Chapter 26

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'Red dress'

"So, who's going to hold a New Year's party?" Sam asks, looking round the group. It's currently the 28th of December and the group is round. Andre, Robbie, Cat, Sam, Carly, Freddie and Jade. We're downstairs at home on the couches. Jade's half laying down on her back, with it to the arm of the couch, a leg on the floor and the other one bent on the couch. I'm laying between her with the back of my head laying on her chest. Her right arm is draped around me slightly, holding me to her.
"Don't look at me, I held the Halloween party." Andre states, throwing his arm up.
"Spencer might let me hold one, but it would have to be small." Carly states with a smile.
"And if it's quiet, I don't need my mom calling the cops." Freddie sighs.
"Would she even let her precious baby boy go out on New Years?" Sam teases.
"Shut up." He huffs.
"We need to sort it soon, there's only a few days left." Tori states.
"I got $30." I state, momentarily leaning up from Jade and leaning into my pocket, chucking it on the coffee table before she gently pulls me back down onto her.

The group all pitch in a reasonable amount meaning everything we need can be sourced for the party. Spencer gave the okay for the party there so now we have a place.

"Well, all we need to do now is go shopping." Carly says.
"We could go now?" Andre suggests. I hear a small sigh from Jade, the others don't notice but I turn to her.
"What's up?" I question, my volume low.

"I just got comfy." She huffs.
"Aww, poor baby." I mock with a small chuckle.
"Anyone else think we should put a ban on those two being so couply?" Sam asks, looking grossed out. Jade sends her a death stare, causing me to laugh quietly.
"You're just upset that things didn't work out between-" Carly starts before she hits her to get her to be quiet.
"We don't talk about that." She scoffs. I roll my eyes with a smile before getting up. The rest follow, getting up as well. We stack into cars, Jade, Carly and Sam in mine. Jade takes the passenger seat, obviously.

Once we get to the store, Andre grabs a cart and starts driving it around. Jade takes my hand in hers, pulling me around with her. We grab a bunch of stuff, solo cups, mixers, plastic shot glasses, party hats and just some random decorations.
"Jade." I say, dragging out her name as I say it. I turn to look at her.
"What's up, love?" She questions, looking down at me.
"I'm cold." I state.
"Is that your way of asking me for my hoodie?" She asks, raising her eyebrow slightly. I nod with a smile. She slips the hoodie off and hands it to me, kissing my forehead. "Do you not think to bring a jacket or hoodie out with you?" She asks.
"I think about it, but I'd rather borrow yours." I smile.
"And leave me cold?" She questions. My face scrunches slightly and I offer it back to her. "Don't worry baby, I'm only messing with you." She smiles, gently pushing the hoodie back towards me.
"Thank you." I smile, leaning up and kissing her.
"They'll grow out of it, it's the honeymoon stage." I hear Tori say to Sam.

"Do you agree?" I ask Jade as we continue walking behind the group, our hands entwined once again.
"Of course not." She replies with a cocky smile, holding my hand tighter as she traces her thumb over the back of my hand. "So, what are you gonna wear to the party?" She questions, chucking some snacks into the cart which Cat is now in, Andre then speeds up the cart, driving her around crazily. I smile, seeing the fun that the pair are having.
"Some sort of dress, I just got a new one." I reply.
"What's it like?" She asks.
"Red, tight, slightly revealing." I reply with a teasing smile.
"Not too revealing, right?" She questions, turning to me.
"Of course not." I smile, squeezing her hand. "What about you, what are you going to wear?" I reply.
"Maybe a bodysuit and a skirt." She states.
"You look so good in a bodysuit." I reply.
"You think?" She questions, seemingly taken back.
"Definitely." I confirm, grabbing some chips and holding them, since Andre has run off with the cart.

Later in the day, the others have now left and Jade and I are upstairs in my room. I'm laying on my stomach with my laptop at the end of the bed, getting on with some homework.
"Hey." Jade mutters.
"Hi." I reply, turning back to look at her.

"You almost done?" She asks.
"Hmm, kind of." I sigh, turning back and typing away.
"How about you take a break?" She questions. "When's it due?" She asks.
"The 4th." I mutter.
"Plenty of time, why do you get it done so quickly?" She says as I close my laptop and turn back to her.
"I sleep easier knowing I don't have as much to do." I reply, resting on my knees as I take her face in my hands and kiss her gently. Jade being Jade, she deepens the kiss, her hands roaming down my waist and to my thighs, pulling me onto her lap so that I'm straddling her. I smile into the kiss at her antics. My arms drape around her neck as hers hold my thighs, roaming up before squeezing my ass. I gasp into the kiss causing her to smirk. "You-" I smile, shaking my head a little bit as the kiss is broken.
"Me, what, baby?" She asks with a playful look in her eyes.
"Nothing." I smile, kissing her once again.
"That's what I thought." She states between kisses. "Hey, why don't you show me that new dress?" She suggests.
"Shouldn't I keep it a surprise for New Years?" I question.
"I can't wait that long." She sighs.
"You're so dramatic." I laugh, getting off of her and grabbing the dress from my closet. "Turn away." I tell her, throwing her hoodie her way as I take it off.
"You're boring." She jokes, closing her eyes. I quickly change before heading back over to her. It's a simple red satin dress that hugs my curves loosely and shows just enough.

"You can open your eyes now." I say, leaning to kiss her before she does so."I've never seen you in red before, but god do you look hot." She says, looking me up and down."Glad you think so." I reply.

A/n: I've been gone for a while and I can only apologise for that. If you haven't seen my announcements I've basically just been going through a rough patch but I missed writing and wanted to give you guys a chapter. Thank you for all the support, it really means a lot and keeps me (somewhat) motivated to release chapters. New years was over a month ago but I'm hoping you guys don't mind. Thank you for reading, thank you for the support and I hope you enjoyed the chapter<3

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