-his mom has the best cook books
-you guys work really well together
-he constantly gives you little kisses and insists "there was something on your lips"
-least messy out of the group
-throws flour on you
-eats the batter whenever your not looking
-steals your cooking tools and insists for a kiss to get them back
-makes a huge ass mess but you eventually get it done
-licks the spoons after your done (and maybe even before)
-mainly just watches you
-good at following directions
-he's actually pretty good at baking because he used to do it for his mom
-a perfectionist
-"it says one cup right? This is 1cm off we gotta start over"
-super good at cleaning up though
-you guys eat it all in one day
-puts batter on your lips and licks it off
-not the best cook but he can learn
-you guys play music and dance as you cook
-things can get a bit messy but its not that bad
-such a good baker
-has tons of recipes and you guys usually make more then one thing
-sometimes you can get into flour fights
-always offers to clean up
-sucks at baking but she tries
-ignores directions
-"lets just put in the whole fucking bag of sugar y/n!"
-always wants to make cookies
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