Chapter 2 - Possessed

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Veronica's P.O.V.

I ran over to Paul and found him laying face forward on the ground. "Paul, are you okay?" I asked. No answer. I dropped to my knees and rolled my husband onto his back. His eyes were closed, so I had a feeling he was unconscious. "Oh gosh, Paul! Wake up! Please you must!" I pleaded. Paul didn't move. I shook him a few times, but he still didn't move.

Something tells me my husband is dead! I just checked his pulse, but he doesn't have one, nor is he breathing! "Come on, honey! We went through this before, I can't deal with it again! Now come on, wake up!!" I cried. I shook my husband harder than ever before.

At one point, Paul finally moved. His eyes were still closed as he slowly sat up. "Oh, sweetheart! I thought you were dead! I'm so glad you're alive!" I said as I threw my arms around Paul. I kissed him on both of his cheeks, then his lips. Surprisingly, he didn't do anything. His eyes were still closed, and his head started to dangle. "What's the matter, Paulie? Are you okay?" I asked.

Paul's head immediately shot up and faced me. His eyes were black, and his skin was completely white as snow. "I'm coming for you, Veronica Martin!!" He said in a scary voice. It sounded so deep and echoed as he spoke. I slowly backed up as my husband walked towards me. "Paul, what are you doing?!" I asked in fear. "Paul isn't here right now! I am Krampus, and I'm gonna get my revenge!" The ghost inside of Paul said. "Revenge on what?!" I asked as my fear turned into rage. "You!! The demon, Pazuzu was defeated when he was here last time, and you were responsible for his demise!" Said Krampus.

Instantly, I knew what was going on with Paul. He's possessed!! The reason he went unconscious so quickly is because Krampus flew into my husband's body. I have to do something about it!

Krampus began charging at me, and I had to make a run for it. So I ran out of my home sweet home, and headed into the woods. Usually I don't go in there, but this is an emergency. Anyway, as I ran deeper into the woods, I tripped over a twig that's stuck in the ground. Krampus was right behind me. I started to back away from him. Man, I'm running away from my own husband, but with good reason! "You can't run away from me, Veronica Martin!" Krampus said. "I'm Veronica McCartney now! And you're possessing the best thing that's ever happened to me! I want my husband back right now!!" I yelled angrily.

With powerful force, Krampus threw me into a tree with his powers. I got up, but started to limp. I twisted my ankle after I tripped over that twig. "You're husband is mine!! You'll never get him back!" Yelled Krampus. "Oh, yes I will! You can't stop me from defeating you!!!" I yelled angrily.

I limped my way back to my house. I did it rather fast, so my ankle started hurting more than it is right now. Bad idea, Veronica! Anyway, I managed to lose Krampus after I got back home. I looked out the window to make sure he was indeed gone. It suddenly appeared that he was still following me. Oh no! He bursts through the door, looking extremely angry. "I'm not finished with you yet!!" Krampus said angrily.

I have to do something! But what? The perfect idea came to me!

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