Our Story

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DEMI P.O.V.: Maddie smiled at me.

Maddie: you guys dated? (I smiled and shrugged)

Demi: we never called it "dating", we had fun that whole August but then, in September, she just came one day to me and told me she was seeing Liam again

Maddie: didn't it hurt? (I shook my head)

Demi: I never considered her something more than a friend around that time

Maddie: really? But you acted like more than friends, right?

Demi: we would make out for minutes, hours sometimes, and hang out in our houses and just cuddle all the time while watching movies and stuff

Maddie: and that wasn't dating for you?

Demi: I thought we were just exploring and it felt good and also...after she went back to Liam, I started touring so it was meant to finish for a while

Maddie: for a while? (I nodded) there was more? You had sex? (I laughed out loud)

Demi: no, we didn't. But...when I went to rehab that year...she would send letters to me all the time and called me once in a while and she would spend hours telling me how much she missed me and loved me and those things.

Maddie: did she ever visit? (I nodded my head)

Demi: no one could visit me but somehow, she made it to my room

Maddie: you had a room for you? I don't really remember

Demi: oh I didn't, but my mate was in therapy while Miley was there with me

Maddie: and what happened there?

Demi: umm...

I jumped a little when the door opened abruptly and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Demi: Miley (I said happily and she locked the door quickly before running to hug me tightly)

Miley: shit, I missed you so so so much (she said in my ear and we pulled away from the hug. We both were crying)

Demi: I missed you too, what are you even doing here? No one can visit me

Miley: I guess we have a couple minutes until they find out I sneaked here (I smiled at how much she did for me and we sat in my bed) how have you been?

Demi: this is too much for me, I don't think I can do it

Miley: what? Of course you can...you're like...the most strong woman I know (I bit my lip and sighed)

Demi: anyways, let's talk about you...how have you been?

Miley: umm I've been fine I guess

Demi: how's Liam?

Miley: oh, we broke up last month

Demi: (I frowned) I'm sorry to hear that, what happened?

Miley: he just wasn't what I needed

Demi: I'm sorry (she nodded and glanced at the bed)

Miley: I'm gonna have to leave soon but...before I go, can I hold you a while?

Demi: (I smiled slightly) sure (she sat on the bed with her back on the wall and I laid my head on her chest while she hugged me from behind)

Miley: cause there is no guaranty, that this life is easy (she whispered in my ear and I smiled) yea when my world is falling apart, when there's no light to break up the dark, that's when I..I-I-I I look at you (I bit my lip) when the waves, are flooding the shore and I can't find my way anymore that's when I...I-I-I I look at you (she nuzzled my neck softly and I turned my head back to glance at her)

Demi: will you forget about me while I'm here? (She smiled down at me)

Miley: that's impossible (she leaned down to me and we pressed our lips together for a while until we ran out of air)

She left some minutes later and we never talked about that again.


Maddie: I don't get why you're not with her

Demi: we're just friends, that's all

Maddie: yea right, friends don't do those things

Demi: whatever, that's our story

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