Fair and square part 2

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Ezra p.o.v.
It is still hilarious how zeb and Kane both think that I gonna buy bombs or something. In reality I actually wanted to do something nice for the crew after the took me in and everything. Im in town now buying supplies for my surprise. I didn't want to make a big deal or anything but the ghost definitely needed some upgrades. Like a lot. It may have taken me all day and a lot of bargaining but I finally got all the parts. Because there was so much, I had to put some of it at my tower. I would go back later for those pieces. I got back to the ghost when it was about dark and I decided to work through the night.
Morning Hera p.o.v.

I got up before everyone else, as usual, and got up to start my day. The ghost was getting a little out of shape and I was planning on trying to fix some of it today. The problem with the upgrades is that a lot of the supplies that are needed are sold by the empire and are hard to get. I got dressed and then stumbled to the cockpit to get my kaff. Once I was awake-ish I scanned the ghost to see what to work on first. I almost dropped my mug when it said that everything was upgraded on the ship. Litterly the only thing that needed to be done was a paint job and that was Sabines specialty. I scanned it again just to make sure but I got the same result. I was about to scan the ship a third time but Kanen came in holding his own kaff. "Kanen? Have you seen this?" He came over and looked at the scanners, he had about he same response I did. " who did that?" " I don't know.how would they even get those supplies? They must have cost a fortune." " I don't know Hera but wow that's actually really amazing." A few minuets later zeb and Sabine strolled in. " hey guys? Did either of you upgrade the ship?" They both shook there heads and peered over my shoulder at the scan both equally surprised. " do you think that's what ezra used his sabacc winning for?" Zeb said. " what sabacc winnings?" I hadn't heard of any games going on. " apparently Ezra's really good at sabacc. zeb learned the hard way." Kanen Explained " how much?" " bout 250" I didn't even know they had that much truthfully. " wow. Zeb, can you go get him?" Zeb mumbled a sure and left. " why would he do this?" I asked Kanen but he just shrugged. Zeb returned a few minutes later followed by a not even half awake Ezra. He sat down next to Kanen while the others started talking.
Kanen p.o.v.
" so Ezra" he barley lifted his head to notice me. " did you upgrade the ship?" Ezra just nodded his head slightly not furthering the conversation. " thank you" Hera said from her spot in the pilots seat. "No problem" Ezra mumbled. We talked for a few minuets until I fealt a weight on my shoulder. I looked over to find Ezra asleep leaning on me. I could hear Sabine awing from her spot on the couch. " he must have been up all night." Hera also had a motherly look on her face. " guess so." I didn't dare wake him so I let him sleep until zeb carried him into there room. We would have to thank him later when he's more lucid.

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