[29] Even For You

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⚠️Content Warning for mentions of Abuse.

Starline's eyes widened at what he'd done. He was a villain, but- not a murdered... He lowered the Skewer and began to shake, confused and insane. The weapon fell from his webbed hands, his emotions causing the strange stone on his hand to begin to pulsate, growing violent and unstable, "no.. NO THIS IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS!"

Like a rabid creature, you flew through the air towards Starline, hands outstretched and claws bared. You vowed to never kill again, but this time, there was no quarter.

Your paws met Dr.Starline's face, a row of three scratches racked onto his face as you collided, you pinned him to the rooftop, your overwhelming adrenaline allowing your strength to be unstoppable. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Starline was dazed, his eyes frantically looking around, "I- I had to. WE are going to win (Y/n). I won't stop... Even for you."

You breathed heavily, tightening your grip around the henchman's arms and clawing through his luxurious fabric. He winced and yelled in some pain, but you were angry. You didn't care if you hurt anyone right now. This was revenge.

"Ho ho!!! Quite a show my apprentice, now get that crazy (m/s) off of you so we can go. No reason to hang around here. Let's use that funny stone of yours to get out of here." Eggman was hiding behind a building close by, trying not to be spotted by anyone else.

Starline tried to struggle but was no match for you, "You're not going anywhere Starline..." You grumbled.

Sonic skidded to a halt behind you, "Y/n, let them go. They lost their frequency transponder so there's nothing for them to do. Give me the extra data fitbit do-dad and let' get out of here-"

You saw the platypus's eyes widen below you, he didn't know you had an extra... Starline looked to his hand, the unstable warp topaz, and began to harness the power. "NO WAY Hedgehog, say goodbye to your last hope."

In an instant, you were surrounded by a swirl of green, falling through the floor and onto steel below. Starline wheezed below you as the portal closed, separating you from Sonic. Separating you from victory.

. . . . .

You were kicked off of the henchman by a large foot, black, and tipped with neon claws. Rolling to the side, you were caught off guard and defeated. You had no idea where you were, what just happened. Your mind and body was racing, full of adrenaline and confusion.

A rather deep voice spoke above, whoever kicked you away... "So much for persuading her to join your side, Duck..." A volley of soft, evil laugher followed suit.

Starline stood back up, clenching his arm that you had shredded into, little splotches of blood trying to drip through the injury, "Quiet. We stopped them from continuing to find their cure. They stopped us from finding the frequency but now..."

Eggman was gasping, hyperventilating even at the sight before him. He tramped behind you, trying to use you as a shield. Trying to support yourself, you grit your teeth and squinted, looking up to see what the hell Dr.Starline was talking about.

"We have you."

You could feel your heart beat in your head. Your neck pulse with blood and fear as your eyes widened in shock.. 'No.. He- Starline... recruited...'

The Deadly Six.

"(Y/n). Psst. (m/s)." Eggman was trying to whisper behind you in a panic since he had nothing to his name right now- "I know we've had our differences but could you please-"

"Stop bickering you sorry excuse for a dominator."

Zavok- the leader of the Deadly Six, stepped forwards and looked down on you again. His massive hand reached down to pick you up by your neck, holding you up to his height to examine you. "So this is the famous (N/n) I've been hearing so much about? A little scrawny that I imagined..."

You knew he was trying to insult you, that, or maybe the beast had some respect for another conquering soldier like himself.

"What are you doing here, Zavok." You tried to speak through his clutches, clawing at his rough hands that held you in place.

"Your little platypus rival here invited us to join him. A shame you didn't accept so we had to instead. Right?" The dark creature smiled as he heard his fellow zete laugh at you from behind him.

"I guess I'm not a conquer anymore like you brutes."

"A shameful choice." Zavok sighed.

"Shame this, shame that. I'm fighting for the side I believe in. Even if I was still like that, I'd rather rule over good people than imprisoned people." You tried to kick at him below, but his size just held you too far away from him.

The giant leader then noticed your little wrist device, mumbling, "What's this?..." He snappit it off of you, briefly examined it, and then crushed the device. "Oh well..." He then dropped you. Choking, you caught yourself on the ground.

Behind your line of sight, Dr.Starline hesitated to run up to you... but a zete walked forwards. Green like disgust, Zeena. She knelt down and took your chin in her hands.

"She's a rather pretty one, can I keep her?~"

"No, she goes to the prisons."

The girl whined, standing back up and slapping you in the face with her devilish tail. You snarled at her actions, placing a paw on your roughed up face.

"GET THEM METAL!" Eggman suddenly shrieked from the back of the room.

"What!" You quickly stood back up, weary of the danger approaching. Metal Sonic, here? You thought he was lost to the forest from the last fight Sonic had with him.

But of course, Zavok used his special abilities to take immediate control of the Sonic look-alike. "Fool, don't you know how the Deadly Six operate?"

"HEHE! This is basically what WE do!" One of the zete, the psychotic purple one, lisped out with a nashed tongue and crazy eyes.

Dr. Starline took a step in front of Eggman, "No need to attack them Eggman, you see, the Deadly Six will handle the virus while we develop a safer way to control the virus."

"Don't you know who they are, Starline?-" You stood up, folding both hands into fists and talking face to face with the platypus. Narrowing your eyes, you threatened him by poking a claw at his chest.

"Exactly! Listen to the (m/s)." Eggman cheered from behind, walking closer to join your 'side' of not wanting anything to do with the Deadly Six.

"Well that's why I have this." Starline magically revealed a spiraling seashell, a conch shell, and blew into it. The Deadly Six then began to keel over and clamp their hands over their ears, resisting the high frequency of the shell.

"Starline DON'T!" You couldn't stop him in time, that conch, the only thing that stops them..


When Starline was done using the tool, he looked back and shrugged, "It's fi- GHA!" He cried out in pain as that crazy purple one from before forcibly grabbed the platypus's head and slamming it into his. Starline reeled back, leaving the conch exposed as Zeena stole it form his hands.

You jumped forwards to pull Starline away, despite your somewhat joy of seeing the villain suffer a little, "...the conch only works-"

"-as long as your lungs last!" Eggman finished your sentence, taking a step back when the Deadly Six went on the attack. Starline fell back on the floor, groaning with a headache at the intense impact, dazed.

The Deadly Six have completely taken over the situation. They had the power, and knew how to take it so easily. Zavok took a step forwards, pointing to you, Starline, and Eggman, "Take care of these trespassers."

"What!?" Eggman yelled, watching as Metal Sonic flew towards them with its claw pointed at your trio. You still had some armor, and you threw yourself forwards to block him. Even faced with loss, you smirked, 'Oh yeah, a fight with Metal Sonic? How legendary.'

However you fell backwards instead of forwards, being swallowed by a green portal once again. Starline had activated his ward topaz in order to allow everyone to escape.

. . . . .

Two small robots were watching the scene unfold, peeing up from behind the control panel of the Faceship. On one of their dashboards, a bat-shaped hologram displayed quietly... a spy... The two left it alone as this could be to their help now that the Deadly Six were in control... Rouge was in.

But the Faceship was now left unprotected to the Deadly Six, and in the main control room they gazed at Eggman's throne containing all seven chaos emeralds.

RECAP: Starline himself is even confused with that he just did. Y/n attempted to attack him, but Sonic and Eggman wanted it to end since everyone just lost, but Starline was having none of that. Instead, he used the warp topaz to escape, taking Y/n with them so she couldn't give Sonic her extra data fitbit. While there, Starline reveals he's enlisted the help of the Deadly Six to hinder the virus while Eggman created a cure, but things immediately go south as the Deadly Six take control of Metal Sonic, and turn him on his creator. Starline uses the topaz to escape, and now they've got nothing...

I don't really have much to say, I mean, we're coming to the book's close. I'd say maybe 10-12 more chapters and we'll have a conclusion.

Chapter Length @1620 Words

- S.Ishvalda

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