[1] Flashback

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⚠️ Chapter contains mention of Death.

A smog. An iron cage. Destruction. Your home was torn to pieces as hellfires rained down upon Seaside City. The people fled, running through alleys and streets in fear as titanium robots streamed down from the sky. The anxious and afraid screamed about the return of Dr. Robotnic. There were no heroes to save us, to save you.

You were an innocent (m/s) running in the streets from a supervillain, that was calling your name. The voice was smothered and fleeing figures began to fade away as if they had died in the chaos. An opening, an escape, a light whereas you entered you were forced down onto the ground. A small child and yourself had collided and fallen to the cold, concrete ground of an alleyway that threw dust into the air.

Your vision cut to darkness, an eerie and continuous high-pitched screech in your ears, which traded places back and forth between a vacuum of specialized lab space. It smelt of metal and cleanliness, like a hospital room made ready for the next patient. An iron cage.

A wolf loomed behind it with mechanized bodyguards of inorganic and sci-fi nature. He introduced himself but the name was muffled. Another darkness, where you looked into the mirror and saw someone who was not yourself, and the loneliness of a dead, stone-cold recovery room behind you. Your senses were confused and your muscles ached. Your arm pulsed as if the blood running through your veins had been personally irritated.

With a blink you were somewhere else, a battlefield with the same landscape as the start. A destruction. Smog, robots. The regal building that represented the City Hall was under control, your control, a control you never wanted. A power given to you, you never wanted to use. You were fighting, moving with an intense skill that flowed like the perfect melody of a song in the wind. A small fox with twin tails, unarmed and young was your opponent. With a startled yell you were transported somewhere else, where you saw that wolf struggling against a true hero. A blue hedgehog battered him back and forth with blurred spin dashing and dust clouds.

The last city. The final frontier for a world domination. The back end of a dark airship was the last place you called myself (n/n). You were the notorious 'Killer'- who took out the famous Knuckles the Echidna. But it wasn't you. In my months of forced terror, you never forfeit one's soul. It was that terrible wolf that took you from the streets of Seaside City. You were the (m/s) with a hidden background, a citizen, and the real victim of this war. Look what it had done. What HE had done. You killed that Wolf, with the weapons that it gave you.

= = = = =

A recurring dream. Your eyes fluttered open and we're met with the same black, iron cage you knew all too well. A place where you were imprisoned for 5 years now. You were condemned forever to this space. Your arms were held behind you, and you were knelt down, constantly staring towards the floor.

No movement would trigger a response. A guard would drop his weapon, and your ears would not flick towards the noise. You never need a deep breath, and nor would your tail sweep in any way with an emotion. You were mocked and slandered by those who rightfully hated you. They didn't know who you were and yet you were their mortal enemy.

You were never let out and only ate when no one was posted directly in front of your enclosure. This solitary confinement was an emotional bother. You wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of various medications secretly served with your entrees. But today, something made you look up.

"Well well well." They said seductively. It was a female voice, one you had recognized over your years of service under the Wolf. A voice that relayed messages and commands over long-distance communications your efforts managed to crack in on.

Rouge the Bat.

"Now that I've gotten to see the legendary (n/n) in person, I must say you're quite the specimen."

    A small growl escaping the back of your throat.M as you were forced to hear her complimentary introduction.

    "-I've got quite the special treat for you (n/n)." The bat was followed by two squads of guards, and your enameled glass door was opened. Rouge entered the hard cage and the sound of her heels clicked in the small, echoing space. "How would you like to get out for some fresh air?"

Your eyes widened and your pupils dilated back and forth between the big bright eyes of a lost happiness, and back to the slits of fear and anger. Your nostrils flared at the thought.

Was this some taunt? What did they want from me? What's their angle, and what is their plan?

As much as Rouge was well known in the heroic community, she had a background with the G.U.N. association. Even before as a civilian you did not like nor trust their ethics, ideals, and operations. You were displeased with the head agent, Shadow- even more. You didn't see him though, luckily...

    You didn't respond, but she knew that you had her attention and Rouge had yours. The guards surrounded you and placed your chained form in a containment vessel as you started to leave the space.

A panic ensued, that animal instinct coming out again as freedom, even just the smallest amount, presented itself in any way that wasn't thick concrete walls and fluorescent ceiling lights. It appears as you all traveled that you were deep underground. This facility was a bunker for criminals and secrecy.

Your arms were clamped to the floor and you were muzzled- for some reason. The people here really never took any risks. You wanted to get out, thrashing around as guards yelled with electric sticks to stop you. The shock hurt, but it was nothing compared to what you experienced with the Wolf. It was the massive amount of restrainments that made you stop, where there was no hope of freedom you could obtain under your own terms.

Your eyes shoot around, before making direct eye contact with Rouge. You stared each other down, and your aggression turned to confusion. Her hand was up and the guards were drawing back their weapons.

She called off the torture? Why didn't they think I was the insane monster they knew me as? That took over cities, one away from world domination-

You were placed back on the ground after you entered a room filled with screens and technology. Uncomfortably bright blue lights shone into the facility and you had to close your eyes and stare at the ground in blindness. However the bat started talking, and your ears flicked back to listen.

"You are a rather feisty one, you remind me of my young self." Rouge had leaned against a shiny table, placing her chin in the palm of her hand as if she was daydreaming. What did she think you were- some sort of fanatical memory?

"You know nothing about me-" you muttered. To her surprise, Rouge's lips pogged as she finally encouraged you to speak.

"Oh, so you do speak." She then waved her hands to the guards who looked confused and started to shrug as they were apparently dismissed. Surely they were still standing behind the massive iron doors, but the room now only contained you and Rouge. "Now honey, you should feel more comfortable."

    You weren't sure what she was talking about and didn't respond. Your eyes still met as Rouge tilted her head and waited for some sort of reaction from you. The silence was awkward, but that silence was incredibly normal to you, being locked up for those previous 5 years. "Comfort- how about you tell me about that fresh air hah?"

    Rouge let out a light chuckle. The clatter of her heels on the ground after jumping off the counter was booming in the echoing room. Your ears went back to shield from the eerie discomfort.

"Oh that's right, of course, that's what's on your mind." She had walked up to the front of the cage, where you stared turquoise and (e/c) daggers into each other's eyes. "Believe it or not, you've been kept safe and sound in that maximum security cell."

    "Safe- Yeah right." You attempted to move your fist and move your claws towards Rouge, but you were unfortunately reminded of how restrained you were. "I learned about you and your little infiltration ventures... What do you really want from me?"

    "That's hurtful, maybe I won't let you back outside. Or well, what's left of it."

    "Hah?- " Your eyes widened as you were exposed to the length of what that 'fresh air' meant. The outside, but what was left of it? What did that mean...

    "Oh yes~ except your fresh air has since been tainted. Being down here, underground, has practically saved you from the next terror that's started taking over the world." Rouge's voice went from seductive and confident to a feeling of deep sorrow. Your wide eyes flicked around the room as you started to process this. A new violence has started to rampage throughout the world. On the screens was a strange-looking machine, shaped like a strange drumstick with spindling legs. A virus- with a symbol engraved onto it. A virus? Before you could speak, Rouge noticed your curiosity. "A virus had been unleashed into the world by.. By Doctor Robotnic."

You immediately started rocking your cage in frustration, "WHAT! NO! The doctor's been dead for years! Me and that horrid wolf could take over the world because that bumbling fool was gone!"

    "The freedom fighters, Sonic- specifically, thought it would be a good idea to leave an amnesiated Robotic back in Windmill Village. However, somehow he's managed to regain his memory... We've called it the Metal Virus. It's starting to infect every living thing on the planet."

    You lightly laughed, "What is this- you're trying to get me to help you or something?" You tilted your head to the side and gave the bat a confident expression as you had figured her out.

"Good job little (m/ s). You're right. The Freedom Fighters have somehow decided that you could be useful out in the field." Rouge started a slow clap and stepped away from the cage, pressing a button on her wrist that dropped the walls of the cage. It startled you. One more step to freedom.

"Your identity will still remain private." She held out a hand to you and shrugged,

"So, do you still want that fresh-air?"

Suppa Scary Reader gets to go outside??? 👀 👀

Welcome to the first chapter, I hope how I write isn't confusing to read as I've been told that before. I just like to call a form of being ✨ poetic

I've posted 10 other chapters with this one so that the readers got some content to go through and yours not waiting on a ton of chapters.

This is one of the longer chapters, just about 1,800 words. Typical chapters will be between 900-1,300 words.

- S.Ishvalda

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