell with pride before replying.

"Endeavour," He replied.


The entire bus went mental again, only stopping when Aizawa flashed his quirk at them to shut them up. Izuku was both very annoyed and very impressed. For one, he had mentioned Work Studies to move away from Endeavour, not loop around! On the other hand, it was insanely impressive that Kyōsaku, a guy with an ice quirk, got a Work Study with Endeavour, a Hero with a fire quirk. And not only that, but he was seemingly thriving in the environment. Izuku supposed it was a testament to Endeavour's skill that he could teach even a person with a completely different quirk how to improve.

However, any further room for discussion was halted by the bus suddenly stopping.

"Alright, we're here at the USJ. Shut up and don't embarrass me," Aizawa explained before getting off the bus, leaving Kendo and Momo to organize the mass-exodus off of the bus.

"USJ, like University Studios Japan, perhaps?" Yanagi questioned.

"I don't think it stands for that, Yanagi," Izuku replied, which Yanagi pouted at. At least, Izuku thought she pouted, seeing as she was wearing her mask that made her look even cuter.




Wait, why the hell was that his first thought about her mask?

Thankfully, Izuku could distract himself by the newcomer that had appeared upon their entry into the USJ. It was the Space Hero: 13, and it took all of Izuku's willpower to not immediately gush over her career and frankly terrifying quirk, and even then, Momo and Kaminari could feel him vibrating with Hero facts that he probably had no business knowing.

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, otherwise known as the USJ! I designed this place so that students could learn how to perform rescue operations in a safe and controlled environment, and-," Izuku was slightly ashamed to admit he kind of stopped listening after a while due to a mixture of the speech being boring and the surrounding environment being so cool. He could see 6 domed buildings inside the USJ, with one looking like a waterpark, another covered in flames, in one were the ruins of a city, and another was a landslide, with a mountain area in another dome, and even England condensed into a single building! Wait, no, that was just a dome with simulated heavy rain by the looks of it. The plaza was also pretty cool, with a fountain in the middle, bushes, benches, and a strange swirling purple fog.


That wasn't normal.

Well, Izuku couldn't confirm or deny that, seeing as he hadn't been to the USJ, but he was almost certain that the purple fog wasn't meant to be there.

"Um, Thirteen-Sensei?" Izuku called out, raising his hand. Aizawa sighed.

"Don't interrupt, Midori-," Aizawa began scolding before he was cut off.

"Eraserhead, Plaza," Kyōsaku said, suddenly looking alert and serious. Aizawa raised an eyebrow and looked at the Plaza, and Izuku saw his eyebrows shoot up as he suddenly tugged his iconic yellow goggles on. The fog suddenly got bigger, and a hand came out of it, showing a disembodied hand that seemed to be placed on someone's face. After that, the portal grew even larger, revealing an army of villains (because that's what they had to be) walking into the USJ. The most notable ones were the guy who was wearing hands all over his body (Izuku hoped they were fake), a man with short brown hair who was wearing a red and gold plaque mask, a massive bird-like creature with an exposed brain, and a person made of mist with 2 golden eyes that were more like streaks that had formed into a more human-like form.

"Thirteen, there are villains in the USJ! Evacuate the kids while Everest and I clear them out!" Aizawa yelled. Izuku was confused as to who Everest was, but when Kyōsaku started running towards the Plaza with Eraserhead, Izuku realized that must be Kyōsaku's Hero Name.

"Wait, Aizawa-Sensei! Fighting in large crowds isn't something your combat style is suited for!" Izuku said to his teacher, who turned back and smirked.

"You can't be a Hero if you're a one-shot pony. You would do well to learn that especially, Midoriya," And with that, Aizawa and Kyōsaku were off. Izuku watched as a white mist began emitting from Kyōsaku, and once he was in range of the villains, they basically just froze as soon as they entered the mist. When a heat villain came, Kyōsaku ducked down, and then Aizawa erased the villain's quirk which allowed Kyōsaku to freeze his arms together, after which Aizawa knocked him out by using his capture weapon. They were an incredibly organized team, and Izuku wondered if they had worked together often or if this was just a skill you learn so as to be able to adapt to any team combo.

"Students! Follow me out of the USJ!" Thirteen announced. Everyone went to follow her, but she was cut off by a gathering of mist that had teleported in front of her and the students.

"Greetings, Young Heroes. I am Kurogiri of the League of Villains, and we have invaded this sanctuary of peace and heroics to kill All Might, although he is seemingly not here today," The Villain named Kurogiri announced. Izuku's first thought was that the name 'League of Villains' was super tacky. His second thought was that these guys were planning to kill All Might with just low-level crooks? Hadn't they seen the time 200 villains tried to take him out and he'd beaten them in 10 seconds? Either they were idiots, or maybe they really did have a plan to kill All Might. Izuku didn't want to consider that as an option.

"Kids, stand back!" Thirteen ordered, "You villains really think you can beat All Might, let alone kill him? Think again, because first you have to get through my colleague, one of the top students in the Hero Course, and myself!" And with that, she uncapped all of the caps on her right hand, pointing them directly at Kurogiri. Almost instantly, the mist that made up Kurogiri began to be sucked into the black holes that Thirteen harnessed, and he let out a pained groan. However, he soon switched to a look of understanding (at least, Izuku thought it looked like understanding; it's hard to tell when Kurogiri's entire face is, well, mist).

"Thirteen, you excel at rescue heroics, but you are not a battle hero, and that is your fatal flaw," Kurogiri said coolly. Behind Thirteen, a swirl of purple appeared, and before anyone could even realize what was happening, Thirteen was screaming in pain as she tore apart her own back with her quirk. She replaced the caps as soon as she realized what had happened, but the damage was done, and she fell onto the ground, seemingly unconscious.

"TH-THIRTEEN!" Kendo cried. Izuku watched as she powered up One for All, but before she could finish activating it Bakugou and Kirishima jumped at Kurogiri.

"Don't underestimate me just because I'm young, Mist-Face!" Bakugou yells.

"Stop! His quirk will just-," Izuku yelled, but before he could finish the two idiots had already disappeared, most likely being teleported god knows where.

'Shit, we need Thirteen here if we want to get through this! She might not be a combat hero, but she can help in other ways!' Izuku thought to himself as he dashed over to the collapsed Hero's body. However, Kurogiri began expanding in size before he could reach her.

"My apologies, but I'm afraid I must separate you all to reduce the chances of you alerting anyone via escaping," Kurogiri explained. And suddenly, the ground disappeared from underneath his feet.

Kyōsaku was doing pretty fine so far.

He was already pretty used to fighting in a team with Mitsudo and seeing as he and Aizawa both had sight-based quirks, it meant that tactics used with Mitsudo generally translated well over to fighting with Aizawa, kind of like someone who understands Italian listening to someone speak Spanish, in a way.

It also helped that these villains were really bad compared to his classmates who he practically fought daily, and even compared to the villains he took down under Endeavour's supervision these guys were pretty awful. Zero coordination, zero planning, minimal teamwork; were they planning to just win via quantity? Whatever, he wasn't complaining.

He was slightly worried about the 3 people hanging back: the guy with the light blue hair and hands all over his body (is that a costume or a kink?), the guy with the bird mask and a lab coat (again, costume or kink?), and the guy with the literal bird beak. Actually, Kyōsaku wasn't sure if that massive hulking bird thing was human. Its brain was exposed, it had pure black skin, and it was unresponsive to basically everything that had happened so far. Some kind of experiment, by some chance? Either way, the first two were clearly the leaders, and if he had to guess, the monster they had was a bodyguard. On the bright side, that probably meant they weren't sure of their ability to fight. On the other hand, it meant they were quite sure of their bodyguard's ability to fight off any threat that came their way.

"What would Endeavour do?" Kyōsaku muttered to himself as he bound a person in ice before knocking them out. In the back of his head, he could just barely remember the time Endeavour talked to him about a similar situation.

'If you don't know an enemy's quirk, the best way to find out what it does is to trick them into using it while also making sure they won't be able to hurt you,'

Kyōsaku comes up with an idea, and he quickly aims his gauntlet at the guy wearing a plague mask.

"Parry this you fucking casual" Kyōsaku muttered as he readied his shot, "Glacial Grenade!" As he shouted the words, a torrent of liquid nitrogen was expelled from his right gauntlet, which was created by using some weird tech that converts his nitrogen-based mist into, well, liquid nitrogen.

Once it was all out, Kyōsaku froze it. There were 3 possible outcomes here. Either the villain would get hit, which would show that Kyōsaku could easily take them all out, the bodyguard somehow blocks the shot, or Kyōsaku gets absolutely bodied by either the bodyguard or the villain.

As the icicle approached, the villain made no effort to move. And before Kyōsaku realised it, the monster had already jumped in front of the ice and taken the blow. And then it punches him. Hard. So hard that the time Koryu accidentally punched him with 5 Million Volts of Power is child's play. He feels his entire torso explode with pain as what must be every rib in his body is broken. He flies back into a bush, and he can't even stand up because of the pain. Hell, he can't even move because of the pain. And to add onto the list of his frighteningly fast-growing list of problems, he'd hit his head hard when landing and he was now sure he had a concussion of sorts.

'Sorry,'re on your own,' was Kyōsaku's last thought before falling unconscious.

Izuku landed on solid ground with an 'oomph', and he quickly rolled around to face the sky above. However, at the same time he did that, Momo happened to land on top of him. It said a lot about the situation that Izuku didn't even process the fact he could quite clearly feel Momo's Momo's pressing into his chest, and he instead got up while helping her up as well.

"Are you alright, Yaoyorozu?" Izuku asked. Momo groaned.

"Just fine, I suppose. Oh, is that Kaminari-Kun over there?" She added, and Izuku looked behind him to see that Kaminari was, indeed, just behind him. Izuku quickly got to thinking about their little ragtag group. They had a girl who had the power of basically being a fucking god, a guy who could manipulate matter in any way he could think of, and a guy who was a living, breathing taser. Well, when Izuku put it that way, their 'ragtag group' was actually pretty damn good.

"Hey, guys! I'm good!" Kaminari yelled over at them. However, he flinched when the voices of what sounded like many people were heard quite close to them.

"That sounded like it came from over there!" Izuku could barely hear coming from behind a hill (they must be in one of the domes he saw from the front of the USJ). Kaminari gave them a look that said 'I'm sorry'.

"Well, Aizawa-Sensei never said we couldn't fight!" Kaminari joked.

"He also never said we could fight," Momo argued.

"But he never said we couldn't either. Checkmate, liberals," Kaminari retorted, which caused confusion to flash over Momo's face.

"Yaoyorozu, I agree with Kaminari, minus the 'checkmate, liberals' part," Izuku commented. Momo sighed, knowing she had been beat.

"Alright, fine. But firstly, Midoriya, I believe you're quite good at immobilizing enemies by using your quirk, yes?" Momo said, which made Izuku blush slightly from the praise.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I guess I am!" Izuku replied. Momo nodded and then looked over at Kaminari.

"Alright, I have an idea. First, Kaminari-Kun will use his quirk to stun the enemies, assuming they all come in a group, then Midoriya can use his quirk to trap them. Any stragglers can then be taken out by us. Is that good with you two?" Momo asked. Kaminari and Izuku both gave a thumbs up, "Alright then. I suppose we just wait for them to come,"

Reiko Yanagi was not enjoying their visit to the USJ so far.

First, she embarrassed herself in front of Izuku (she wasn't sure why her mind dwelled on that thought), then an army of villains had been teleported in via a massive portal, then the same villain the teleported the army in teleported her classmates all around the USJ, and now Reiko was on a boat in the shipwreck zone, along with Kendo and Asui. Oh, and they were also surrounded by multiple aquatic villains, so that was just great.

"I don't suppose any of you have an idea we could perhaps put into action?" Reiko asked as she looked over the railing of the ship to see they were being circled by the villains.

"My quirk is suited to these environments, but the villains outnumber me, kero," Asui said. Kendo put a hand to her chin in thought.

"Yanagi, how much can you lift with your quirk?" Kendo asked.

"Approximately 40kg at my current strength. I am capable of going up to 50kg, but extended use at that level can be tiresome," Reiko replied almost instantly. Kendo then looked at Asui.

"And how much do you weigh, Tsu?" Kendo asked.

"Around 46kg, last time I checked, kero," Asui replied. Kendo then seemed to come to a conclusion.

"Alright, I have an idea. First, I wave my hands around to make the water flow like a vortex, sending all the villains into the center of the pool. Then, Yanagi can lift up Tsu, who can use her tongue to bind the villains. Sound like a plan?" Kendo received two nods, and she smiled, "Alright, let's do this!" She then turned around to face the water and enlarged her hands, while at the same time the strange aura of electricity started growing around Kendo, and her veins began glowing red. After a moment of this, she gave a mighty swing, which began sending the water spinning around, with many villains struggling to stay afloat. Then Kendo swung again, and again, and again, and as the villains began reaching the eye of the vortex, Kendo turned to look at Reiko and Asui.

"Now!" She shouted, and Reiko wasted no time in lifting Asui into the air. Reiko didn't exactly like lifting Asui, as she was 6kg heavier than her safe limit, and thus it was like she was trying to hold a sack of potatoes above her head; doable, but not prolongable. Reiko watched as a pink thing extended from Asui's mouth, and soon after the villains were rapped tightly in it. Once that was done, Reiko was able to put Asui down, and Kendo took the two of them to shore, with Asui still holding onto the villains. However, it was at this point they realized they had no way to restrain them permanently without Asui just staying there.

"It would be incredibly helpful if we had Izuku here to help us," Reiko commented.

"Because he's strong or because you're totally whipped for him?" Kendo asked. Reiko then did something she didn't do often and blushed heavily, dark crimson visible all across her face, making her look like a strange strawberry.

"T-There's absolutely n-nothing between Izu-Midoriya and

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