A/N: Brace yourselves, it's about to get complicated.
He seemed shocked at first but then kissed me back. When we pulled away, I looked at the floor while he looked at me. Eventually I got the courage to bring my eyes to meet his, only to see that his facial expression was not the one I expected to see.
"Why now?" He asked, a look of confusion and a hint of despair now apparent on his face.
"What do you mean?"
"Why now as in why did you choose to kiss me now? I had just come to terms with the fact that you were never going to be mine and now you kiss me?"
I felt the sinking feeling of guilt fill my chest as Tobias continued expressing his emotions and I returned my gaze to the floor.
"I spent months trying to get you to see how I felt, took you to a sold out concert just because Alex told me how much you wanted to go, tried everything I could to make you happy and what do you do? You go on a date with another guy, then you kiss me the morning after that date."
"I'm sorry it took me so long but-"
"It's alright (y/n), but I don't want to talk about this anymore." He sighed.
"Can we talk later?"
"Actually (y/n), I don't think we should talk at all anymore. I've moved on now, I'm seeing someone."
Although I was saddened by his words, I knew I couldn't do anything to help the situation; all I could do was accept it.
"Okay Tobias, I understand." I paused trying to think of what I could say next, only to realize there was nothing more to say "I'll see you around then."
With that I left his house and began walking home.
When I got home I went straight to my room and thought about the occurrences of this morning.
It was really over, Tobias and I were no longer friends. Everything would've been fine had I not kissed him or if I had only kissed him sooner. Why didn't I see how he felt for me? Everyone else saw it, why couldn't I?
Before yesterday I was oblivious to Tobias's feelings, but upon figuring them out I discovered that I felt the same way. I guess I was so used to seeing him as a friend that it completely covered up what I was feeling for him. None of that mattered now anyway, Tobias had already moved on.
For the rest of the week I faked being sick so that I could miss school. There was no way I was up for seeing Tobias in the hall, I couldn't face him but I knew eventually I had to. Through out the week I had received calls from Linde and Alex who called to check up on me. They both had no clue as to what had happened, but I needed to tell someone so I ended up talking to them about it.
A/N: Hey guys, hope this didn't hurt your head too much. I know you all are like "OH MY GOSH JUST GET THEM TOGETHER ALREADY" but patience is keyyy.
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