Hey all you handsome readers a new story out and it is a Ben 10 story now i know your wondering when i will update a new story about the prequel of i serve no one well its almost ready amd expect it only 4 days or 5.
Now here are some reminders
Location Bellwood
Year 2016
Y/n pov
As my brother was saving the world i was doing my studies as well as looking into my brothers old stuff since he doesnt visit me or mom sometime.
Y/n: Man i wonder how my brother is doing with his partner Rook. Man they have so much fun doing hero stuff while gwen is in college with her boyfriend kevin.
Mrs Tennyson: Alright Y/n look up on those boxes your moving out in a few weeks.
Oh yeah forgot mom moving me to a better highschool since bellwood highschool is so easy for me and i need a challenge.
As i was looking into the boxes i saw a destroyed version of the omnitrix my brother used during his 16 age.
Y/n: Hmm maybe i can fix this but i need the right tools and parts.
As i began looking to somethings i saw a remote teleporter in one of the boxes and i began setting it to azmuths location.
As the coordinates were set i began to dissapear with the omnitrix i got and went to azmuths place.
Location Azmuths Lair
Year 2016
Azmuth pov
I was researching all the data i gathered as i was doing my research aswell i saw a flash of energy in my eyes.
After that i saw a young boy kinda resembles to ben tennyson when my security was brought up i saw the boy look at me with a broken omnitrix.
Azmuth: So your the brother of ben tennyson y/n is it?
Y/n: Yes so your the creator of my brothers watch.
Azmuth: yes and i suppose this isn't an on purpose visit.
Y/n: Eyup can i ask a favor can you help me repair this old omnitrix.
This kid this reminds mr of tennyson during his young age but i cant just repair the omnitrix its has so much damage during ben tennyson self destruct it.
Azmuth: Fine but if this fails you will return home and forget this ever happen deal.
Y/n: Deal.
And we straight up to my lab to get some parts and some bluprints to try and fix the omnitrix.
Few weeks later
Location: Galvan Prime
Year 2016
Y/n pov
As me and Azmuth almost finish the repairs plus with a few minor upgrades that i add we were done as i put it on to my wrist and examine it.
Y/n: Not bad.
Azmuth: Its not done yet now you have to test it to see if it works.
As i activates it and scroll to the album i saw a familiar alien my brother use when he was ten and then i press it and began...
Y/n wrists started to cover his own arm with red rocks around as he started to being covered all around his body... As the cracks on his body started lighting up... As his head turned on fire as he poses once the green light shines down
A pyronite not similar to heat blast own form was standing infront of Azmuth checking myself looking awsome.
Y/n: Heat blast woah so this is what it feels like to transform.
Azmuth: Wow this is a great discovery thank you for this.
Y/n no problem.
Azmuth: Now if you have any more problem dont come crying to me about it goodbye.
And i was teleport out of Azmuths lab and got back to Bellwood i got exited and went ti grandpa's plumber base as i fly out towards max's shop.
Location Max Plumber Shop
Year 2016
3rd pov
As y/n arrive to the shop he quickly head to the bathroom that is out of order and use the elevator to go there
Alarms were turning on as an unknown alien manage to penetrate the base as plumbers get their weapons ready and aim their guns at the elevator door as the doors open they open fire
As y/n got suprise he quickly sprayed fire over the plumbers not harming them.
Y/n: Oh sorry my bad.
A fish man walk towards y/n amd saw an omnitrix symbol on his chest and quickly look and examine him.
Patelliday: tell me are you ben tennyson?
Y/n: Uh to tell you that....
As the time limit on the omnitrix ran out y/n return to normal Patelliday quickly got suprise to see y/n had an omnitrix he quickly lead y/n to Max.
Max: Patelliday how are we dealing with.... Y/n?
Y/n: Hi grandpa Max nice to see you again.
Max: So what brings you to this visit.
Y/n: Um I wanted to show you this.
As y/n show his new omnitrix to grandpa he quickly hug him with love and pats him on the back.
Max: Well it looks like your growing up too heh even ben got that omnitrix As Well.
Y/n: Thanks grandpa.
Just then Ben and Rook walk in while ben is in his Blox transformation looking at the two and realizing what is happening.
Y/n: Heya rook Hi bro.
Ben: Hey so what are you doing here
Y/n: To show you this.
As y/n showed him his omnitrix he quickly gasp and examine it and look suprise he drag him to a nearby training room and to test out y/n new ability.
Ben: So you got yourself a new watch how about a spar.
Y/n: Sure thing.
As Ben and Y/n were sparring Max and the other plumbers look into the battle between brothers.
As ben transform into Humungosaur Y/n look into his albumn and saw a different alien and decided to try it out.
Y/n: SNAPMAW! woah this is a new one.
Ben: Come on i didnt have that guy.
Rook: Well it appears to be both sides doesnt know that alien.
As Snapmaw quickly charges at humungasaur he quickly grab hold of him and throw him to the ground as he quickly got back up and charges again
As he dodges again he quickly bite his leg with his powerful jaw and punches him on the gut humungosaur quickly grunted and smack him back with his tail.
Just then Y/n transforms into a different alien in the time while humungasaur was suprise seeing his brother change withour going back.
Y/n: Beta! Hmm wow this is new alien aswell now lets see what this guy can... Woah!
As y/n quickly jump towards humungasaur he quickly grab the him and electrify as a bolt of lightning as he jumps across the room humungasaur had enough and change into feed back and absorbs the upcoming energy.
Ben: You gotta do better than that brother.
Y/n: I have more suprises aswell.
As he transformed into diamond head and press his watch.
Ben: Oh you didnt.
Y/n: Yes i did.
As a bright green light surrounded diamond head was upgraded into..
Y/n diamond head change into a black crystal form with 6 shards coming from his body even 5 more in his chest with 2 diamond shard shape tooth on his mouth sticking out.
As ben transformed into echo echo he quickly use sound waves to break my crystals off.
Y/n: Take this.
As a huge diamonds came out of the ground as echo echo dodge it and multiply creating more soundwaves.
Ben: You have to do better than that.
Y/n: Oh im just getting started.
As Y/n keep firing more diamonds onto echo echo he quickly shattered them and keep attacking me.
Ben: Ya know you have to train into those aliens and practice them.
As they keep fighting Max and Rook called them in while y/n has an explanation on how he got an omnitrix with an ultimate forms.
Y/n: So um heres the deal i made a deal with Azmuth to fix your old watch and if it was sucess i can have it if not i will never ask him ever again.
Max: So how can your mother relate to this perhaps.
Y/n; Oh um ok uh bro can you um.
Ben: Sorry dude but this is on you.
Rook: Wow brother culture is sometime helpful and not.
Y/n: Fine
As the omnitrix recharged y/n transformed into XLR8 and went to his house to explain to his mom.
Location Bellwood
Year 2016
Y/n pov
I was speeding through the streets as i was almost made it to my house to see mom and explain to her i was gone for a few weeks.
As i arrived home my watch timed out and transform back and went inside to see mom suprise and hug me.
Mrs.Tennyson: Your back where were you.
Y/n: I only visited Azmuth and repair this.
As i showed her my omnitrix she quickly look suprise and happy cause im following my brothers footsteps and learning how to be mature.
(note y/n age is 14 ben age is 18 cause y/n was born when ben is age of 4)
Y/n: So i am about to move out am i.
Mrs Tennyson: Yeah and im so proud of you go do good things there protect the one who are not able to protect them selves.
Y/n: Sure thing mom.
Mrs Tennyson: Now go to your room and get your stuff your going to highschool remember.
Y/n: Oh ok.
As i packed my things amd went down stairs as i hug my mom last time and went to the airport to go to Kuoh Japan.
Time skip
Location Kuoh Japan
Year 2016
Y/n pov
As i arrived at kuoh i saw how peaceful it was not until i arrived at the school were i enter before an invisible dome appear behind me as i saw a battle going on.
As i see 6 people fighting a man with black wings and a 3 headed dog i quickly dodge the incoming decapitate attack from a man with a sword.
Freed: Ooh another devil i cant wait to chop you up now.
As i ran towards the debris and hid from the man i quickly use the omnitrix and scroll upon another new alien and use it.
Y/n: Bone head! Huh never seen this guy too welp time to give it a shot.
Freed: Come out come.... Ooh you can transform ey no matter your still a devil and i freed selzen will exorcize you.
Y/n: Heh i got more tricks up my sleeve.
As i quickly slam the omnitrix on my chest i quickly change into bone heads ultimate form.
As i shouted the others look at Freed seeing a creature that they dont know as he attack freed with numerous bone attacks on him.
As y/n forcefully almost kill him in the spot as he was about to freed said.
Frees: What are you?
Y/n: Now now now be quiet the fun is just beginning.
Freed: No please have mercy you devil!
Y/n: Hmm mercy ey no not that kind anyways since i see through your memories and you kill many innocents now time for your death.
As purple hands surround him and drag him down to the deepest hell as he was screaming for mercy as he was cut off leaving the excalibur on the ground as I pick it up and put it on my back.
As a spear was thrown at me i quickly hold it as i examine it and absorbs it energy as i summon more bones to the person who threw the spear at me as he quickly grunted but still fired more at me.
As i quickly dodge the upcoming Spears and hover towards him and he said.
Kokabiel: What are you?
Y/n: I am a hero and i protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Kokabiel: Well then how about join me and together we will rule this world.
Y/n: Fine where do we begin
Kokabiel: Kill them.
As I look at the group infront of me i quickly look back at him and summon 4 circles around him as he look suprise.
Kokabiel: Wait what are you doing?
Y/n: Yeah..... i lied FLAMING CURSE!!!!
Kokabiel: No you cant do this You you TRAITOR!!!!!
(Like this attack but with fire and replace kevin with kokabiel)
As fire spat out from the circles and burning him like crisp as the attack ends there was nothing left and only ashes of feathers.
As i look at the group who were watching the whole seen the red head asked...
Rias: Who are you?
Y/n: I..
Just then the barrier shatters and seeing a white armored man looking at me with curious eyes.
Vali: I see that i was too late to retrieve kokabiel well then might i ask who are you?
As i saw my watch almost time out i quickly go down and rise up at my apartment as i transform back and see kuoh academy destroyed while everyone was still sleeping as i see the white figure left i quickly went back to bed and think about today.
Location Kuoh academy
Year 2016
3rd pov
As Rias and sona peerages look what happened after y/n show in his ultimate form and what he did to freed and kokabiel.
Sona: What was that creature?
Rias: Well whatever it is maybe we can make it Issei familiar perhaps.
Issei: Oh hell yeah im getting the skull boy a familiar lets go ask Zatouji if he seen that creature.
Rias: Uh Issei we can't visit him today cause he only allows one peerage to enter one month.
Kiba: Dammit he has the Excalibur.
Xenovia: yes once we find that creature who has the excalibur we must find him and get it back.
While everyone was talking who it was rias was thinking something else.
Rias: Hmm maybe i can add this creature to my peerage
Now y/n has begun his journey to the supernatural world with few aliens he already show.
Known aliens
Diamond head
Bone Head
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