'The Red Tree'

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After a few minutes, Cale woke up. Sui Khan kneels in front of Cale and apologizes, "I didn't mean to leave you alone. We, me and Choi Jung Soo never regret our decision."

"Team Leader-"

"We died while we were running wild. Got it?"

"But it was really my fault-" If he wasn't cursed, they might have lived longer than they were supposed to be. The hawk flicked Cale's head.

"Look at me." Cale looks at Sui Khan in the eyes, "Cale, it was not my or your fault that we died."

Cale slowly steadied his breath and accepted Sui Khan's words, "Yes, it was never our fault."

< Now that Cale is awake, we can continue our records. Little Lily, your pick? >

"The red tree in our territory."

"There was a red tree?" Lily* asked, Lily giggled. She didn't want to ruin the surprise for her counterpart.

"It was a beautiful tree, strong Lily*," Raon replied.

Cale looks at the screen.

< We know, Cale. >

< 13th Records : The Red Tree >
< Category: Ancient Power >

[ Boooooooom-

They heard another loud noise. The results of the shaking hill appeared in front of Basen, Lily, On, Hong, and the others who had come to Cale's mother's grave. ]

"Mom's grave?"
"Mom's ancient power?"

"Yes," Cale answered. He hopes it is ain't the part where they show his curse or what he had to do to kill White Star.

[ Chhhh, chhhhhh.

Cale's biological mother... There was no longer a grave where Drew Thames's grave had been.

"...A... a tree......?"

In this spot where the grave had been... A large tree was growing out of it.

The base of the tree was so wide that it would take multiple adults to hug it and even the roots that poked out of the ground were thick.
The tree was a shiny dark maroon color, while the branches shooting out seemed as strong as the vicious currents of the water in a valley. ]

Cale sighed in relief, Cale* noticed it. Did they missed something important?

"Pretty." Lily* praised, Lily was glad she could see this to her counterpart.

[ "...Ho."


In this spot where the grave had been...

A large tree was growing out of it.

"The leaves-"

The leaves growing from the branches were red.

Numerous leaves filled the branches as if the cold weather of winter was a joke.

The leaves were as red as the sunset.

They resembled Cale's hair color. ]

"Mom." Both Cale* and Rok Soo mumbled.

"Drew." Deruth* mutters.

[ Hong blankly started mumbling.

"...They're glowing."

The red leaves were glowing.

They were glowing as if they were covered in sunlight.

Everybody looked toward the center of this tree.

It was the center of where these beautiful red leaves were glowing.

"Young master-nim......?"

Cale was at the center, lying on the ground looking as if he was being hugged by the leaves.

Ron believed this had been unexpected based on how Cale's clothes were crumpled here and there.

That suspicion was correct.

"...Uhh... mm..."

Cale looked around with an anxious expression on his face. ]

"Why are you acting like that?"

"I didn't mean to destroy the grave."

"Pfttttt. That's your main concern?" Cale* snickers but lets it down after seeing Cale's iffy face.

Rok Soo pats Cale* back, he didn't mean that. It was his mother's grave, and he didn't mind it. Cale was different, he wasn't Drew's son. Cale was asked by Rok Soo to take the ancient power.

Breaking graves or grave robbing wasn't what Cale planned to do.

[ The grave had suddenly split in half, and this large tree had started growing.

That tree had surrounded Cale before lifting him with it, making Cale float up while being surrounded by the red leaves before he could even figure out what was happening.

"Mm mm!"

Raon looked back and forth at the people coming toward them and Cale before stating his thoughts out loud in a bright voice.

"H, human! It's beautiful!"

On and Hong nodded their heads as well.

"You look so cool!"

"The red color suits you so well!" ]

"Yes, red suits you, young masters Cales."

[ Cale started to frown.

"What are you talking about?"

Cale couldn't help but be baffled since he was suddenly pushed up by these leaves.

He had never expected for the grave to split in half.

'How the hell am I supposed to get the ancient power?'

He heard a voice at that moment.

It was the voice of a young woman who seemed to be in her late teens.

– Hmm? Who might you be? ]

"Mom." Both Cale* and Rok Soo smiled at the sweet words of their mother.

[ Cale recalled what he had read in the diary as he heard those questions.

'The power left here was the power I mainly used when I was young.'

'Ancient powers are impacted by the memories of a soul, and that is usually what determines the method of obtaining that power.' ]


"So, that's why your wood ancient power method of gaining them is food?"

"Yes, she's a glutton."

- hence, the name. hehehe

[ Cale used those pieces of information as the base as he started to think.

'Was the power and test affected by when she was young because Drew Thames mainly used it when she was younger?'

He thought about his face. He believed he was right since the owner of this voice did not recognize Cale Henituse's face.

'Did the soul of the owner that was left behind split into two because the power had split into two?' ]

[ Cale felt extremely relieved that the White Star and Bud could not hear the voices of the ancient powers as he slowly opened his mouth to speak. ]

"How mean." Bud reported, "But I couldn't handle hearing ancient powers in my head without losing my head."

Bud* agreed.

[ However, the voice that was believed to be the voice of a young Drew Thames spoke to him again before he could say anything.

– Who might you be and how are you super cute like me? ]

"Pftttt, Mom." Cale* blushes.

[ "Excuse me?"

That was all Cale managed to say in shock.

'What did I just hear?'

He touched his ears at that moment.

– I'm talking about you. Yes, you. You look so cute.

Cale blankly blinked his eyes.

The voice didn't care and just continued to speak.

– I have this weird feeling that I will like you even though we just met! You oddly look like that half-witted fool Deruth, but you also look similarly handsome as my eldest orabuni! ]

Violan chuckles while hitting her fan at Deruth, "She's right."

Deruth wants to stay under the table, "Dear."


"Please stop."

"Mom, please stop." Cale* blushes.

[ 'Ah?'

Cale's pupils started to shake.

This really seemed to be Drew Thames since the voice just mentioned Deruth. It really seemed to be a young Drew Thames.

But this woman was giving off a completely different image from the image of Drew Thames that the real Cale Henituse and the diary had given him. ]

"Well, she's playful." Rok Soo answered, and Cale* nods.

[ He had expected her to be more sincere and serious.

– Who do you resemble that you are so handsome and cute? ]

"Help me," Cale said.

Cale* and Rok Soo shook their shoulders. They can't help him and they make fun of Cale.

[ "Excuse me?"

That was the only thing Cale could say.

– Your confused expression as you say, 'excuse me' is oddly the same as Deruth's stupid face! Ah, it looks so cute! ]


"Ahahahah, she's right again." Violan chuckles.

Violan* chuckles a bit behind her fan, though she can't express it out loud.

[ "Excuse me?"

– Anyway, you pass! ]

"What a way to gain an ancient power," Bud complained.

[ "Excuse me?"

The shocked expression on Cale's face looked very similar to Deruth's face.

'I passed? Passed what?'

Cale questioned it, but had no choice other than to ask the conclusion he came to in his mind.

"...I pass because of my looks?"

– My goodness! ]

"Pfttttt, if it was Mister Kim Rok Soo looks. What do you think your mom will say?"

"I'm very handsome." Rok Soo flashed a smile, "She might call me handsome rather cute, unlike Cale."

"Cale is beautiful but Cale* is handsome. While Rok Soo* is cute while Rok Soo is hot." Sui Khan boasted.

"Mister Sui Khan is right," Rosalyn answered, and others agreed.

"How did I become part of the quartet?" Rok Soo* asked.

"You are Cale's counterpart." Soo Hyuk* replied.

"What cute?" Rok Soo* commented, while picking brownie. He is not cute.

He was stuffing himself with brownies, he resembled a pleased black cat.

[ The voice that sounded like a person in their mid to late teens shouted as if she didn't know what to do.

– So cute! Look at how grumpy you look while asking if you pass because of your looks! You're such a little cutie! ]

Cale wants this done, he is getting embarrassed by the whole scenario.

[ "...My goodness."

Cale's 'my goodness' as he sighed was for a very different reason than the Drew Thames of her teens. He heard the voices of the Super Rock and the other ancient powers in his mind.

– ...Ho. I've never seen someone like this.

– She has a sharp eye.

– How amazing. She's amazing in many ways. The first thing she noticed while looking at Cale Henituse was his face? Hohoho. ]

"How adorable."

"They quite are sentient beings."

"At least his ancient power gets along."

[ This was the first time that Cale had ever been told he was cute, whether in this world or during his life as Kim Rok Soo. He had never been called cute in his thirty-plus, almost forty years. ]

"Really?" Soo Hyuk* questioned, he looked back Rok Soo*, "No one calls you cute?"


"Should we call you cute?" Jung Soo* suggested. Rok Soo* shook his head while eating a brownie, "Don't called me cute."

They both have a common understanding, he is cute.

"Do our young master silver shield want to be called cute?"

"How I, a lowly nobleman, can be called cute by the sun of the kingdom and the rising sun of Roan. The one who rules over land with his light."

"Dongsaeng, you are cute." Alberu says with sincerity, Cale looks taken aback. He didn't think Alberu would say it.

After what felt like an hour, Cale looks up at him, a little embarrassed, "I can't be compared with the sun and rising star of Roan. You are shining so bright that my heart is filled with admiration."

He lost... Is what other people think. He didn't think his highness would say it without choking on his words or using his glib tongue.

Other snickers. On shook her head by the dense people around her.

[ "Ha, haha-"

Cale couldn't help but laugh in disbelief.
Someone came back to their senses after hearing him laugh.

Ron Molan. Ron had only been anxious about this sudden situation for a moment before walking over to Raon with a stiff expression on his face.


"Hmm? Good to see you again Grandpa Ron!"
Ron couldn't put on his usual benign smile even at Raon's bright greeting.

"Raon-nim, how did a tree end up growing here?"

The grave of Cale Henituse's biological mother...

Ron had been thinking about a lot of things just from the fact that Cale came here. But a giant tree bursting through the grave and growing like this? The tree was beautiful, but Ron couldn't get rid of the stiff expression on his face. ]

The Cales and Rok Soo giggles. They like seeing Ron's weird expressions other than his benign smile. It was a good show.

"They are easy to understand, if you think about it."

"True. Look at them, they look like gremlins."


[ "Ha, haha-"

It was because Cale Henituse, the child of the owner of this grave that was now gone because of the tree, was laughing so emptily while being surrounded by these beautiful red leaves.

The laugh seemed somewhat full of disbelief but also as if there was nothing behind it. Ron slowly looked around.

Raon, Lily, and Hong were just watching the tree and Cale as if they were amazed. But everybody On and older were only shocked for a moment before they all looked at Cale with complicated expressions on their faces.


Ron's gaze then landed on a punk.

"Mm, mmph! Mmph!"

This bastard's face had turned into a mess after being pummeled by the buzz-cut Dragon Rasheel. Lion King Dorph's eyes were wide open as he flailed while looking at the red tree. His face looked both astonished and shocked.

"Why is this son of a bitch whining like this without considering the situation?"

Rasheel raised his palm as if to say Dorph was being annoying.



Rasheel smacked Dorph's back extremely hard and Dorph's head lowered while shaking intensely. Rasheel snorted before smirking.

"This is my first time seeing someone gain an ancient power. Truly fitting for a human this mighty Dragon has appro-, no, that's not right. Hey! Is this okay?!" ]

Mila chuckled, "You are easily pleased."

Rasheel covers his head in his pillow.

[ Rasheel's eyes opened wide.

"Is it okay for Cale Henituse to gain another ancient power? Is his plate okay?! Won't it break again?"

Ron still looked calm, while some of the others stiffened up while hearing that.

"...What do you mean by... his plate breaking again?" ]

"Again? Cale..."

"I almost broke when we met."

Eruhaben sighed, "That wasn't the only time you almost broke your plate."



[ Basen quietly asked while Rasheel nonchalantly commented as if he couldn't believe Basen didn't even know that.

"Cale Henituse's plate is wide but is pretty much completely full already. His plate will probably break into pieces if he takes in one more ancient power." ]

"It got bigger after having five of the elements." Eruhaben explained.

"So, anyone can get a bigger plate after all five elements?" Eruhaben* asked his counterpart.

"I believe his ancient powers widened his plate to accommodate another element."

"Mhm." Eruhaben* took notes. 

[ "W, what would happen if it breaks?"

Lily quickly barged in. Rasheel was annoyed at these little pests but held back his anger and responded bluntly.

"What else? He'll die if his plate breaks. I heard he's been through this many times already? This time is probably really dangerous." ]

"He was right."

[ "...Rasheel-nim."

Ron tried to stop him, but Rasheel had already said it and Lily and Basen turned completely pale. Rasheel didn't care as he looked toward the bottom of the hill.

"Who is that?"

"...She is the Duchess of the territory."

Ron answered Rasheel's question while looking at the pale expression on Duchess Violan's face. She had just gotten here.

The Violan Ron knew would not have come here while Cale was here. However, she probably came over because she was worried after seeing this bright red tree and hearing Cale's scream. ]

"Ah, madam Violan, you can come visit my mother's grave with Cale." Rok Soo answered.

"I want to respect your wishes and privacy."

[ She had run over on her own. A lot of people probably wanted to come with her, but she probably came alone because she was worried that she might bother Cale who had wanted to go to his biological mother's grave quietly. ]

"As Rok Soo said, madam Violan, you can visit our mother's grave." Cale* answered, he glance back to Violan*, "You too, madam. We can go visit it together, Basen and Lily."

"Thank you." Violan* agrees. Deruth* was sad. He wasn't included. He hates me.

Cale* didn't mention his father because he always visits his mother grave, even if Cale* doesn't.

[ And after rushing over on her own, the first thing she heard was what Rasheel had just said.


Ron clicked his tongue internally before bowing toward Violan. Duchess Violan stopped walking and disappeared behind a tree without getting any closer.

He heard Lily's shaking voice at that moment.

"S, shouldn't we stop him?"

"Who knows?"

Rasheel was standing there with an odd expression on his face as if he had not been the one to ask if Cale was okay a few moments ago.

"I'm sure Cale Henituse knows the condition of his body. We should just wait for now since he chose to do this."

The great and mighty Rasheel was concerned about Cale, a rare person he could easily converse with, but he did not have the authority to stop him. ]

"You are really concerned over a human." Rasheel* mocked his counterpart.

"Hey, at least, I ain't a lonely dragon anymore." Rasheel answered with spite, he grinned a little.

The dragons in Nameless 1 agreed.

[ But Lily and Basen were different. Basen subconsciously walked toward the red tree.

"That is not acceptable. He cannot keep doing this. Hyung-nim should not do this if it can be dangerous for him-"

"What if it is something he needs to do?"

"...Excuse me?"

He stopped and turned around after hearing a voice.

The pink curly-haired Dodori was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Cale Henituse most likely knows that this may be taxing on his body. He made this decision despite knowing what it could do. He most likely believes that this is the only way for us to be victorious." ]

"He wasn't wrong tho-"

"But his method is not right."

[ Basen's mouth slowly opened as he let out a quiet sigh.

"I will respect Cale Henituse's decision."

Dodori then closed his eyes.

Hero. ]

Cale was not looking at the screen, he doesn't believe ke was a hero. Sui Khan snickers.

[ That was not a title that was given at a person's birth.

The path that the person has taken... The numerous decisions the person has made... The many things the person has done... All of those things combined together and the results they created were what made people give someone the title of 'hero.'

That was how a hero was born.

"If you cannot understand the weight he is carrying on his shoulders, you should at least respect his decisions." ]

Cale titled his head, he doesn't understand.

[ As the eyes of the young pink Dragon

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