Chapter 17

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At 9:30 my door opened. I was almost done with the invitation labels. Next on the to-do list was putting the cards in the envelopes along with the random name cards the card company sent us.

"Why didn't you come down for dinner?" Trevor.

My head shot up. Fear pulsed through me with every heartbeat. I knew that he could smell my fear, but I couldn't help it. I was more afraid of this man than anyone else in the world.

"Are you deaf?"

I shook my head, eyes still glued to the bed and unable to speak.

He smirked. "Why so afraid?"

Conner stood behind him. "Go home Trevor."

Trevor turned around, turning all his attention to Conner.

"Excuse me?" The Alpha Wolf asked.

"Stay away from my sister. It's bad enough your son has his hands on her." Conner sounded disgusted.

Trevor had Conner pinned against the wall in an instant. Conner went limp, not fighting back to his alpha. Conner was no match for Trevor. Conner was loyal to Trevor. Conner owed his life to Trevor. But that didn't mean that he'd let Trevor take advantage of me. After all, how could I, a contained and controlled human be any match for a supernatural werewolf?

I needed to have those blockades taken off my mind. I needed to deal with my uniqueness. Most importantly, I needed to be able to protect myself from anything. I heard Grayson's sigh in the hallway. Trevor whispered Conner a threat I could only make out as a growl.

Conner turned his head to look at Grayson. With my music creating interference, I couldn't hear what Conner said to Grayson, but Grayson came into my room with a folded piece of paper. His eyes were glowing again which told me the wolf was near the surface.

I tried to smile, but I couldn't.

"I have the list you want."

I looked back at the computer screen, holding back terrified tears. He didn't say anything as he sat down with his back to me. Conner looked from Grayson to me. When his eyes met mine, he held it for only a second. He left. He wouldn't watch over me as closely as he had before. Grayson was taking care of me now.

The tears begging for release were now sad tears. I jumped off my bed and ran to my bathroom. I slammed the door and turned on the faucet to the sink and the shower. It would help keep anyone from hearing me crying.

When I came back into the room, the list was on my bed. It was longer than Brian and mine's combined. At least I had something to keep me entertained tomorrow. My laptop was closed. And a post-it was stuck to it.

Be back in a bit -G

I hadn't asked for this. I hadn't wanted this. I grabbed my bag and stuffed enough clothes to last me a week. Forget graduating with a 4.2 GPA. They would force me to go back home if I went back to school. I wanted to be normal more than anything else in the world. I put the bag over my shoulder as I turned off the lights of my room. I tip-toed to the front door.

Very quietly, I shut the door and walked as softly as possible away from the house. I made it 4 steps, then Grayson jumped into my path. He was sweaty, glimmering in what little light there was. He only had on a pair of pants that were way too baggy. He had to hold onto them to keep them cover the important parts.

"And just where do you think you're going?"

I shrugged, "Away."

He shook his head. "Nah uh." He pointed to the house, "You're going up to your room and going to sleep." I shook my head back at him. "No?"

"I'm not going back."

"I'll chain you to the bed. You know I know where the hand cuffs and leg binders are."

"You wouldn't." He would.

"Try me. Give me an excuse to tie you to my bed." He smirked.

"I'm not safe in that house!"

Grayson sighed, "You'll be fine."

"How?! Your father's the alpha of your pack! He could send you all out on an errand and in the time it would take you, he could rape me, kill me and bury me in the backyard."

"I'd take you with me."

"You can't take me everywhere."

He nodded, "But I can distract you. Have you stay with Rebecca for a night."

"She couldn't stop him!"

"Please Casey. Come inside with me. After graduation you can move out and not have to worry about Trevor again."

"I don't know."

"I told you I'd keep you safe. It's your job to trust me now."

I put the bag on my other shoulder. It was pretty heavy.

He looked at the bag and smirked, "You fit a lot into the bag." I nodded and looked at it. "Come on. It's time for bed."

He took the bag off my shoulder and took my hand. "We'll sleep in your bed tonight."

"Why can't you sleep in yours?" I asked annoyed.

He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. "You want to be left alone after my father's advances on you?" I swallowed hard. He looked back at the house, "That's what I thought."

"Your bed's nicer."

I could see his smile. Of course he knew I would choose his bed over mine. The bed sheets were all Egyptian cotton. I loved his bed. He went into my room and put the bag on the bed.

"Get into your pajamas."

I let go of his hand and changed in the dark. I knew he could see me, more importantly I knew he was watching me. So I was careful to put on a shirt that went down to my mid-thigh before taking off my skirt and bra. He'd seen me naked...yes...but he didn't need the temptation right now. With his control slacking, I wasn't risking anything.

He was holding the door open the moment I put my slippers on. He had to be tired if he was going to herd me into his bed to sleep. Once my head hit the pillow I was out.

I woke up feeling horrible. I had a headache and was covered in sweat. I looked at the clock. It was 10 am.

"I'm late!" I sat up too quickly and the world spun.

"Nah uh." Conner cooed. "Back under the sheet. Your temperature was 103 a few minutes ago. Any higher and we're going to the hospital."

"Where is everyone?"

"School and work. It's just you and me."

I nodded, "Good." I might be able to relax. "I have headache."

 He smiled, "Probably stress induced." He flipped open my phone. "You have a text from Becca, she says she's not going to school, she's running a temperature." He threw the phone at Grayson's pillow.

I grabbed my throbbing head and groaned.

"Try to sleep. I'll bring you lunch in an hour. Chicken soup sound good?"

I nodded. "Sounds fine."

I grabbed the phone and texted Becky back saying no more than "ditto."


It took 2 days for the fever to go away. I made it to school that Thursday and Friday. Finals came and went. Trevor made himself scarce. Grayson was going out of his way to make sure that I wasn't left alone, at anytime, when Trevor was at the house. The only privacy I had was when I was in the bathroom, and even then, I knew Grayson or someone was waiting for me. It was frustrating, but necessary.

Everyday Grayson's blue eyes were getting brighter. So bright, in fact, that they were starting to freak me out when we were in the dark. He thought it was cool, I just found it freaky. The more girls who were taken with those eyes just made me that much more annoyed by them. I just wanted to shout "He's MINE!" at all the girls who stalked him.

But, I busied myself with searching for someplace to live. I had several acceptance letters to many good universities; I just needed the permission from Conner to go. He was the one with all our money. I wasn't allowed to worry about my finances. Grayson wasn't going to go to college. We'd probably separate when I left. Maybe never speak again. It made me sad to think about it, but I wasn't going to obsess over a guy like Grayson. However dreamy I thought he was, I couldn't let it take over my life.

Now that I had my diploma in my hand, I couldn't let him take over my life. I was 18 and ready to see the world! I looked down at that sheet of paper and felt relieved.

"It's all over now." I whispered to myself.

I watched Brian and Grayson graduate, I whistled for them both. It all went by so quickly. One second I was jumping up and down hugging Becky, the next I was kissing Grayson, the next I was yelling at Chris to put me down, then I hugged Brian, then my brother gave me a present, then I was kissing Grayson again.

"See you at the party tonight!" I hollered at Becky. She nodded and smiled back at her mom, who was crying.

I couldn't help the sharp pain that shot through my heart when I saw her mom, so proud. My mom and dad would never get to be that proud. They never had the chance.

We were at the house until 10, when the party started.

"Sober Grad." The only reason anyone was even there was to win one of the 5 laptops or the car. Having no car of my own, I would be happy to win one. I would gladly accept the freedom that came with a car. I was with Becky most of the night, dancing or playing games. The boys were playing games, hanging out, or getting into fights.

At 2 am, we were let free. There were 3 parties and we needed to choose which one we would be attending. Of course, Grayson chose the one without parental supervision and alcohol. The guys couldn't get drunk. Their high metabolism burnt off the alcohol before it could have any affect on them. By the time we arrived at the party, I was drifting off into dreamland.

"We're only staying an hour or Casey might fall over dead." Grayson teased. Brian, Mason, Carlos and Jack laughed. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

I was chugging Red Bull's to stay awake. Luckily they had two ice chests packed full of the drink. Becky eased me onto a kitchen chair.

"Honey. I'm getting Grayson to take you home. You're dead on your feet." She took the Red Bull out of my hand and put it on the counter. I leaned my head back on the chair and stared at the light that was stuck to the ceiling.

I recognized Grayson's chuckle before I registered someone had walked into the room. He took my face in his hands and kissed me.

"Let's get you home."

I smiled and nodded. Grayson had to carry me to his car. Brian didn't miss the opportunity to make fun of my inability to hold myself up. Grayson laughed with him. Becky stayed at the party; after all, Mason was still there. I started drifting the moment the car engine started purring.

be prepared... the end is near!

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