2kim ; thank u

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Chaewon's POV

I am Chaewon, a photographer in Seoul. I travel a lot and take plenty photos of beautiful sceneries abroad and locally. I will admit, I am a random and happy go lucky type of photographer. I take pictures of models for magazines, but sometimes I would take pictures of nature as well.

Photography for me is a canvas you can express all your feelings through its' own art. Out of all the beautiful peoples and views I took pictures of, only her smile made me feel so proud.

"Three, two, one, Smile!" I said and took a picture of her.

I looked at the camera to see the results and like the usual, her goddess-like figure and visual never disappoints.

"Woah! Look at these, Minju! It's so beautiful!" I said and showed her the pictures.

"Oh well. I have the best photographer!" She said and kissed my cheek.

I could feel all the blood going up to my face. She is such a cutie.

Oh, her smiles! Her smiles can make everything alright.

Even on her darkest days, she still manage to smile. It was one thing I always want to capture, the beauty of positivity amidst negativity.

She smiles when she is sad and when I ask why, she would answer,

"Smiling makes everything better."

It is true, but then her smiles changed.

"Minju-yah! Babe! I bought you some banana milk." I said and placed the bag on the table.

"Okay, thanks."

At that moment, I knew we are at risk. I immediately knew what was happening.

"Babe! Talk to me!" I said.

"Uh... What?" She replied.

"You missed our 2nd year anniversary and then you wouldn't talk to me?"

"Look, I am sorry."

"Minju just say if you're tired! This... This is just bullshit. If you aren't happy with this relationship anymore then just tell me! Come on, Minju! I don't want to make myself a fool!"

"Chae, I really don't want to argue with you. Just give me alone time."

"No. At this point, you're just making the both of us look dumb. Just tell me! Tell me!" I shouted.

"Fine! I am exhausted, Chaewon! I am tired. The smiles you always ask for? It can't make everything alright anymore. Chae, how the hell am I supposed to give positive energy when I am all drained?"

"See? I knew, Minju. I knew. From the way you smiled from my camera, I knew. And I also know that this is the right thing to do."


"Minju, let's end this."

I felt selfish. But is it selfish when I wanted her to be happy? The smiles. The smiles told me everything.

Her eyes doesn't show the wrinkles when she smile. Her eyes looks exhausted. And even my colleagues noticed that her replies and answers where already cold.

As much as I wanted to save the relationship, I also need to save myself. If I continue tolerating this and look like a fool, it will hurt more. More painful than the one I experienced.

Not only would I be able to save myself from greater pain, she could take her time to recharge.

All I ever wanted was to see her happy. It is a painful experience I am willing to repeat forever.

Because of the break-up, I managed to go abroad. I went to search for calmness and peace. While she recharged, I am happy she met a person who was willing to accompany her during those times.

I am happy she met Yujin.

When I came back here, we stumbled upon each other at the mall. I was shopping more equipments while I saw them go in a game store.

I saw how she looked at her. It was better. I quickly took a picture of her laughing at Yujin that time with my new camera and went home.

That was 5 months ago.

Atleast I saw that she was happy, even if I am no longer one of the source of her happiness.

Thank you for all the smiles, true or fake, I appreciate it. I know you only wanted me to feel better. But I knew I had to let you go.

Thank you so much for the 2 years, 4 months, 2 days, 8 hours and 7 minutes, Kim Minju. 

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