"Almost done. Just a few little changes right here..."
Shadow watched and listened as Tails tinkered with Silver's tracking device. He'd only been there for five minutes or so, but it sounded like Tails had started on a whole other project with all the noise.
"Done!" Tails said happily. "The tracking device range is now 500 miles!"
"Great. Thanks, Tails." Shadow said, also happy. The plan was working perfectly so far.
Tails gave the device to Shadow and asked, "Any ideas of who the thief is?"
Shadow shrugged. "All I really know is that this thief isn't an average person. There's just no way possible that they're working alone. It doesn't make any sense."
"You're right. So much gets taken at once, not one camera spots them, and not a single clue for who it could be. The only way I can see this happening with it only being one person is if the thief is as powerful as one of our old enemies."
Shadow thought. None of their enemies were this sneaky nor cunning enough. And even if they were, why would they rob these stores? Furniture stores? Hardware stores? Plant nurseries? Why? Nothing of incredible value was taken. What is thier motive?
"That sounds accurate, but I don't know who it could be. This tracking device will make catching them easier at least, so thank you."
Shadow had run back to Manic's house. Quickly, he found the twin vase and placed the tracker inside the lid.
Upon hearing Tux's trademark call, Shadow turned and picked him up. Knowing that nobody was in the in the house with him, he spoke to Tux.
"Hey, little guy. I need you to be careful today, alright? You may get a visitor later on, and nobody knows who they are or what they're capable of."
Shadow ruffled Tux's fur, his tail wagging as he listened to the cat's purring.
"Chaos, you're adorable. I really hope they just come for the vase."
Shadow put Tux down and was about to leave.
He turned to see Tux laying on his back. Tux was asking for Shadow to rub his belly.
"No, no belly scratchies. I need to go..."
Tux actually looked sad at Shadow's response.
"Alright, just a little bit." Shadow said, crouching to rub Tux's belly. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good kitty?"
Tux meowed.
"Yes you are."
Shadow stood and watched Tux get up and run off. He could barely contain his giddiness as he teleported to Silver's house.
He reappeared in Silver's kitchen, where he snuck two cookies from the fridge. Shadow looked around and saw that there were boxes everywhere.
'Huh. Manic was serious about Silver and and Scourge moving in with him.' he thought.
He made his way through the house until he got to Silver's bedroom, where he saw Scourge, Silver, Manic and Sonic laughing around a computer screen.
"Hey. I placed the tracker." he said, walking in.
Everyone tried to stop laughing when they heard Shadow.
"Oh, hey Shadow." Sonic said, straining to keep a straight face.
"We already knew about the tracker." Silver said, also straining.
Shadow became a little nervous. "What's so funny?"
Manic answered, "*snrk* We just never took you to be a cat person."
Shadow was confused until Silver rewound the video on the screen, showing him petting and talking to Tux.
"Who would've thought that tough-guy Stripes would be a softie for a cat!" Scourge said, laughing.
Shadow's face turned red. He'd completely forgotten about Manic's camera bear. "Can we focus on the situation here!?"
"Alright, alright. Besides you showing your softie side, nothing's happened. We decided that we'd all watch the footage rather than taking shifts, since we don't trust each other to not fall asleep."
"Fine, whatever." Shadow replied. "We'll just wait then."
~5 hours later~
EVERYONE had fallen asleep.
Silver and Sonic were huddled together at the computer. Manic had fallen asleep on the floor, Scourge was laying across Manic's belly. Shadow was sleeping on Silver's bed, dreaming of his crush.
Everyone immediately woke up. That sound was the alarm for the teddy camera.
Something in Manic's house was moving.
Rubbing the sleep from their eyes, they all gathered around the computer. Silver went to the teddy cam, and everyone (besides Scourge and Manic) were in complete shock.
Confused, Manic said, "I didn't know Shadow had a twin."
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