-explore the sewers together, make sure to always hold hands
-look through his attic
-go to Neibolt (only before you knew about IT)
-sneak out at three am
-egg teachers houses
-steal beer from his parents cooler and go to the woods to try it
-try to camp out in the woods (but get to scared and go back to your place)
-convince him to go to junkyards and look for cool stuff
-find creative ways to avoid Bowers
-visit abandoned places, he'll scare you for fun
-give you piggyback rides and run throughout town threatening to drop you (he never does)
-sneak into movies
-sneak around his church and look for creepy stuff
-climb trees together
-make out, a lot
-go to the Quarry and have breath holding contests
-try to catch turtles and fish
-hop on the rocks on the river and try not to fall
-explore abandoned buildings
-go ghost hunting
-try to scare the shit out of the others
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