{47} you know those duffle bags?

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The voice that greeted Peter when he next woke up from a medically induced nap, wasn't the same voice that had lulled him to sleep. It was the voice that he had been craving to hear ever since Hydra had invaded his life again and uprooted it. "'Tasha?" His lips turned upwards as he whispered the name aloud. He caught sight of the familiar red hair and any of the remaining tension that had been clinging to him suddenly drained away.

"Yeah, it's me kid." She said, voice soft as always when addressing him.

Peter struggled to keep his eyes open, but he fought hard just to catch another glimpse of the woman; he stuck his hand out and Natasha laughed slightly, intertwining their fingers. A moment of comfortable silence passed between them while Peter gripped her hand tight and Natasha's fingers dropped discretely to his pulse point. The familiar rhythm soothed the last of the assassin's worries and fears- Peter pretended not to notice the way she slumped forwards in relief.

"You're never allowed to leave my sight again." She teased, stroking back a few strands of his hair. Peter's eyes slipped closed and he huffed out a small laugh, dozing slightly. "I've lost count of how many times you've almost died in front of me kid- thought I told you to not do that for a while."

Despite the humour to her words, there was a ring of solemn truth to them as she continued to gently run her nails across his scalp. He leaned into the gesture unconsciously.

"Two. Definitely two times." He murmured with a small shrug.

Natasha tutted. "That's two, too many."

Neither of them was concerned by how much time had passed of Natasha simply sitting there, silence settling around them while Peter basked in her presence and the fact that he could reach out and touch her- that she was there and no longer a voice on the phone. She was there and he was home.

He didn't think he'd make it home.

"It hurts." Peter whispered; his face mushed against the pillow.

The sudden sound of his voice startled Natasha out of her daydream. It was quiet and pained, making her back straighten when she anxiously leaned over him. "Should I get Bruce?"

"It's not that kind of pain." He admitted, shifting his grip on her hand.

Natasha frowned in confusion. "What is it? You can tell me." Her voice soothing.

"My head. Feels like they're still in there." He looked up at her through his eyelashes, tears clung to them as he sniffled. "I'm just really scared 'Tasha." Peter let out a long breath and furiously wiped at his eyes; he just wanted to stop crying. "God, it feels like everything is so fucked." he breathed out, voice cracking as he broke off into another sob left his shoulders shaking.

"Welcome to the world." Natasha muttered humourlessly under her breath.

Peter's face morphed into confusion when Nat poked his side and rolled him over; she crawled into the bed beside him before firmly tucking him beneath her chin. He went without complaint.

"Life isn't simple kid." She sighed, her thumb rubbing circles against his shoulder in a calming pattern. "It's hard and ugly and sometimes all we want to do is run for the hills- but we've got each other." Natasha looked straight ahead as she spoke and felt Peter nod, albeit hesitantly. "There are so many people who care about you- Clint, Harley, the whole team- so it's going to be okay. You're going to be okay, even if you're not right now kid." She promised, looking down at him when he wriggled in her arms a little.

Nervously, his tongue dashed across his lips. "You know those duffle bags?"

His eyes were still wide and red, but he looked stubbornly determined while he waited for her answer. Natasha felt her heart break at the sight in front of her as she nodded, fully aware of the unspoken duffle bags that they both kept hidden beneath their beds.

"We'll bring Clint too, for entertainment purposes-"

"- and Harley?" Peter asked, hopeful. Nat smiled down at him.

"And Harley." She agreed easily, knowing that the two of them would refuse to be parted for anything longer than a few days- and she also knew the time away from world ending disasters would do them some good. "You'll have to facetime May. I'm surprised she hasn't broken down the door to get in."

As if on cue, a chorus of voices rose from outside the door.

"He's awake? You visited him- Clint I said no visitors-"

"Move your ass old man I have to go yell at my boyfriend-"

"- old? Excuse me you little-"

"Nick, I swear! Let me through-!"

"- in my defence Bruce, I was bored."

Pete snorted, wiping away the last remnants of his tears. "I think you're going to be busted." Natasha grinned and wordlessly tucked him back into her arms.

~ Le Fini ~ 

This is the final chapter and the end of this mini marvel series that I have dubbed:

'It's a Spider...'

It is also published over on my A03 account too in case you see it over there! I also wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who has supported me in the comments:

julianaalvarez260 and ellenjune_x 

You guys have been amazing! And I loved seeing your comments on new chapter- hope you both enjoyed the story! Xoxo.

If anyone has any ideas for oneshots or other marvel stories, then don't be afraid to let me know in the comments or a private message. Again, I hope you enjoyed. :)

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