25th Week

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Hi guys, sorry for the delay! I know it has been a while and please forgive me! Anyway without further ado here is the next chapter. Enjoy!


Yi Seo starts to feel the kick of the twins on her stomach. It's such a wonderful new emotion that she feels having two babies inside her body. Her's and Saeroyi

Her eyes suddenly water when she thinks that something wonderful is developing inside her, it is a miraculous feeling that two little ones are growing inside of her. This is what life is teaching her. She remembered when she was young she is questioning why she was born in this world, she finds life as a task and there is no reason why she needs to fulfill her life in this earth, but her Sagangim taught her about how to live life to the fullest and how it will bring genuine joy in your life. Yi Seo experienced all of that ever since she met her husband during her senior high, she made her life choice to work for him not because she likes him but she is curious how well they interact. At first there a lot of adjustment in her part as her boss tries to pursue his what he believes that is right to the point she thinks that he is a pushover and stubborn and his pride is going to ruin him, but to her surprise, he is a man of honor that no one can say otherwise. What she appreciates is he also respects all her decision and contribution in Damban he accepts his makes and follow her lead. That what she sees in him and she keeps on falling in love with him every time he will do something great, and it keeps their relationship strong. She thanked God that there is never a boring moment between them. Even those four years that they established IC Corp.

She stepped out of the shower and put on a fresh pair of pajamas and walks towards her dressing table and get her hairdryer and begins to dry her hair while looking at her expression on the mirror, but all of a sudden a foul thought came to her mind when she remembered the conversation that she had with that sinister woman.... the president's daughter Moon Sae Ra, she was washing her hands in the toilet when that woman confronted her. "So you were the famous blogger Jo Yi Seo" looking at her with irate expression especially when her eyes settle on her tummy and when her eyes look at Yi Seo she didn't expect to see fearful and pitiful eyes, but what she saw is glaring round haughty eyes that anytime will pounce at her. Sae Ra is used to ladies not daring to meet her when she will give that devilish look, she always intimidates them every time she will look at them from head to foot but the woman in front of her doesn't even give a damn, so she blinks her eyes and clears her throat. "You just look plain in person" she rolled her eyes throwing an insult on her as if it's going to hurt her ego.

"Well, I admit you look more stunning in the in-person." She honestly told her, Sae Ra her a smile but it was wipe out with her next words "Where did your fix your face? Your eyes, nose, cheekbones, and chin, it's all authentically looks perfect" as if Yi Seo eyes bore a hole in each part of her face that she mentions.

"Yah!" Sae Ra lost her composure and shouts at her. "You have no right to insult me!"

"As well as you" Yi Seo reply in a haughty voice looking straight to her eyes.

"I come here to tell you something, I'll be blunt and honest. I want your husband" Sae Ra announces with her chin up. "Break up with him and divorce him, I want him as the president's daughter husband" Yi Seo crosses her arms "NO that's not going to happen even in your dreams," she said calmly. Sae Ra never encounters any women like her in her entire life and battle, she is likely one who always have the last words. She also crosses her arms and says "In my entire 30 years of existence I never lose, so prepa—"

"Well you will have your first taste of defeat" Yi Seo cut her, her eyes are like knives piercing through her. She closes the distance between them and whispers to her ears "If you even lay one finger on my husband, you will wish that you were never been born" she said in the chilling voice that Sae Ra feels it inside her bones.

"You bitch!" she screeches as she swings her arms and slaps Yi Seo. Just at the right moment, the First lady came inside the toilet and witness what happened. Yi Seo takes the opportunity and acted weak and helpless, she cries to get her attention and put her hand on her stomach.

"Sae Rah! What have you done?" her mother yelled at her,  she walks towards Yi Seo side and helps her, "are you alright?" she asks her looking at the swollen cheeks of Yi Seo.

Yi Seo shakes her head and tears falls on her eyes, and she speaks in an innocent voice "I'm fine madam you don't need to worry"  then she overreacted as if her tummy is painful "You crazy bit—"

"MOON SAE RA, watch your language!" her mother warns. "I told you not to create a scene and make a mistake! There are media people outside, and you dare to harm a pregnant lady! This is unacceptable!" she reprimands her daughter. 

"But she started it! She—"

"STOP THIS NONSENSE!" the First lady bellows. Sae Ra shuts her mouth as Yi Seo pretended to cry louder. "Let me take you to my room, dry your eyes my dear please don't cry." She wipes her tears while the old lady assisted her out. She stops crying and gave a sneering smile to Sae Ra, while the First Lady is not looking. Sae Ra's hair in her nape all stands up and gives her a chill. She never saw anyone like her.

For the very first time in her life, Sae Ra becomes afraid.

Yi Seo smiles in satisfaction remembering the scene, no one ever dares to mess up with her, even if they are influential people. The president of Korea begged for forgives, he was so afraid that Yi Seo will tell the media, but she assures him that she will never tell anyone and she also made a deal that her husband will not know anything about the incident.

That night, Saeroyi was looking everywhere for her because he had not seen her for an hour, he panics and almost becomes crazy when her phone is turned off. He didn't know that her wife is having a negotiation with the president. When she finally appeared in front of him, he runs towards her and hug her and almost cry in relief. "Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere!" his tone of voice is worried sick to point that he wanted to shout at her. "You silly boy, we are just discussing something in my study" the president assures him. Saeroyi calms down and takes a deep breath, he bid goodbye to the president and his family thanking them for their hospitality and went home. He didn't know that they treated his wife cheeks applying cold compress so it will not be obvious.

That night when he kisses her on her cheeks she flinches in pain, and he knows something is not right. He takes a closer look at her at said in an awful voice, "who did this to you?"

"What do you mean?" she feigns in innocent giving him a full kiss in the mouth when he didn't respond she takes the kiss deeper and passionate knew that Saeroyi can't resist her. He gladly accepted the kiss and after few seconds he takes the lead making Yi Seo surrender in sweet abandon. Endless minutes later after they make-out session, Saeroyi asks her again and this time he questions her in a gentle voice that Yi Seo can't lie to him anymore finally tell him the truth.

Saeroyi sits down and he pulled her towards her as she sits on his lap and begins to tell the story about their encounter with Moon Sae Ra after she finished the story, her husband started laughing his shoulder shake with mirth imagining the reaction of the president's daughter. He was catching his breath in laugher and bury his face to her hair while hugging her. "My wild cat! What will I do without you?" he kisses her cheek and says "I'm sorry that woman hit you" his voice both of regret and admiration. He applauded her the way she handles the situation.

"Don't you worry my love, I will never look into other women" he assures her with a warm hug patting her hair like what he used to do.  "You are the only one for me" he whispers and putting his large hand to her tummy, "I love you so much!" suddenly he feels a kick inside her. "Okay, okay, of course, I love my little kittens" talking sweetly to his unborn twins while massaging her stomach.

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