Miguel: The mission is to infiltrate the S.I.l.k organization to confirm a theory I had a while ago, they are close to recreating the gizmo for dimensional travel, the suspicion started when Jessica captured an anomaly of hammer head trying to find tech for dimension traveling, he gave us a name, Cindy Moon, word is she's having a party in her building in Tokyo on my dimension, the plan is to infiltrate the party and get information and also steal all her data on a drive on a room on the building
Team one is Me and Y/n I will try to suduce her to see if she can spill any information and Y/n will be the back up
Team two Assassin Spider-Man will have overwatch and Lego Spider-Man will try to steal the data in the data room with a hard drive Y/n provided made by his friends in his dimension
Assassin Spider-Man: Well let's get to work
Miguel: good luck everyone
Assassin-Spider looks over the light up city of Tokyo, with the honking of the cars and voices from holographic giants in the distance, he was holding on from a web placed on the very top of the building
Miguel: what's your status
Said Miguel over the earpiece
Assassin-Spider: im almost in position over
He continued to climb up the building with stealth so he won't be detected, once he made it to the top he pulled out a sniper an aimed it to the S.I.L.K building across
Assassin-Spider: I'm in position
Miguel: what do you see
He looks through his sight to see what's in each floor
Assassin-Spider: The party is happening at the 2o4 floor and the server room is 5 under it
Miguel: You know what to do
The Assassin picks up something from his pocket and puts it in the chamber of the sniper
And aims it at the air vent outside the server room
Assassin-Spider: you ready
Lego Spider-Man: ready
He then shoots the minifig to the air vent
Lego Spider-Man: ok I'm inside I'm headed to the server room but there's a lot of lasers and motion detectors it might take a while
Y/n pov
Miguel and I were going up the elevator to the party room we both had party attire, I got to say I'm feeling myself
Miguel was wearing a blue jacket with a white button up and blue pants with some white sneakers
While I had shades, a button up shirt and black jeans
Miguel: it's ok take your time
Y/n: so have you ever meet Ms. Cindy before
Miguel: no but I know in other dimension she's good but in others she causes havoc, like for example in earth-65b shes responsible for the spider that bit Gwen Stacy
Y/n: huh I always wondered why don't you invite her I mean she seems cool and could probably be helpful
Miguel looked at y/n with a side eye
Miguel: you already know why we can't
Y/n: well maybe Lyla's calculation is wrong maybe it won't hurt
Miguel: Y/n ya cáilate *sign* it's because her dads a captain and if she finds out her dad is supposed to die if she finds out she supposed to die then it could disrupt the multiverse
Y/n: maybe she's not supposed to die like the other Gwen Stacy's just like I'm not like the rest of the Y/n a bad guy
Miguel: porque te importa tanto?(why do you care so much)
Y/n: porque(why) because maybe all the George Stacy's would be happy that his daughter makes it at least in one dimension ONE
The elevator filled with awkward silence
Y/n: also she's kind of cute
Miguel: what did you say
Y/n: yo no dije nada( I didn't say anything)
The Elevator doors open and the music blast through the party and everyone was dancing
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Buissness men and celebrities drinking and having fun
Miguel: Ok don't put to much attention on yourself and find the target... Y/n?
I was feeling the vide of the room I couldn't help but go in the middle of the dance floor
Lego Spider-Man jumps from vent wall to vent wall avoiding the lasers, you would be stupid if you think Cindy wouldn't have defenses in her vents
Lego Spider-Man: wow surprisingly she keeps her vents clean
He then jumped over a fire wall and was close to the room
Miguel walks around the party room trying to find the target he then looked back at Y/n dancing in the middle of the dance floor
Miguel: este güey (this dude)
Miguel looked irritated, he keep liking around until he spotted a familiar Korean women in her late 30s at the bar, this was his chance
Assassin Spider-Man looks through his scope looking at Miguel
Assassin Spider-Man: it looks like Miguel found the target what's your status
Lego Spider-Man: Im here im going to open the vent and shut down the security system
he then opens the vent and the mini figure swings down mission impossible style dodging the lasers and pushing the buttons to turn of the security system
Miguel approach the women
Miguel: It's a nice party your having here mind asking what the occasions for
Cindy: celebrating the success of a project with prospects and board members but also to relieve some stress, if you know what I mean
Miguel goes up to her ear and whisper
Miguel: How about you tell me more about this project somewhere private
She then roars in laughter and looks at Miguel
Cindy: oh Miguel as much as I would enjoy having fun with you your not in the market im looking for someone younger
Y/n then walks up next to her and puts his arm on the bar table
Y/n: excuse me miss but is this man bothering you
Miguel then looks at me with the expression of that are you doing
Cindy: oh no he's just barking up the wrong tree also your brave yourself walking up to a women like me
She said to Y/n leaning closer
Y/n: you know I got my type, also congratulations on your new project if I'm not mistaken it's traveling around the world right
Cindy: oh no your way off I could tell you more in private if you want
Y/n: I would like that
Cindy: how old are you by the way
Y/n: im 25(he's 16) I know my facial hair came in early so I look old
Cindy: no quite the opposite
I then look back at Miguel and winked at him
Miguel: what just happen... he's 16
He said in shock
Once they went to her room he sat on her bed
Y/n: Wow I always wanted to come to Tokyo it didn't disappoint especially with someone like you in front of me
Cindy: oh Y/n you flatter me
She goes closer to Y/n but he holds her back
Y/n: im curious what is your project about
Cindy: have you ever heard of dimension traveling Y/n
Y/n: uh no sounds cool though
Cindy: well there's many people that discovered it like the Tva, the Illuminati, and well these group of spiders but one thing they can't do is travel the omni-verse
Y/n: the what now?
Cindy: the Omni-verse is the multiverse outside our own where everything is connected and there's such a power there were you can control everything
Y/n: wow that sounds cool your really telling me a lot for someone you barely meet
Cindy then gets close to Y/n's face and body
Cindy: well that's because your not gonna be alive to tell anyone
She then tries to stab Y/n in the stomach with a blade but his spider sense kicks in and grabs her wrist, she tries her hardest to impale him with the blade
Cindy: you guys are stupid if you really think you can trick me I can sense your guy's spider pheromones
Y/n: how
Cindy: you think your the only Spider who wants to control the Spider-verse
Y/n had fear in his face he then phase through her but she shoot him with a web burst breaking his shades
She pulls out two blades while Y/n gets into a fighting stance and they go at each other
Lego Spider-Man goes up to the server console and puts in the hard drive and downloads all the files on the server room
Lego Spider-Man: wow Synth-Spiders friends really have talent it's going fast
Assassin Spider-Man was looking over the minifigure
Assassin Spider: that's good to hear, the sooner the faster we exfill
Lego Spider-Man: huh I wonder what there doing up there
Miguel walks through the halls outside Cindy's room and listens through the wall, he hears moans and grunts
Miguel: he's only 16
Inside the room Y/n and Cindy were fighting
She was very good at fighting because of her Martel arts history you can say Y/n meet his match, he was thrown on a coffee table and Cindy lunged at him with the dagger but moved out the way in time he then kicks her but block it with her arm
She then slashed at him two times but Y/N manages to kick one of her blades to the wall he then threw a left jab then a kick to the stomach
Y/n: I really dont want to hurt you so settle down
Miguel Heard from the other side of the door with wide eyes
She then rush Y/n and stabs his torso and tornado kicks him to the wall that Miguel was standing behind
Miguel: there going at it
He blocks all of her punches and leg kicks her making her fall too a knee kick, she gets up and wraps a bed curtain around his neck choking him he then elbows her stomach slamming her on the floor
They start trading blows at each other until one falls, Y/n being a little stronger stands up victorious
Y/n: you know I loved the time that we spent with each other we should do it more offten
But I'm 16 you weirdo
She was on the floor looking at Y/n with a face full of rage
Y/n then slams the door open
Scaring Miguel
Miguel: what the hell
Y/n: thank god i didn't need any back up
They start runing down the hall
Miguel: I thought you guys were fu-
Y/n then interrupts
Y/n: fighting yeah I know
Miguel: we got to go to the server room
The computer shows the progress of the data transfer showing at 50%
Lego Spider-Man: well this is going smoothly
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The alarms goes off on the building
Lego Spider-Man: oh no
He said looking around
Cindy walks through the hall one blade in hand
Cindy: I want those spider killed also secure the server room
Two guards entered the server and aimed at the minifigure
Guard 1: open fire!
But before they could shoot they were both hit by bullets through the glass window
Assassin Spider reloads his sniper
Lego Spider-Man: thanks man
More guards enter with batons and guns
Guard: get him
Lego Spider-Man then goes and hits the guard and throws him to the floor, he climbs on one of the guards and throws him to the other, Assassin Spider-Man continues to snipe each guard about to shoot the Lego, the minifigure then kicks a baton to one of the guards face, he shoots his small Lego webs to the coming guard pulling him and kicking him
Miguel and Y/n run through the party while all the guest are running and screaming around they reach the stairs and run down but there's guards going up the stairs
Miguel : go through that door
we entered the random door which lead to a open room,in the middle a holographic pink bohi tree was there
Miguel then barricade the door with his webs
Miguel: we got to find a way out
Y/n looks around his spider senses going crazy but not just his spider sense his spirit is telling him to
Miguel: Y/n what is it
Y/n: there's evil here
Once he said that all around the dark room red eyes appeared, they all walked up to the light there was about 10 figures
Once they were in view we got to see there detailing they were androids with black coats around them and ninja mask covering there faces
One by one pulled out there red swords and charged at the two
Miguel ducked one of the robots attacks and punches the robot but it had no effect it then kicked Miguel to the wall, Y/n punches one of the robots in the chest which the robot just slides back another tried to slice him but Y/n back flipped over the robots sword before another attack was thrown the robot was shot in the back by assassin Spider-Man with his sniper from the distance he then shoots another, Miguel then gets up and bite one of the robots then splits him in half, Y/n then puts his hands in phase mode which makes his hand slice through things
He stabs a robot in the heart and pulls it out then throws it at two robots shooting a phasing web which makes the heart blow up, another runs to attack Y/n stabs the robot several times on the body then slicing his head off
A ship flew to Assassin Spider-Man position and dropped guard he then packs up his sniper and run to cover the guards were shooting at him, he used wrist web/ guns to shoot at the guards killing them all, he then make his way to the ledge of the building
Assassin Spider: Jess come in it's time for exfill
he then pulls out his assault rifle and jumps off the building into the other breaking the window to the Lego Spider-Man he then provides covering fire for Lego Spider-Man who is effectively kicking all the guards butt
Assassin Spider: is it almost done
Lego Spider-Man: It's at 95%
Assassin Spider-Man then deployed a Fulton which exits the window and goes up into the night sky
Y/n and Miguel Destroy the remain robots
But the door blows which multiple guard aim at the two,Cindy walking out
Cindy: you really think you could get out of here alive
Y/n: yeah kind of
Cindy: quiet boy
Miguel: I recommend you stop what your doing or I will release to the press about what your doing
Cindy: I could do the same with your identity
Miguel and Cindy lock eyes in frustration
Cindy: what gives you the right and not anybody else to travel the multiverse
Miguel: so nobody can disrupt it
Cindy: hahaha what a hypocrite you messed it up already to find a certain someone let me think your daughter
Miguel grew furious and started walking to Cindy, the guards trained there guns up, but
Y/n stopped him
100% the computer said
Lego Spider-Man: it's done
Assassin Spider-Man: let's go
He then shoots a smoke grenade from his wrist
The minifigure got the hard drive and jumped into Assassin Spider-Man pocket
A ship was flying to the Fulton
Jessica: exfill inbound leaving immediately
Assassin Spider-Man: Miguel, Y/n we got to go
Jessica then flys by the Fulton and picks it up making Assassin Spider-Man fly out the window
Y/n: look, it was fun and all but we got to bounce PIECE
The window behind them breaks and they got shot by webs by Assassin Spider-Man and flew out and disappear in the night sky
Back at Nueva York
Miguel: Layla show me what's on those files
Layla: much of these files are just about building weapons, conquering the world bla, bla, bla but in one of the files it talks about the gizmo that they created, it also looks like they tried recreating the particle accelerator but was discontinued what's interesting is there goal to reach the center of the omiverse to control something we really don't have a bunch of information about the Omni verse not even , Doctor Strange, the Avengers, the Fantastic 4, Illuminati, even the Tva have nothing on it
Miguel: even if we don't know what there goal is we shouldn't let them get what they want
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