frozen grapes and salt-water teeth

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a/n: guys i love frozen grapes you don't understand

requested by: KyroSingh

triggers: none!

summary: percy falls in love with a daughter of dionysus (y/n) and just like a day in the life idk


y/n's pov:

"you know, i'd share my frozen crunchy grapes with you," you say to percy.

you both are currently laying down on half-blood hill. percy has his eyes closed, like he's attempting to sleep. it's pretty much useless, since no one gets sleep around you anyway. you're eating a bowl of really good crunchy green grapes, lying on your stomach in the soft grass. the breeze is gentle and the clouds dance across the sky. always shifting, telling their story through soft wisps and dramatic crescendos. 

percy eyes you, "you would share your grapes with me or you are going to share your grapes with me?"

"um, i'll have to get back to you on that one, buddy. can you wait three to five business days?" you hum. 

"your grapes won't be so frozen by then," he says, eyes closed again. 

you don't respond, but instead crunch your grapes really loudly, just so he can't sleep. you aren't really sure why he hangs out with you. annoying people is your favorite pastime. he rolls over to face you, an irritated look crosses his face. his hair is starting to grow out and without thinking, you reach out and tuck a strand behind his ear. his cheeks tinge pink, yours do to. the irritation is completely gone, now replaced with something else. his pupils are huge, if you were drunk they'd look like hearts. you can feel his heartbeat through the ground. fast. he swallows and turns away, embarrassed or something.

"wanna go to the beach?" he asks, full well knowing what your answer is going to be. 

"hell no, i'll probably drown and my corpse will be eaten by a sea vulture or something," you snort. 

he rolls his eyes, "sea vultures don't even exist, stop making things up."

"it's not my fault i have an overactive imagination," you scoff. 

"ok, how about we go to the beach and just sit on the sand," he offers.

"you just want to spend more time with me."

"i literally spend all of my time with you. i've probably tried getting rid of you more than i can count," he retorts, standing up and holding out his hand for you to take. 

you grab it and pull yourself up.

"stop lying, i know you love me," you start walking towards the beach, grapes forgotten. 

you hear him mumbles something about how its unfortunate and you smile to yourself. 

about three hours later, you're sitting at your table at the mess hall, plate piled high with cheese and also grapes. not practical, but still delicious. your hair is damp and slightly sandy because percy is a freak and he dragged you into the water. the taste of the salt still between your teeth almost makes you gag. your siblings are talking about the next play they're going to do. you spot percy across the room and wink at him. he rolls his eyes. you hope that they get stuck. you would laugh if that happened. you smile to yourself and go back to eating your cheese. 

later, you're asleep in your cabin. there aren't that many of your siblings here this year. some have been lost and some just haven't found their way back to camp yet. you've heard that a couple are in college and some are road-tripping across the country. one of them might be touring on broadway. nothing is impossible anymore. the cabin alters itself to accommodate for how many kids are staying, so this year there aren't any bunk beds, just queen beds. you really like this development actually, it's really cozy with the faux fur blankets and the royal purple sheets. the mattress is soft and you can stretch out. that's why you're currently enjoying the best sleep of you life. only until percy shakes you awake. this bitch. 

"y/n! the sky looks really pretty, wanna go star-gazing with me? i want to hear you tell me the stories again!"

he looks so eager. you were so ready to smack him upside the head for this rude intrusion, but he's so cute when he's hopeful. you mutter how you hope that he chokes on the ocean next time he goes swimming and pull yourself out of bed, grudgingly. you keep the blanket, wrapping it around your shoulders. it isn't cold at night during the summer, you just like feeling toasty. he laces your fingers together and pulls you out the door. you follow him as he leads you to the poseidon cabin. theres a ladder propped against the roof. 

"percy, i'm scared of ladders what if i fall?" you whisper.

i'm actually scared of ladders

"you won't fall, i've got you," he promises. 

you nod and climb up slowly and shakily, making your way to the top. once you get to the top, you gasp. there on the roof is a layout of blankets and pillows. you immediately flop down and snuggle up against them. percy laughs and lays down besides you. you curl into him, tucking your head between his chin and his shoulder. he slides his arms around you. you fit together like puzzle pieces. 

"can you tell me about that one?" he says, pointing at a faint outline in the sky. 

"that's scorpius. he was the scorpion that gaia sent down to attack and kill orion. that's why orion sets and scorpius rises in the sky," you say softly. 

he doesn't respond. you tilt your head up to see that he's already asleep. of course he is, probably tired from you keeping him up. you don't wake him. instead you snuggle a little closer and close your eyes, letting your breathing match his. your heartbeats sync up and you let sleep sweep you away into a tapestry of dreams. 

goodnight percy


sorry its a little ummmm yeah!! i hope you liked it though!! i didn't proof read it i'm too tired its so late

ok so tell me why i literally have to check every single door in my house to make sure that its locked before i go to bed what degree of insane is this

also mis amigos pls request stuff!! if you want!! and if i haven't done your request yet, um it's probably just bc i'm not in the mood to write it! don't take it personally i'll get to it eventually

goodbye dionysus is the god of big cats and i guess children of dionysus are just born theater kids also they can definitely sense if theres roofies in your drink oh and theyre super fertile!! im learning so much today thanks camp half-blood fanon wiki

sorry i yap so much

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