-usually gets through about two subjects worth of homework before stopping
-good at helping with english and science
-needs help with math and his stutter (not rly homework but he insists)
-study dates are always at his house after school, you chill on the couch and cuddle while working
-you'll have to convince him to study, which will take a long ass time
-usually at your place
-you have to reward him with kisses or candy to keep him going
-eventually you just give up and let him copy you
-Always at your place, in your room
-He needs help with history and math, and he helps you with science and english
-you guys usually finish pretty fast
-after that you just take a nap or smth
-kind of an asshole lmao
-works you until you need a nap
-study at his place, lets you sleep on him after you finish
-always prepares you for a test
-at the library
-you guys go all out, you make flash cards and compare notes. You guys work really well together
-always super prepared
-you guys only need occasional help
-really great tutor
-helps prepare you for tests and encourages you to keep working hard
-tells you he's really proud of you for putting that much effort into school
-sometimes he might give you answers
-at the library or at your place
-you guys share notes and answers and try to cram it in as soon as you can
-get through it pretty quickly
-makes cheat sheets for you
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