Ya'll make me sad most people wanted this Route ðŸ˜
"I'll go help out Gemerl. Fighting alone would still give you a disadvantage. And- Sonic- you do know that the Deadly Six take over robots right?- It's kind of what they do."
"I– ouhhh- Yeah! Totally knew that. Gemerl would of been so fast she wouldn't have been able to realize in time?" Sonic shrugged his shoulders as he ran on the treadmill.
"It's ok Sonic." Amy assured the hero, who must have just been tired and not realized, "we got this under control."
Sonic shrugged with a smile on his face, "Then it's settled, let's get going before the Deadly Six have a chance to get stronger."
The crowd of heroes cheered, tossing their hands in the air as Eggman flipped on the portal generator, "I've got the adjustments with the portal apertures done. Now get out of here you pests."
Of course, everyone ignored Eggman's 'insult' and carried on towards. Tails raced towards Eggman and double checked the evil genius's measurements. With a thumbs up, the little fox stood back ready for his own departure, "I've got all the coordinates set! Here, stand in a line and I'll generate them right in front of you."
Both you and the robot nodded as the portal opened before you. Nothing caught your eyes until a green glow cast upon your faces as the portal began to spiral into view. With wide (e/c) eyes, you looked at the phenomena as if the magical green twisting time loop cast a spell.
"Good luck everyone. Wish I could come with you." Sonic, still running on the little treadmill, saluted each team as they began to jump through. Your teammate jumped through, leaving you to look at the blue hero and smile.
"We won't let you down Sonic."
"I know you won't (Y/n), now get out there and show those villains the hero you are!"
"How inspiring..." Eggman mumbled in the background, tinkering with Metal Sonic as he stood guard.
Gemerl stayed back, saying goodbye to Cream, the two hugging each other tightly. The robot looked down at the small girl, "This isn;t goodbye Cream. I will be back soon."
"And I'll make sure of that too." You game the girl a pat on the shoulders, kneeling down to her level. There were gentle tears in here rustic brown eyes as she looked to you.
"I know this isn't goodbye." she murmured...
Cream burst from Gemerl's grasp and bolted towards the portal. The robot let out an electric screech in surprise. You gasped as she flew towards the portal.
You and Gemerl jumped into the portal right after her with no regard for where it might spit you out...
. . . . .
You were now successfully in Sunset City. The portal had been suspended in the air which gave way for Cream to flop her ears like a strange pair of wings to get her onto the ground. Gemerl had his arms extended in attempt to catch her while you were left to the will of gravity.
"ACK!" You stared at the distant ground below, it was littered with zombots, all rather strangely lined up in a royal guard kind of way- Zeena, your target, must have already gotten them under control.
Trying to steady yourself in the air, you know Gemerl was going to disregard you and go after Cream anyways... Moving your arms, you managed to dive to the side towards a building, a tapestry along it's side advertising some perfume. Your claws dug into the fabric, slowing your fall. "Sorry- Frai-r del une?" You couldn't pronounce it, but it was something french.
Planting your feet firmly on the ground, you made your way over to the ledge of the building, looking down at the ground below to see Cream stomping towards Zeena, With Gemerl landing close behind.
The small rabbit appeared to be yelling at the target, calling her mean and demanded for her to give Cream the emerald.
You knew that it didn't quite work that way- but Gemerl stood behind Cream to protect her. Even from high up, you could see a devilish smirk form on the zette's face. As she flicked a finger over to Gemerl, he began to sizzle with purple energy.
'Oh no-' Zeena already took control of him. Sonic would have been mistakes, but thankfully you were here!
"You look very alone little girl~" Zeena taunted Cream as she turned her back to find Gemerl reaching for her with a menacing stance.
'Ha! Alone my (m/s) butt!' Like Sonic from the opening of the second movie, you turned fell backwards with your hands behind your head and sped down the side of the building towards Zeena!
On your way down, you had to watch as Zeena turned Gemerl on Cream, who stomped towards her as the zette laughed with her annoying girls, entitled voice in the background, "You really brought a robot to fight me when you had to have know I can control machines? How stu-"
"HOW ABOUT HOW STUPID ARE YOU!?" You crashed into Zeena, first pointed directly down to the Earth! Sending her flying off her regal crying sofa. The fabric burst and the wood splintered across the patio she was resting on.
"AUGH! Who- YOU!?" Zeena coughed as she stood back up, her zombot guards looking between you and her, brainlessly unsure of what to do. The zette tried to take a step forwards, but winced when she felt a ping of pain in her ankle, and you noticed.
You faced her with fists ready, "Must of hurt to do something on your own huh?"
Cream began to giggle in excitement behind you as she managed to bring Gemerl back to his senses! A part of his head was crushed but now it must have been a good thing.
Zeena yelled is despair, displeased with how you gained the upper hand like that, "GHA! FINE! If you're going to make me get my hands dirty I'm going to have fun with it!"
You chuckled to yourself and took another step forwards as you began to circle the girl, "Ha! Likewise.... BRING IT ON Green girl!" You flexed your fingers to becon her close. Zeena's hands swirled with a strange pinkish-red energy that attempted to gain control of Gemerl again. Cream called out to him and he responded, but his arms began to flail out of control.
"Gemerl, fight her!" You called behind you, as you raced towards Zeena. As much as she wasn't a fighter, she could dodge, slipping under your punches and jumping over your kicks effortlessly, all while still controlling Gemerl.
"(Y/n) duck!"
'Huh?-' You ducked down immediately as Cream spin dashed out of Gemerl's grasp, over your matrixed dodged body and right into Zeena! "Nice going Cream! I'll take it again from here!"
With that, you lunged forwards and held Zeena down, hands on her arms and a foot pressed against her weak legs.
The green girl anxiously cried out, "You hit me!?"
"So do I!" You were about to punch her, but decided to slap at the entitled girl's face! BOOM! As a red mark came across the angry zette's face as she let go of Gemerl...
But not before tossing him into an aggressive horde of zombots! They began to claw at the robot, Cream running into the danger head on.
Your gaze shot to the little rabbit who bounded right into enemy hands, "CREAM NO!"
... and below, turns out Zeena was not as weak as you expected, as she kicked you off of her. "You'll regret that! Just wait till I tell Zavok!"
Rolling to the side, you lost sight of Zeena, but that didn't stop you from quipping back, "What, like my punch compares to what he does to you?! Listen 'KAREN' your manager has some serious issues."
The zette managed to jump towards Cream, grabbing her by the ears and holding her hands behind her back, "Stup up! I've got your little friend here. Would be a shame if she became one of my zombot slaves?" Zeena turned around to face Cream towards a crowd of zombots, being controlled to stand back and 'try' to grab at her.
"Gemerl GRAB CREAM!" You jumped forwards and grabbed Zeena, wherever, to get her away from Cream. She taunted Gemerl, so you ran up from behind and grabbed her hair, summoning all your available strength to throw her over your shoulders and back spack Zeena onto the ground!
With a shout, the green girl let go and tossed Cream in the air. From your view, she landed dangerously close to zombot horde, and could only hope Gemerl came swooping close.
"No no~" Zeena managed to keep a grasp on Gemerl, restraining him. However to Zeena's surprise, the robot spun the battle on the zette and used her own energy to entrap her.
"Huh huh, Noo noo nooooo." You began to wheeze as Zeena looked at herself, shocked. Breezing past, you traded places with Gemerl, restraining Zeena while Gemerl leaped over to Cream. But Cream had her own plans too!
The small rabbit leaped forwards and swiped the chaos emerald off of Zeena's chest. Smiling at her bravery, you watched the situation in slow motion, only to see a glimmer shine from Cream's arm. That smile faded fast.
"Get off!" Zeena kicked Cream back, the rabbit hitting the ground with a thud. Now that you had the emerald, you let go of Zeena and dashed over to the little rabbit, clutching the gem and laying with her knees in her arms. Knowing Cream had been touched, you pulled her up with your one armored hand.
The rabbit murmured for you not to touch her, but you shook your head. "It's ok, I know..."
You stayed with the girl as Zeena was tossed around violently by the angry Gemerl, spinning her in the air before throwing her to the same fate as Zeena tried to give the robot. In the greedy clutches of the zombots.
As the zombots were distracted, you and your team made their way up to a rooftop. Gemerl carried Cream in his arms, touching the little girl's face to make sure she as ok, "I required your assistance after all. Thank you."
"Oh Gemerl, I'm sorry-"
You couldn't figure out what to say- as you watched Cream become coated in more of the metallic virus. Gemerl let out a shuttered robot sound, followed by a slow beep as he noticed her infection... He couldn't find words either.
You winced as Cream coughed. Gemerl crouched down to her level, staying close to the startled girl. She held the red chaos emerald up to Gemerl, "I know I'm sick... and I don't want to get the others sick too... You have to go back on your own."
Gemerl slowly took the gem, never moving his robotic eyes off of the small girl he vowed to protect. You know, he couldn't leave her-
"Gemerl... I'll take the gem."
The robot scooped a crying Cream in his arms as she began to succumb to the virus. He turned to face you, the setting sun in the background as the day, and this battle, came to a close... "Take this back to the others."
You nodded, saying nothing, as you slid the emerald to rest at your side. "Cream..." A step forwards, and you smiled down at Cream, using your armored hand to brush her little hairs out of her face like her mother would... "You did good."
You sighed as Gemerld took her back, igniting his boosters and flying off with Cream, "I will stay with you until you are well."
There was no more chatter between you, as Cream closed her eyes and began to enjoy the breeze, for the last time. This beautiful sunset view was tarnished by the acts of a villain, and it was hard to enjoy alone.
The portal behind you began to fluctuate, forcing you to turn away and return back to Angel Island.
God, why. I torture myself by listening to sad music while writing sad parts. "You Did Good" is the song that plays when Ironman died in Endgame ðŸ˜
Chapter Length @2060 Words
- S.Ishvalda
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