-gets nervous, and is kind of honored by the fact that you care enough to get jealous
-thinks it very cute
-assures you theres nothing to worry about
-teases you about it
-will seriously not let it go
-wraps his arm around you and explains how you shouldn't be jealous
-in disbelief
-"hey (y/n) calm down its fine"
-gets kinda nervous about the whole thing
-laughs about it
-"now you know how I feel"
-not even trying to reassure you he thinks its fucking hilarious
-touched that you care so deeply for him
-always reassures you that your the only one for him
-if your not convinced prepare for kisses and hand holding
-"wait really?"
-thinks its kinda dumb, he loves you and only you how could you think otherwise?
-"(y/n) really theres nothing to worry about I love you"
-doesn't bother holding you back
-thinks its kinda hot and likes it
-makes fun of you for it later
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net