Memories by Panic! At the Disco

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I rush into the Tower skipping the elevator going straight up the stairs every once in awhile shooting a web to get up even faster. I was up to the Avengers' floor in less than a minute not even breaking a sweat.
"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! Mr. Star-"
Everyone sitting around the table looked over at me as Tony cut me off, "where have you been! We saw what happened at the coffee shop! We heard someone was injured! We thought that you were the one who got hurt! Do you know how that feels? Having to sit here and just wonder if someone you care about is actually okay?"
"But Mr. Stark-"
"No buts Peter! You could've died and we wouldn't know!"
"Where's Vis-"
"I'm talking to you kid."
I close my eyes and freeze Dad- I mean Tony, and it was like he was moving in slow motion and talking in slow motion.
"Where's Vision?"
"What? How? What happened to Tony?" Steve looked at Tony as he kept yelling acting like he was yelling at me still.
"He's fine Is made him slow down pretty much not doing anything."
I tapped my chest, "I don't think we have much time before Thanos comes. Where's Vision? He's most likely a target."
"Vision and Wanda went somewhere to figure out if they could boost Wanda's magic."
"WHAT? LIKE NOW? WHY NOW?" Tony unfroze as I sat down at the table slamming my head on the table.
"Do you understand young man?"
"Yes sir."
Sam started laughing but stopped when Tony started glaring at him.
"Something funny Wilson?"
"Nope nothing..." but Sam couldn't help it and started laughing again this time Clint joined in.
"Wait how did you get there? I was... what?"
"The TIME Stone! Where's the Time Stone? We can use that to finish the buildings!" I yelled, getting up from the table to sit down on the floor away from everyone, "does Elle know?"
Loki froze when everyone turn towards him, but he gave a small nod.
"Wait, El-" I cut Tony off by leaving them to go to the Soul Stone.
As soon as I step into the orange and pink world I go up to my friends.
"Okay I need help, I need to find the Time Stone. It's a glowing green rock and I should be able to find it in Elle's memories."
They nodded and we each watched a different set of memories.
Elle ducked behind an old diner an old tapestry bag on her shoulder. An old dress making her move slower. "Will it'll be fine, plus don't you want to leave your mark on the world?" She laughed and he started laughing as well. They both took out paint and brushes getting to work. She started with green painting a huge circle. Then she painted the devil's sigh over it so the green was just the background.
Looking over Will had painted a huge sun in the middle of it was angel wings beautifully painted. The two looked over at each other's and switched. Elle added the planets trying to go into detail but mostly looked like she was guessing.
Will painted on Golden antlers onto the symbol Elle had painted. Both of the painting were amazing with the detail and everything else about it. The two of them were covered in paint but it didn't stop them from hugging and laughing loudly.
All of a sudden a voice sounded from a while away most likely going towards them to yell at them. They picked up the brushes and paint, then taking one last look at the painting and ran for it.
I looked over at another memory seeing Elle not looking much older but her eyes did. They held so much sorrow as she looked at a grave. I take a closer look and see the name on it. Will Green, and the date said... "WHAT THE FUCK?"
1650-1666 died in the Great Fire...
Elle stared at the grave silent tears falling down her face.
"At least you made your mark, most weren't able to... I mean at least this way I don't hurt you when I disappear. I hope I don't have to do this for much longer... I don't know how long I'll last. Just remember I love you. And I promise I'll see you again."
I whipped around facing everyone, "1650-1666?" Everyone pointed and said other dates, all of them were after 1650.
I turn back to memories and see Elle and I sitting my table.
"Ellie?" She looks up at me as I point to a problem on my homework.
She goes through it making it fun and exciting. "Done! Thanks Ellie!"
"Your welcome K." She looks down at the painting she was working on.
"Do you want to watch Narnia?" I ask bouncing up and down, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.
"Fine come on...." we head into the living room and I race up to the TV getting everything set up. Then I race into the kitchen and help Elle grab her painting things bringing them in front of the TV. I sit down on the couch staring at the TV. Elle settles on the floor her back up against the couch. I move so I'm right behind her and start to braid her hair making sure that she could still paint.
"What are you painting?"
"Captain America."
"He's was the last hero. He was so nice... never gave up a fight."
Elle's face was tinted pink and her blue eyes shown so much care, but also so much sadness.
"Did you know him?"
"I knew him but he never paid me any attention, I mean Peggy was the one for him. They deserved each other. They truly did, both of them were amazing."
"But what about you? Don't you deserve someone?"
"Well I think if I got to replay that moment-"
Suddenly Carol points to a memory, "this one! It shows that the stone is with the ancient one!" I cheer turning away from the memory, hugging them all, "I'm sorry but I have to go. I will see you later!"
The world fell away and I was once again I was surrounded by the Avengers.

Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Lately I've been obsessed with the Arrow so I may not update as quick as I know you guys would like. I also want to make sure that the ending is awesome so I will be trying harder to do so. Anyway...

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