'Cale Henituse and Kim Rok Soo Meeting'

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[ The door to the City Hall office Cale was in right now burst open.


Raon's eyes opened wide after turning his head toward the door.

"Hmm? It's Dodori's mom!"

"Hi Raon. Just call me auntie. I'm Sheritt unnie's close younger sister." ]

Mila* can't believe it, she calls the Dragon Lord her unnie. How lucky.

[ "Okay auntie!"

Dodori's mom Mila had her hoe in her hand as she looked at Raon with a warm expression on her face before it instantly changed. ]

"A hoe?"

Mila chuckles, "I use it for the farm."

[ "Good. By the way, Raon... what are you doing?"

"I'm very busy right now!"

She walked over to Cale and Raon.

Mila's grip tightened on the hoe after seeing that Cale was obviously in a serious condition. ]

"What did you do?"

Raon flies to Rok Soo, "He used his ability that makes him move faster than others can't move. Like time has stopped for him."

"INSTANT." Team One shouts.


"Why do that, Team Leader?"

"Please stop using that."

"Please listen to them, Cale-nim."

Rok Soo dashed to Cale and shook him, "Never used that again. You are more weaker than Cale*."

Cale sighed, "Okay."

[ However, she couldn't help but flinch after looking at Raon who was right next to Cale.


Raon was rummaging through Cale's shirt's inner pocket.

"I'm looting my human right now!" ]

"Huh, Raon." Cale looks at Raon, Raon shrugs with his shoulders while laughing.

[ Raon openly admitted to looting Cale before taking off Cale's outerwear and shaking it up and down.


Cale's spatial pocket bag and one other item fell out of the outerwear. Raon quickly grabbed that item.

"Found it!"

Raon was holding the golden top's whip in his front paw.

Raon tightly clenched the golden top's whip with both paws and shook it intensely.

"Wind Elementals!" ]

"Young master Cale, can you hear wind elementals?" Tasha asked.


"By chance it's your ancient power?"

"Yes, my wind power."

[ Raon was listening to the messages on the video communication device and realized that there was one extremely important piece of information that was missing.

That was why he had urgently looked for the golden top's whip.

"Can you hear my voice? I am the great and mighty Raon Miru! I can't hear you guys! But if you can hear me!"

Raon's eyes were burning up with anger.

"The White Star! Please find out where that stupid white thing is right now! And please let me know where he is however you can do so!"

The White Star.

They needed to figure out where that bastard was right now. ]

"Kid, never say that word again."

"But Human always said it."

Cale ducks trying to cover himself, Sheritt asks him, "Cale will not say that anymore, right?"

"Yes, I won't," Cale promised her, and the others laugh at him.

[ This monster would not be the end.

They said they were going to conduct the summoning ritual for the sealed god as well.

They needed to know the White Star's current location if they wanted to plan for the future.

"That should be one of the most pivotal pieces of information for the human right now! So please help me!" ]

Cale had a softy smile, "Raon, your network helps them a lot. Your connection to all over both continents helps us."

[ Raon desperately shouted while holding the golden top's whip.

Sadly, Raon could not hear the voices of the Elementals even while holding the whip.

However, a faint breeze flew outside the terrace.


The curtains shook because of that breeze. Raon noticed that small movement and his eyes clouded over.

"It's on you guys now, Wind Elementals!"

Raon made up his mind.

'Once we find the White Star...'

His dark blue eyes were burning up even more.

'I will make it so that he can never touch my human or my family ever again.' ]

"Those fucking ________." Raon spitted out, "I hope to never see that tribe."

"Raon, let's not say the f-word." Cale pleaded, Raon nods. Cale breath in relief.

What tribe?

[ Oooooong– oooooong–

Black mana fluctuated around the young Dragon as if to respond to his determination.


However, that moment did not last very long.

"Please move."

Cale was lying on the bed. Mila walked over and lifted Raon, who had been rummaging through Cale's outerwear while sitting right next to him, and moved him to the ground.


Raon looked at Mila with confusion at her suddenly moving him but Mila pointed to the video communication devices floating in the air.

The video communication devices were currently turned off. Everybody was busy fighting and couldn't leave them on at all times so they would only contact Raon as needed.

"Can you move the video communication devices to the corner for me? They might get in your auntie's way as she works."


Mila gently smiled.

"I came to heal Dodori's teacher."

"W, what did you just say?!"

Raon jumped up while holding the golden top's whip and the spatial pocket bag.

Mila pretended not to see the teardrops forming at the corners of Raon's shaking eyes and patted his head.

"I need to focus. Can you please help me?"

"I, I got it! O, of course I'll help!"

Raon quickly dragged the video communication devices to a corner and made it so that they could not see the bed.

Mila watched for a moment before turning back toward Cale.

"...Haaaaa.... haaaaa......."

Cale was breathing very lightly and weakly.

"It looks like I need to hurry."

"Auntie! Can I he-


Raon stopped talking and quickly covered his mouth. His round eyes opened even rounder.

'T, the hoe is glowing!' ]

"That looks so pretty and cool."

"It's like Cinderella's godmother wand."

"But instead of giving a dress, Mila-nim was fixing the former Leader's body."

[ The hoe in Mila's hand...


A gust of wind came out from the hoe and filled the whole office.

However, beige-colored mana that was thicker than the wind consumed the entire area. Raon turned his head.

"H, human!"


Cale's entire body was starting to crack.

His body was cracking as if he was a ceramic plate that was starting to break. ]


"Team Leader is stressed out."

"Well, the former leader deserves that for using instant."

[ "Raon. You don't need to be shocked."

Raon looked toward Mila after hearing her gentle voice.

He forgot that he was shocked and observed the expression on her face.

"Our teacher really seems to have suffered a lot."

Mila observed the cracks appearing on Cale's body with an extremely sad expression on her face.

"The plate is something that is inside a human's body."

Cale had asked if it was possible to connect an intangible thing such as a person's plate. ]

"You knew about your plate was going to break-"

"Actually-" Cale was interrupted by Alberu, "No way, that was a precaution after killing White Star." Cale looked away. "Cale, answer me. Was it?"

"It was."

It was Alberu's turn to shake Cale and flick his head, "Eruhaben-nim, I will join you burn the world tree."

"Me too." Raon joined in.

Cale voiced out, "Burn what now?"

"The world tree, Cale-nim."

Cale was stressed, "Let us not burn the world tree, they had to sacrifice a few of their branches for me. Also, Eruhaben-nim, weren't you supposed to take care of the world tree."

Eruhaben* nods while Eruhaben scoffs, "I will let the world tree go until I get answers, why you?"

Cale smiled softly, "I am doing better, Eruhaben-nim. My ancient powers are telling me that I am getting healthier than before."

Eruhaben sighed, "We should make sure that Cale is with someone, every time he leaves the house, it must be an adult."

What am I, a kid?

[ "There's no reason you can't connect it if you turn it from an intangible to a tangible item."

Mila thoroughly inspected the cracks on Cale's body.

There was not a spot on his body that didn't have a crack.

This showed that Cale's plate was in an extremely dangerous situation right now.

"Forget waking up, his plate is going to melt at this rate." ]


[ She motioned to Raon.

"Raon, do you want to come here and take a look?"

She smiled at him.

"I'm going to get rid of all of these small cracks now."

She'll make it so that he didn't have a single scar. ]

"Well, that's not possible now." Mila begins, "There's that ugly scar on his _____. I bet that his healing ancient power can't heal it."

"What scar? Cale-" Rok Soo asked, Cale looked away. Rok Soo is going to have migraine.

[ She planned on connecting everything until Cale was slick and smooth.

Of course, it would be difficult to do and could take a toll on her body for using so much of her ability.

However, she needed to do this no matter what.


She needed to carry on the ancient Dragon's will. ]

Eruhaben laughed, "I'm not dead, Mila."

"Might as be during that time," Mila replied back, Rasheel shook his head, "He was the most injured out of all of us."


"He wasn't lying, Eruhaben."

Eruhaben tsked.

The Nameless dragon can't believe the other side's dragon's friendship. It's already weird to see a dragon who likes to be pet by a human.

"Cale* get the artifact in the _______," Cale asked Cale*. "An artifact that can add more lifespan for that Golden Dragon."

"Human, I want to dust."

"Sure, sure. Eruhaben-nim." Cale ignored Eruhaben*.

[ "Now then, shall we get started? We need our teacher to wake up as quickly as possible."

"That's right! Everything you said is right, auntie!"

Mila, who saw the hope in Raon's eyes, continued to smile as she reached her hand out toward Cale's cracked body.

Beige-colored mana flowed out of her finger looking like long threads.

Those threads started to touch Cale's body that was covered in cracks.

Every spot that was cracking started to become connected again. ]

"That one cool ability."

"Some healers can mend bones but can't heal scars."

"Oh, I can mend broken bones and scars. I can't heal the scars of Team Leader because that was self-injury."

"Oh, really, let's have a word, little one, I want to see you heal and mend bones." Mila replied, Grandma Kim* joined in, "Would you let this old woman join you?"

"Yes, grandma." So Hoon replied, "I would love to see other healing abilities."

[ "Ha... haaaaa......."

Cale's light breathing continued to echo through the room while Mila bit down on her lips without letting Raon see after seeing that Cale still couldn't wake up.

– Oo! The plate, the plate is finally starting to connect together!

– Wow, I didn't know Dragons had this kind of ability. I think this Dragon is the strongest Dragon.

– This is a jackpot, a total jackpot!

The ancient powers cheered while feeling Mila's power seeping into Cale's body. ]

"A bunch of colorful folks." Sheritt replied, Mila thanked them, "Thank you for the compliments."

- Cale, tell her that she's the best.

- Thanks her for us.

Cale looks at Mila, "They said you're the best and thank you."

Bud asked Cale, "You weren't lying when you can hear them."

"They are noisy but they are helpful." Cale replied, Bud* then asked him, "Why can you hear them?"

"___________." Cale replied but was muted. Bud answered, "I will get that viewing or someone else who wants to know why he can hear them."

[ The Super Rock shouted in a low voice.

– Cale, Cale! Can you hear us? ]

"Is that Super Rock voice?" Dodori asked his teacher. Cale nods, "The only normal ancient power I have."

Cale* looked at Cale who knew what he was thinking, "Your mom is confusing."

Cale* and Rok Soo laughed. They knew what he meant, their mom was energetic and lively.

[ He continued to call out to Cale who was still unconscious.

Cale needed to wake up as quickly as possible.

However, Cale could not hear the Super Rock's voice right now.

* * *

"I didn't expect this at all."

The unconscious Cale realized that he was not in the real world as soon as he opened his eyes.

He was in the same room he had been in when he first opened his eyes in this world.

He was in Cale Henituse's bedroom.

He continued to lie on the bed and turned his head to the side.

The reason he could tell for sure that this wasn't the real world was right there. A man who was sitting on chair noticed his gaze and started to speak.

"Kim Rok Soo, you're finally up?"

Cale observed the man calling him Kim Rok Soo.

It was team leader Kim Rok Soo in his mid-thirties. Team leader Kim Rok Soo was looking at Cale with an odd expression on his face.

Cale opened his mouth as soon as he looked into those eyes.

"Are you Cale Henituse?"

Kim Rok Soo in his mid-thirties had a twisted smile on his face.

"You recognized me right away."

Kim Rok Soo, who gestured like a prim and proper noble, something that the original Kim Rok Soo in his mid-thirties would never do, nodded his head. ]

"Former leader is right, we were so confused."

"We were so surprised to see emotions in his face. No offence, former Leader."

[ "Yeah. I am Cale Henituse."

The two souls that had switched places were looking at their respective bodies.

Kim Rok Soo who was in Cale Henituse's body...

And Cale Henituse who was in Kim Rok Soo's body...

The two of them could not take their eyes off of each other for a while.

"Cale Henituse."

The first to speak was Kim Rok Soo, who was currently using Cale Henituse's body.

"How am I able to meet with you?"

"I'm not sure. I was working the night shift and fell asleep for a moment to see that you were in this bed. But you see..."

The real Cale Henituse, who was making a kind of smile the original Kim Rok Soo would never make, mischievously asked.

"Aren't you planning on living in that body?"

The sudden question that was asked mischievously felt quite heavy. The real Cale Henituse shrugged his shoulders and added on.

"I plan on living the rest of my life in this body. That's why I plan on throwing away the name of Cale Henituse and living as Kim Rok Soo." ]

"You were fast at throwing your name, old man."

"Not as fast as Cale."

[ The real Cale Henituse's eyes were calm. They weren't shaking at all.

The real Kim Rok Soo quietly looked at the person who was in his real body before opening his mouth.

"...So you want me to call you Kim Rok Soo?"

"That's right. Why? You don't want to? Don't you plan on finishing your life as Cale Henituse as well? Then you should throw away the name of Kim Rok Soo now."


Kim Rok Soo inside Cale Henituse's body... No, the person who had made up his mind to become Cale Henituse nodded his head and continued speaking. ]


"Point taken."

[ "Sure. We'll do as you said, Kim Rok Soo."

"Good, Cale Henituse. Now our outer appearances match our names."

Cale looked at Kim Rok Soo, who was laughing and making gestures that he would never have made, and nonchalantly added on. ]

"It's so weird seeing my old body laugh and act childish," Cale replied, Rok Soo smiled and Cale looked away.

"You say childish, how about you, you dense bastard."

"Young master let's not say those words again." Ron replied while giving lemon tea to all three Cales.

[ "I guess you've really been happy."

He recalled the moment he met with Lee Soo Hyuk and got the 'Embrace' ability. ]

"You got my other ability." Lee Soo Hyuk* asked, Cale nodded, "It was a great help, I was able to embrace White Star and his ancient powers."

"You can embrace people?" Bud asked, Soo Hyuk* chuckled, "Do you want to try it out?"

Bud shook his head, he didn't want to be stuck inside a thing. Eruhaben looked at Soo Hyuk, "It's so powerful, Cale used it on many occasions."

"Thank you. It's not my main ability, so to see it used more than once and be helpful is rewarding."

[ Lee Soo Hyuk had handed Cale the ability and told him about the real Cale Henituse as he disappeared.

'Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He's happy. That is why Jung Soo, I, and everybody is happy.' ]

"I need to go to Endable Kingdom after this."




< You will see him soon, Cale. >

"Yes, I will." Cale smiled, a bit skittish while eating a cookie.

[ Kim Rok Soo had a bright smile that suited a twenty-year-old person and not someone in his mid-thirties.

"Yeah. I met someone I wanted to see for a long time."

Cale felt quite odd facing Kim Rok Soo, who was smiling in a way he had never smiled when he had been Kim Rok Soo.

"Who was the person you wanted to see?"

"My mother."

Cale was at a loss for words.

It was someone who had felt distant to Cale because she was not mentioned much in < The Birth of a Hero >. Duchess Violan felt more like a mother to him. ]

Violan had tears in her eyes. Cale considers her as his mother, and this recording is a gift for her. She glances back at Cale who wants to cover himself from embarrassment. She laughed.

Cale* and Rok Soo teased him, "Say that again, Cale."


[ Now that he thought about it, Cale had never heard anything about Cale Henituse's birth mother during his time at the Henituse Estate.

It was pretty much taboo to talk about Cale's birth mother in that house.

Kim Rok Soo shrugged his shoulders and continued speaking after seeing the confused look on Cale's face.

"Cale Henituse, my mother reincarnated in the world you used to live in, the world I live in now."

"...She reincarnated on Earth?"

"Yeah. Earth 1. That's the world Team Leader Kim Rok Soo in his

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