-going out for sushi and ramen all the time
-stealing his clothes
-heated make out sessions in the middle of movie marathons
-taking cute pictures and posting them on IG
-going to amusement parks and carnivals and holding his hand if you go on a huge rollercoaster
-him winning you stuffed animals at the prize booths
-messing with his hair while you sit on his lap
-watching IT over and over again and telling him how cute he is as Bill
-lots of cuddling
-very protective over you
-cute pet names
-having a shared Instagram for all your cute couple pictures
-tweeting about each other at 2AM
-him face timing you for no reason other then he wanted to see you
-going to thrift shops and record stores to look at vintage stuff
-binge watching IT (mini series) and stranger things while you cuddle and kiss on his bed
-describing each other's eyes in full detail while you stare at him intensely
-taking pictures of each other when you don't expect it
-going to the skatepark and cheering him on
-hanging around at his place and eating junk food
-Live streaming and FaceTimeing constantly
-lots of "I miss you"'s when he's away
-going out for late night snacks
-constantly grabbing your butt "by accident"
-kissing your neck to surprise you
-picking you up and spinning you around
-taking you everywhere
-lots of PDA
-going to horror movies constantly
-going camping sometimes
-mall dates, where you gotta stop him from spoiling you
-lots of kissing and making out
-stealing his sweaters
-cuddling with you while ur in his sweater
-complements all the time
-calls you once a day to make sure your ok
-good morning and goodnight texts
-snapchats that are just pictures of him and his dog (which you always save)
-you guys have the longest streak ^
-tagging each other in bad memes
-watching vine compilations and laughing your ass off
-tickle fights that end up in laughing so hard you can't breathe
-once you calm down you cuddle and say "I love you" over and over
-sleeping over at his place a lot
-going to plays together
-going out to nice ass diners
-cooking together! And taking cooking classes together
-stealing his glasses and him pretending to be annoyed
-surprise hugs
-calling a lot when he's away
-spoils you
-such a sweetheart? Smh you don't deserve him
-actual prince
-cute pda
-lots of adorable dates (like going out for milkshakes and sharing it with two straws, cliche stuff that's still grossly adorable)
-watching lots of musicals and Disney movies and singing along badly
-sometimes he'll write you long letters about why he loves you
-shopping together bc he has the best fashion sense
-playing little pranks on him bc he can never stay mad at you
-him being very protective
-takes you out on big, expensive dates but is also cool with just chilling in PJs at home
-making playlists together
-just laying in his bed and talking about random stuff
-bad jokes
-showing you off all the time
-lots of sleepovers!
-stealing each other's clothes for the red carpet and looking bomb as hell
-doing each other's makeup
-surprising you with the perfect gift
-really good at gift giving^
-lots of hugging
-texts you a lot, just to make sure your ok and see if there's anything on your mind
-gossiping a lot and loving it
-going on cafe dates, drinking coffee and talking about random shit
-helping her with her acting career and acting as a second manager
-she always makes time for you
-says "my girl comes first"
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